'invalid_lastname':'Lastname is missing or the format is invalid.',
'invalid_listened':'This is not a valid Listened value',
'invalid_location':'This is not a valid Location',
'invalid_lockinternational':'This is not a valid Lock International',
'invalid_mailbox':'This is not a valid mailbox',
'invalid_maximum_callers':'This is not a valid maximum callers value',
'invalid_maximum_wait_time':'This is not a valid maximum wait time value',
'invalid_method':'This is not a valid Method',
'invalid_member':'This is not a valid Member',
'invalid_member_delay':'This is not a valid Member Delay',
'invalid_message_num':'This is not a valid Voicemail Message Number',
'invalid_minute':'This is not a valid Minute Rate',
'invalid_mixed_numbers':'Toll-free numbers and local numbers can not be mixed in the same order.',
'invalid_monthly':'This is not a valid Montly Fee',
'invalid_musiconhold':'This is not a valid Music on Hold',
'invalid_name':'This is not a valid name, Alphanumeric Only',
'invalid_nat':'This is not a valid NAT',
'invalid_note':'This is not a valid Note, lenght should be less than 50 chars',
'invalid_number':'This is not a valid Number',
'invalid_number_porttype':'You have entered a local number (not valid in this portability process)',
'invalid_number_canadian':'You have entered a Canadian number (not valid in this portability process).',
'invalid_number_us':'You have entered a USA number (not valid in this portability process).',
'invalid_number_fax':'The Fax number can not be ported into our network',
'invalid_number_exist':'The number is already in our network',
'invalid_numbermembers':'The element format of multiple data is not correct or it size does not match with other elements',
'invalid_order':'This is not a valid "order" value',
'invalid_package':'This is not a valid Package',
'invalid_password':'This is not a valid passwordVoicemail: Must be 4 DigitsSubAccounts: More than 6 chars, Must Contain Alphanumeric and !#$%&/()=?*[]_:.,{}+-',
'invalid_password_auth':'Do not provide a Password for IP Authentication',
'invalid_password_lessthan_8characters_long':'This is not a valid password (Less than 8 characters long)',
'invalid_password_missing_uppercase':'This is not a valid password (Missing upper case character)',
'invalid_password_missing_lowercase':'This is not a valid password (Missing lower case character)',
'invalid_password_ilegal_characters':'This is not a valid password (Allowed characters: Alphanumeric and ! # $ % & / ( ) = ? * [ ] _ : . , { } + -)',
'invalid_password_missing_number':'This is not a valid password (Missing a number)',
'invalid_pause':'This is not a valid Pause',
'invalid_payment':'This is not a valid Payment',
'invalid_phonebook':'This is not a valid Phonebook',
'invalid_phonenumber':'This is not a valid Phone Number',
'invalid_pin':'This is not a valid PIN',
'invalid_pin_number':'Must provide the account PIN number.',
'invalid_playinstructions':'This is not a valid PlayInstructionsShould be: u/su',
'invalid_priority':'This is not a valid Priority',
'invalid_protocol':'This is not a valid Protocol',
'invalid_province':'This is not a valid Province',
'invalid_provider_name':'You must provide the service provider name',
'invalid_provider_account':'You must provide your account # with the current provider',
'invalid_portingid':"The given ID is invalid or doesn't exist.",'invalid_porttype':'Must provide a valid port type.',
'invalid_port_status':'The status code is invalid. (You can use the values returned by the method getListStatus)',
'invalid_quantity':'This is not a valid quantity',
'invalid_query':'This is not a valid Query',
'invalid_queue':'This is not a valid Queue',
'invalid_quiet':'This is not a valid "quiet" value',
'invalid_recording':'This is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_join':'"join" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_leave':'"leave" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_has_joined':'"has_joined" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_has_left':'"has_left" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_kicked':'"kicked" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_muted':'"muted" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_unmuted':'"unmuted" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_only_person':'"only person" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_only_one':'"only one" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_there_are':'"there are" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_participants_muted':'"participants muted" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_other_in_party':'"other in party" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_place_into_conference':'"place into conference" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_get_pin':'"get pin" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_invalid_pin':'"invalid pin" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_locked':'"locked" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_locked_now':'"locked now" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_unlocked_now':'"unlocked now" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_error_menu':'"error menu" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_recording_sound_participants_unmuted':'"participants unmuted" is not a valid recording',
'invalid_report_hold_time_agent':'This is not a valid Report hold time agent',
'invalid_resellerclient':'This is not a valid Reseller Client',
'invalid_resellernextbilling':'This is not a valid Reseller Next Billing date, date should not be set in the past.',
'invalid_resellerpackage':'This is not a valid Reseller Package',
'invalid_response_timeout':'This is not a valid ResponseTimeOut',
'invalid_retry_timer':'This is not a valid Retry timer',
'invalid_ringgroup':'This is not a valid Ring group',
'invalid_ring_inuse':'This is not a valid Ring in use value',
'invalid_route':'This is not a valid Route',
'invalid_routing_header':'This is not a valid Routing headerShould be: account/vm/fwd',
'invalid_saycallerid':'This is not a valid SayCallerIDShould be: yes/no',
'invalid_saytime':'This is not a valid SayTimeShould be: yes/no',
'invalid_security_code':'This is not a valid Security Code.Should be alphanumeric.',
'invalid_serverpop':'This is not a valid Server POP',
'invalid_setup':'This is not a valid Setup Fee',
'invalid_silence_threshold':'This is not a valid "silence threshold" value',
'invalid_sipuri':'This is not a valid SIPURI',
'invalid_sms':'This is not a valid SMS',
'invalid_sms_forward':'This is not a valid SMS forward',
'invalid_snn':'Must provide the 4 last digits of the SSN.',
'invalid_statement_name':'Statement Name is missing or the format is invalid.',
'invalid_skippassword':'This is not a valid skippasswordShould be: 1/0 - or - yes/no',
'invalid_speed_dial':'This is not a valid Speed Dial',
'invalid_starthour':'This is not a valid Start Hour',
'invalid_startminute':'This is not a valid Start Minute',
'invalid_start_muted':'This is not a valid Start Muted',
'invalid_state':'This is not a valid State',
'invalid_strategy':'This is not a valid Ring Strategy',
'invalid_talking_threshold':'This is not a valid "talking threshold" value',
'invalid_talk_detection':'This is not a valid talk detection value',
'invalid_tfnumber_porttype':'You have entered a toll-free number (not valid in this portability process).',
'invalid_thankyou_for_your_patience':'This is not a valid Thankyou for your patience value',
'Invalid_threshold':'This is not a valid Threshold Amount. The Threshold Amount should be between 1 and 250',
'invalid_timecondition':'This is not a valid Time Condition',
'invalid_timeout':'This is not a valid timeout',
'invalid_timerange':'This is not a valid Timer Range',
'invalid_timezone':'This is not a valid TimezoneCDR and resellerCDR: Must be numericVoicemail: Values from getTimezone',
'invalid_type':'This is not a valid Type',
'invalid_to_number':'This is not a valid destination number',
'invalid_username':'This is not a valid Username',
'invalid_voice_announcement':'This is not a valid Voice announce',
'invalid_voicemailsetup':'This is not a valid voicemail',
'invalid_wrapup_time':'This is not a valid Wrapup time',
'invalid_weekdayend':'This is not a valid Week End',
'invalid_weekdaystart':'This is not a valid Week Start',
'invalid_priority_weight':'This is not valid weight/priority value',
'invalid_urgent':'This is not valid urgent value',
'invalid_zip':'Zip Code is missing or the format is invalid.',
'ip_not_enabled':'This IP is not enabled for API use',