import sys from os import remove from threading import Thread import requests import bs4 from gevent import sleep from .config import SINGLE_IMAGE_DELETE_AFTER_SECS def delete_file(path): sleep(SINGLE_IMAGE_DELETE_AFTER_SECS) print('Erasing', path) try: remove(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass def error(msg): sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() def get(url: str, write_dir: str, delete=True): if not url.startswith(''): url = '' + url found_url = '' album = False if "gallery" in url: url = url.replace("gallery", "a") if "/a/" in url: album = True if not url.endswith("blog"): url += "/layout/blog" if not album: print('Getting img', url) url = '' + url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].replace('jpeg', 'jpg') with open(f'{write_dir}/{url[-11:]}', 'wb') as img: img.write(requests.get(url).content) if delete: Thread(target=delete_file, args=[f"{write_dir}/{url[-11:]}"]).start() else: print('Detecting album/gallery images', url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'html.parser') for count, el in enumerate('.post-image meta[itemprop="contentUrl"]'), start=1): try: found_url = "https:" + el['content'] except KeyError: error("Could not obtain url for detected image") continue if found_url.endswith('ico.jpg'): continue print(f"Downloading image {count}: {found_url}") print("Writing image", f"{write_dir}{found_url[-11:]}") with open(f"{write_dir}{found_url[-11:]}", "wb") as f: f.write(requests.get(found_url).content) if delete: Thread(target=delete_file, args=[f"{write_dir}{found_url[-11:]}"]).start()