Keyboard socket server

The server has two jobs, to authenticate and to accept a stream of key presses from the client.

For efficiency and security we support use of a unix socket, but tcp can be used instead. In the case of TCP, the server will listen on 127.1 by default but can be configured to listen on a different address and port. In any case, it is highly recommended to run the server behind a reverse proxy supporting HTTPS such as nginx or caddy.

Server Entrypoint

Before main execution, both the server and client check for a version command line argument. If it is present, the program will print the version and exit.

First, we make sure a token is provisioned. In the future we will use the system keyring.

Then we can start the web server and listen for websocket connections.

    func main(){
        @{handle version command}
        tokenBase64, _ := auth.ProvisionToken()
        if len(tokenBase64) > 0 {
            fmt.Println("This is your authentication token, it will only be shown once: " + tokenBase64)        


Used by 1

    package main



Picking a socket type and setting the listener

create listener
@{unixSocketPath} // gets unixSocketPath from environment, unixSocketPathExists defines if it exists
@{TCPBindAddress} // gets tcpBindAddress from environment, tcpBindAddressExists defines if it exists
@{TCPBindPort} // gets tcpBindPort from environment, tcpBindPortExists defines if it exists

if unixSocketPathExists {
    listener, _ = net.Listen("unix", unixSocketPath)
} else{
    if tcpBindAddressExists && tcpBindPortExists {
        listener, _ = net.Listen("tcp", tcpBindAddress + ":" + tcpBindPort)
    } else {
        listener, _ = net.Listen("tcp", "")


Used by 1

1. HTTP API endpoints

start http server
func StartServer() {

    @{create listener}
    fmt.Println("Listening on", listener.Addr())
    http.HandleFunc("/sendkeys", clientConnected)
    //http.HandleFunc("/activewindow", )
    http.Serve(listener, nil)


Used by 1

package server

    @{gorilla/websocket import string}
    @{keylogger import string}

var listener net.Listener

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

@{streaming keyboard input}
@{start http server}