# voipms-python A python-based API wrapper for [voip.ms](https://voip.ms/). ## Installation You can install this package from PyPi using [pip](http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/), a package manager for Python. Once pip is installed, run ```sh pip install --upgrade voipms-python ``` You can also install from source with: ```sh python setup.py install ``` ### Requirements - Python 2.7+ or 3.4+ ## Usage The library needs to be configured with your account's email and API password, the latter of which can be created [here](https://voip.ms/m/api.php). Set the variables `voipms.email` and `voipms.apikey` to their respective values: ```python import voipms voipms.email = "test@email.com" voipms.api_key = "01N0sWTdiutWTHNF" # get current account balance voipms.general.get_balance() # remove did from account voipms.dids.cancel_dids(did="5551234567") ```