import Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi'); import '@hapi/vision'; import { fetchAlbum, fetchAlbumURL, fetchComments, fetchGallery, fetchMedia, fetchTagPosts, fetchUserInfo, fetchUserPosts } from './fetchers'; import * as util from './util'; import CONFIG from './config'; export const handleMedia = async (request: Hapi.Request, h: Hapi.ResponseToolkit) => { const { baseName, extension, } = request.params; const result = await fetchMedia(`${baseName}.${extension}`); const response = h.response(result.rawBody) .header('Content-Type', result.headers["content-type"] || `image/${extension}`); return response; }; export const handleAlbum = async (request: Hapi.Request, h: Hapi.ResponseToolkit) => { // const albumID = request.params.albumID; if (CONFIG.use_api) { const album = await fetchAlbum(albumID); return h.view('gallery', { ...album, pageTitle: CONFIG.page_title, util, }); } const url = await fetchAlbumURL(albumID); return h.view('bare-album', { url, pageTitle: CONFIG.page_title, util, }); }; export const handleUser = async (request: Hapi.Request, h: Hapi.ResponseToolkit) => { // if (!CONFIG.use_api) { return 'User page disabled. Rimgu administrator needs to enable API for this to work.'; } const userID = request.params.userID; const user = await fetchUserInfo(userID); const posts = await fetchUserPosts(userID); return h.view('posts', { posts, user, pageTitle: CONFIG.page_title, util, }); }; export const handleTag = async (request: Hapi.Request, h: Hapi.ResponseToolkit) => { // if (!CONFIG.use_api) { return 'Tag page disabled. Rimgu administrator needs to enable API for this to work.'; } const tagID = request.params.tagID; const result = await fetchTagPosts(tagID); return h.view('posts', { posts: result.items, pageTitle: CONFIG.page_title, tag: result, util, }); }; export const handleGallery = async (request: Hapi.Request, h: Hapi.ResponseToolkit) => { const galleryID = request.params.galleryID; const gallery = await fetchGallery(galleryID); const comments = CONFIG.use_api ? await fetchComments(galleryID) : null; return h.view('gallery', {, comments, pageTitle: CONFIG.page_title, util, }); };