from gevent import monkey from gevent import sleep monkey.patch_all() from threading import Thread from os import remove, mkdir, path, stat from shutil import rmtree from uuid import uuid4 from bottle import route, run from bottle import static_file from bottle import SimpleTemplate from .get import get from .config import IMAGE_CACHE, template_dir def get_timestamp_of_file(file): return stat(file).st_ctime def album(id): req = IMAGE_CACHE get("/a/" + id, req) found_list_file = IMAGE_CACHE + ("/a/" + id).replace('/', '_') with open(found_list_file, 'r') as f: imgs =',') for c, img in enumerate(imgs): imgs[c] = IMAGE_CACHE + imgs[c] # sort image order (file creation time) imgs = sorted(imgs, key=get_timestamp_of_file) for c, img in enumerate(imgs): imgs[c] = img.replace(IMAGE_CACHE, '/') with open(f'{template_dir}gallery.html', 'r') as img_view: tpl = SimpleTemplate(img_view) return tpl.render(imgs=imgs) @route('/') @route('') def home(): return static_file("index.html", root=template_dir) @route('/static/') def static(file=''): return static_file(file, root=template_dir) @route('/gallery/') def gallery(id=''): return album(id) @route('/a/') def gallery(id=''): return album(id) @route('/') def img(img=''): if not img.endswith("jpeg") and not img.endswith("jpg") and not img.endswith("png"): img = img + ".jpg" img = img.replace('jpeg', 'jpg') if not path.exists(IMAGE_CACHE + img): get(img, IMAGE_CACHE) return static_file(img, root=IMAGE_CACHE) def start_server(): try: rmtree(IMAGE_CACHE) except FileNotFoundError: pass mkdir(IMAGE_CACHE) run(server='gevent', host='')