from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader file_loader = FileSystemLoader('.') env = Environment(loader=file_loader) print("Which category does this endpoint fall under?") subdir_index = int(input("1: accounts, 2: call_detail_records, 3: dids, 4: general, 5: voicemail: ")) subdir = ("accounts", "call_detail_records", "dids", "general", "voicemail")[subdir_index - 1] endpoint = "getCountries" method = "countries" filename = "../voipms/api/{}/{}.py".format(subdir, method) template = env.get_template('endpoint.j2') method_split = method.split('_') class_name = ''.join((i.title() for i in method_split)) output = template.render(endpoint=endpoint, class_name=class_name) with open(filename, 'a') as file: file.writelines(output) filename = "../voipms/api/{}/".format(subdir) template = env.get_template('import.j2') method_split = method.split('_') class_name = ''.join((i.title() for i in method_split)) output_import = template.render(method_name=method, class_name=class_name, category_name=subdir) template = env.get_template('initialize.j2') output_init = template.render(method_name=method) template = env.get_template('subdir_init.j2') output_property = template.render(method_name=method, class_name=class_name) with open(filename, 'r') as file: contents = file.readlines() pos = 0 for k, v in enumerate(contents): if v == "\n": contents.insert(k, output_import + "\n") pos = k break print(pos) for k, v in enumerate(contents[pos+2:], pos+2): if v == "\n": contents.insert(k, output_init + "\n") break contents.append("\n\n" + output_property) with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.writelines(contents) filename = "../voipms/api/" template = env.get_template('dir_init.j2') output = template.render(method_name=method) with open(filename, 'a') as file: file.writelines("\n\n" + output)