Kevin F b941235007 Moved control commands to their own file
Delimit all messages to fix fifo race condition
2023-03-13 13:24:02 -05:00

41 lines
2.0 KiB

srcweave --formatter srcweave-format --weave docs/ ReadMe.md Building.md Dependencies.md EnvironmentVariables.md LICENSE.md \
security/Authentication.md security/ThreatModel.md Plumbing.md server/Server.md server/Streaming.md server/Sendkeys.md server/XdotoolCommands.md \
Client.md tools/Tools.md tools/Editor.md tools/Input.md tools/RawCapture.md tools/TUI.md
srcweave --formatter srcweave-format --tangle smartkeyboard/ ReadMe.md Plumbing.md security/Authentication.md EnvironmentVariables.md Dependencies.md \
server/Server.md server/Streaming.md server/Sendkeys.md server/XdotoolCommands.md server/StringCommands.md \
security/ThreatModel.md Client.md tools/Tools.md tools/Editor.md tools/Input.md \
tools/RawCapture.md tools/TUI.md
rm -rf docs
find smartkeyboard/ -type f -not -name "*_test.go" -delete
rm go.mod
rm go.sum
build: tangle
- cd smartkeyboard/server && go mod init keyboard.voidnet.tech
- cd smartkeyboard/server && go mod tidy
- cd smartkeyboard/server && go build -tags osusergo,netgo -o ../../bin/keyboard
- cd smartkeyboard/client && go mod init keyboard.voidnet.tech
- cd smartkeyboard/client && go mod tidy
- cd smartkeyboard/client && go build -tags osusergo,netgo -o ../../bin/keyboard-client
- cd smartkeyboard/tools/editor && go mod init keyboard.voidnet.tech
- cd smartkeyboard/tools/editor && go mod tidy
- cd smartkeyboard/tools/editor && go build -tags osusergo,netgo -o ../../../bin/keyboard-editor
- cd smartkeyboard/tools/input && go mod init keyboard.voidnet.tech
- cd smartkeyboard/tools/input && go mod tidy
- cd smartkeyboard/tools/input && go build -tags osusergo,netgo -o ../../../bin/keyboard-input
- cp smartkeyboard/tools/rawcapture/rawcapture.py bin/keyboard-rawcapture.py
- chmod +x bin/keyboard-rawcapture.py
- cp smartkeyboard/tools/tui/tui.py bin/tui.py
- chmod +x bin/tui.py
test: tangle
-cd smartkeyboard && go mod init keyboard.voidnet.tech
-cd smartkeyboard && go mod tidy
-cd smartkeyboard && go test -v ./...
all: weave tangle