let started = false useUnicode = false let usingUnicode = function(result){ console.debug(result) if (result['keyboardprivacyunicode']){ useUnicode = true } } let doUnicode = browser.storage.sync.get("keyboardprivacyunicode"); doUnicode.then(usingUnicode, onError); function onError(error) { console.error(`Error: ${error}`); } function doSendMsg(msg, tabs) { for (let tab of tabs) { browser.tabs.sendMessage( tab.id, {keys: msg, getCurrent: false} ).then(response => { console.log("Message from the content script:"); console.log(response.response); }).catch(onError); } } let sender = async function(e){ if (e.key == 'Tab') { e.preventDefault(); let start = this.selectionStart; let end = this.selectionEnd; // set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret this.value = this.value.substring(0, start) + "\t" + this.value.substring(end); // put caret at right position again this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; } let sendMessageToTabs = function(tabs){ let val = document.getElementById('keyBuffer').value if (useUnicode){ val = getUnicode(val) } doSendMsg(val, tabs) } browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true }).then(sendMessageToTabs).catch(onError); } function getCurrent(){ browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true }).then(function(tabs){ for (let tab of tabs) { browser.tabs.sendMessage( tab.id, {keys: "", getCurrent: true} ).then(response => { console.debug(response) if (response.response === undefined || response.response === false){ //document.getElementById('keyBuffer').value = "No element in focus. Focus an element and reopen this." return } document.getElementById('keyBuffer').value = response.response }).catch(onError); } }).catch(onError); } getCurrent() document.getElementById("keyBuffer").focus() document.getElementById('keyBuffer').onkeydown = sender document.getElementById('keyBuffer').onpaste = sender