Kevin 12a899d6bd Key ring can now be saved/loaded from files 2020-07-22 01:26:59 -05:00
identity added public identity test 2020-06-04 03:32:23 -05:00
profile Key ring can now be saved/loaded from files 2020-07-22 01:26:59 -05:00
session work on menus 2020-06-02 02:57:58 -05:00
Curve25519Test.cs added standard curve25519 decryption 2020-05-09 23:19:47 -05:00
KeyGenTest.cs finished standard authenticated pubkey encryption, but no decryption yet 2020-05-09 05:26:38 -05:00
doublekeyPrivateTest.cs can now encrypt strings in cli menu 2020-05-26 04:16:49 -05:00
doublekeyPublicTest.cs can now encrypt strings in cli menu 2020-05-26 04:16:49 -05:00
keyringTest.cs csv serialization test added 2020-06-06 04:24:14 -05:00
testEntropy.cs added entropy calculator 2020-05-25 00:05:49 -05:00
testSymmetric.cs added symmetric encrypt/decrypt support 2020-05-25 03:52:39 -05:00
tests.csproj Key ring can now be saved/loaded from files 2020-07-22 01:26:59 -05:00