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Snow10 is a free and open-source web and Android app for converting messages into invisible whitespace characters and back again.

snow image

It is available on Github.

Encoding Basics

Snow10 messages are meant to be embedded elsewhere, specifically within or by standard blocks of text.

Messages with the 'zero width characters' setting work in most places that accept unicode input.

Simply enter the message you want to hide (waring: larger messages are more noticeable, and really massive messages may be dangerous/not work)

You can uncheck 'use zero width characters' but this is more noticeable in some cases and is more likely to be stripped out.

Then, enter a decent password in both passwords fields to encrypt your message (or disable encryption, but note that doing so will let anyone read your message.)

Press 'encode' and wait for the output window to show, then, press 'copy to clipboard'.

You can now paste your message inside Twitter DMs, social media posts, word documents, or elsewhere.

Decoding Basics

To retrieve a Snow10 message, copy paste it into the text field.

It is important to get the full message, & if not using 'zero width characters', then remove any non-message text. This can be difficult, but failing to do so many result in an incomplete or corrupted message.

If the message is encrypted, enter the password (you only need to enter it into the first field to decode).

If the message is not encrypted, uncheck 'use encryption'

Then, press decode.

If all went right, then you should see the decoded message.


Here is an example of Snow10's use.

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