using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; using Sodium; using chestcrypto.exceptions; namespace chestcrypto{ namespace session{ public class Session{ // Create List of tuples(time, byte[]) // Where the tuple contains a time stamp for expiry and a ed25519 key private List<(long, byte[])> ourPrivateKeys; private List<(long, byte[])> theirPublicKeys; private byte[] ourMasterPrivateKey; private byte[] theirMasterPublicKey; private bool strictMode; private long messageDelay = 25; private int minimumKeyExpireSeconds = 600; private void validateKeyLength(byte[] key){ if (key.Length != 32){ throw new InvalidKeyLength(); } } private long getEpoch(){ return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); } private void validateTimestamp(long ts){ if (ts < getEpoch() + minimumKeyExpireSeconds){ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } private bool publicKeyExists(byte[] key){ foreach((int, byte[]) k in theirPublicKeys){ if (Enumerable.SequenceEqual(k.Item2, key)){ return true; } } return false; } private bool privateKeyExists(byte[] key){ foreach((int, byte[]) k in ourPrivateKeys){ if (Enumerable.SequenceEqual(k.Item2, key)){ return true; } } return false; } public Session(byte[] masterPrivate, byte[] masterPublic, bool strictMode, long messageDelay){ validateKeyLength(masterPrivate); validateKeyLength(masterPublic); ourMasterPrivateKey = masterPrivate; theirMasterPublicKey = masterPublic; this.strictMode = strictMode; this.messageDelay = messageDelay; ourPrivateKeys = new List<(long, byte[])>(); theirPublicKeys = new List<(long, byte[])>(); } public byte[] getOurMasterPrivate(){return ourMasterPrivateKey;} public byte[] getTheirMasterPublic(){return theirMasterPublicKey;} public void setMinimumKeyExpireSeconds(int newSeconds){minimumKeyExpireSeconds = newSeconds;} public void setMessageDelay(long newDelay){ messageDelay = newDelay; } public void addPublic(byte[] publicKey, long timestamp){ timestamp -= messageDelay; // Subtract some time from the specified timestamp because we don't want to use it close to expiry validateKeyLength(publicKey); validateTimestamp(timestamp); if (publicKeyExists(publicKey)){throw new DuplicatePublicKey();} theirPublicKeys.Add((timestamp, publicKey)); } public byte[] getLatestPublicKey(){ if (theirPublicKeys.Count == 0 && strictMode) throw new NoSessionKeyAvailable(); var key = theirPublicKeys[theirPublicKeys.Count - 1]; validateTimestamp(key.Item1); return key.Item2; } public byte[] getLatestPrivateKey(){ if (ourPrivateKeys.Count == 0 && strictMode) throw new NoSessionKeyAvailable(); var key = ourPrivateKeys[ourPrivateKeys.Count -1]; validateTimestamp(key.Item1); return key.Item2; } public void addPrivate(byte[] privateKey, long timestamp){ validateKeyLength(privateKey); validateTimestamp(timestamp); if (privateKeyExists(privateKey)){throw new DuplicatePrivateKey();} ourPrivateKeys.Add((timestamp, privateKey)); } public void generatePrivate(int secsToExpire = 1200){ long ts = (long) secsToExpire + getEpoch(); addPrivate(PublicKeyBox.GenerateKeyPair().PrivateKey, ts); } public void cleanPublic(){ long epoch = getEpoch(); bool expired((long, byte[]) k){ if (k.Item1 > epoch){ return true; } return false; } theirPublicKeys.RemoveAll(expired); // remove all keys who are truthy with expired() } public void cleanPrivate(){ // Can't use predicate approach because we want to zero out private keys List remove = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < ourPrivateKeys.Count; i++){ if (ourPrivateKeys[i].Item1 > getEpoch()){ remove.Add(i); // We manually clear memory to reduce attack surface a tiny bit (GC may take too long) Array.Clear(ourPrivateKeys[i].Item2, 0, ourPrivateKeys[i].Item2.Length); } } foreach(int i in remove){ ourPrivateKeys.RemoveAt((int) i); } } } } }