/*! Color themes for Google Code Prettify | MIT License | github.com/jmblog/color-themes-for-google-code-prettify */ /* Atelier Dune Light with modifications for srcweave */ .prettyprint { border: none; } .pln { color: #20201d; } /* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */ ol.linenums { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; color: #999580; } li.L0, li.L1, li.L2, li.L3, li.L4, li.L5, li.L6, li.L7, li.L8, li.L9 { padding-left: 1em; background-color: #fefbec; list-style-type: decimal; } @media screen { /* string content */ .str { color: #60ac39; } /* keyword */ .kwd { color: #b854d4; } /* comment */ .com { color: #999580; } /* type name */ .typ { color: #6684e1; } /* literal value */ .lit { color: #b65611; } /* punctuation */ .pun { color: #20201d; } /* lisp open bracket */ .opn { color: #20201d; } /* lisp close bracket */ .clo { color: #20201d; } /* markup tag name */ .tag { color: #d73737; } /* markup attribute name */ .atn { color: #b65611; } /* markup attribute value */ .atv { color: #1fad83; } /* declaration */ .dec { color: #b65611; } /* variable name */ .var { color: #d73737; } /* function name */ .fun { color: #6684e1; } }