using System; using CommandLine; using treasurechest.STDIOWrapper; using treasurechest; namespace treasurechestCLI { internal class TreasureChestMenu{ private string language; public TreasureChestMenu(){ language = translations.GetLanguage.language; } internal void showMenu(){ translations.Strings strings = new translations.Strings(); string[] mainMenuOptions = {strings.MAIN_MENU_ENCRYPT, strings.MAIN_MENU_DECRYPT, strings.EXIT}; STDIO.O(strings.WELCOME); int counter = 1; int choice = 0; int mainMenuOptionsSize = mainMenuOptions.Length; while (choice != mainMenuOptions.Length){ foreach (string option in mainMenuOptions){ STDIO.O(counter.ToString() + ". " + option); counter += 1; } try{ choice = Int32.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.OverflowException){ // User being silly with input STDIO.O(strings.MAIN_MENU_SELECT_INTEGER); counter = 1; } catch(System.FormatException){ // Too lazy to check strings, force them to use int from menu which is faster anyway STDIO.O(strings.MAIN_MENU_SELECT_INTEGER); counter = 1; } catch(System.ArgumentNullException){ // Can happen when stream closes (e.g. ctrl-d) // since menu is intended to be directly human interfaced, user probably wants to exit choice = mainMenuOptionsSize; } if (choice == mainMenuOptionsSize){ break; } else{ STDIO.O(strings.INVALID_OPTION); } counter = 1; } } } }