
351 lines
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Executable File

Onionr - Private P2P Communication
Core Onionr library, useful for external programs. Handles peer & data processing
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os, sys, json
import logger, netcontroller, config
from onionrblockapi import Block
import coredb
import deadsimplekv as simplekv
import onionrcrypto, onionrproofs, onionrevents as events, onionrexceptions
import onionrblacklist
from onionrusers import onionrusers
from onionrstorage import removeblock, setdata
import dbcreator, onionrstorage, serializeddata, subprocesspow
from etc import onionrvalues, powchoice
from onionrutils import localcommand, stringvalidators, bytesconverter, epoch
from onionrutils import blockmetadata
from utils import identifyhome
import storagecounter
class Core:
def __init__(self, torPort=0):
Initialize Core Onionr library
# set data dir
self.dataDir = identifyhome.identify_home()
self.usageFile = self.dataDir + 'disk-usage.txt'
self.config = config
self.maxBlockSize = 10000000 # max block size in bytes
self.onionrInst = None
self.hsAddress = ''
self.i2pAddress = config.get('i2p.own_addr', None)
self.bootstrapFileLocation = 'static-data/bootstrap-nodes.txt'
self.bootstrapList = []
self.requirements = onionrvalues.OnionrValues()
self.torPort = torPort
self.dataNonceFile = self.dataDir + 'block-nonces.dat'
self.forwardKeysFile = self.dataDir + 'forward-keys.db'
self.keyStore = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(self.dataDir + 'cachedstorage.dat', refresh_seconds=5)
self.storage_counter = storagecounter.StorageCounter(self)
# Socket data, defined here because of multithreading constraints with gevent
self.killSockets = False
self.startSocket = {}
self.socketServerConnData = {}
self.socketReasons = {}
self.socketServerResponseData = {}
if os.path.exists(self.dataDir + '/hs/hostname'):
with open(self.dataDir + '/hs/hostname', 'r') as hs:
self.hsAddress = hs.read().strip()
# Load bootstrap address list
if os.path.exists(self.bootstrapFileLocation):
with open(self.bootstrapFileLocation, 'r') as bootstrap:
bootstrap = bootstrap.read()
for i in bootstrap.split('\n'):
logger.warn('Warning: address bootstrap file not found ' + self.bootstrapFileLocation)
self.use_subprocess = powchoice.use_subprocess(self)
# Initialize the crypto object
self._crypto = onionrcrypto.OnionrCrypto(self)
self._blacklist = onionrblacklist.OnionrBlackList(self)
self.serializer = serializeddata.SerializedData(self)
def addPeer(self, peerID, name=''):
Adds a public key to the key database (misleading function name)
return coredb.keydb.addkeys.add_peer(self, peerID, name)
def addAddress(self, address):
Add an address to the address database (only tor currently)
return coredb.keydb.addkeys.add_address(self, address)
def removeAddress(self, address):
Remove an address from the address database
return coredb.keydb.removekeys.remove_address(self, address)
def removeBlock(self, block):
remove a block from this node (does not automatically blacklist)
**You may want blacklist.addToDB(blockHash)
removeblock.remove_block(self, block)
def createAddressDB(self):
Generate the address database
def createPeerDB(self):
Generate the peer sqlite3 database and populate it with the peers table.
def createBlockDB(self):
Create a database for blocks
def setData(self, data):
Set the data assciated with a hash
return onionrstorage.setdata.set_data(self, data)
def getData(self, hash):
Simply return the data associated to a hash
return onionrstorage.getData(self, hash)
def listAdders(self, randomOrder=True, i2p=True, recent=0):
Return a list of addresses
return coredb.keydb.listkeys.list_adders(self, randomOrder, i2p, recent)
def listPeers(self, randomOrder=True, getPow=False, trust=0):
Return a list of public keys (misleading function name)
randomOrder determines if the list should be in a random order
trust sets the minimum trust to list
return coredb.keydb.listkeys.list_peers(self, randomOrder, getPow, trust)
def getPeerInfo(self, peer, info):
Get info about a peer from their database entry
id text 0
name text, 1
adders text, 2
dateSeen not null, 3
trust int 4
hashID text 5
return coredb.keydb.userinfo.get_user_info(self, peer, info)
def setPeerInfo(self, peer, key, data):
Update a peer for a key
return coredb.keydb.userinfo.set_peer_info(self, peer, key, data)
def getAddressInfo(self, address, info):
Get info about an address from its database entry
address text, 0
type int, 1
knownPeer text, 2
speed int, 3
success int, 4
powValue 5
failure int 6
lastConnect 7
trust 8
introduced 9
return coredb.keydb.transportinfo.get_address_info(self, address, info)
def setAddressInfo(self, address, key, data):
Update an address for a key
return coredb.keydb.transportinfo.set_address_info(self, address, key, data)
def insertBlock(self, data, header='txt', sign=False, encryptType='', symKey='', asymPeer='', meta = {}, expire=None, disableForward=False):
Inserts a block into the network
encryptType must be specified to encrypt a block
allocationReachedMessage = 'Cannot insert block, disk allocation reached.'
if self.storage_counter.isFull():
return False
retData = False
if type(data) is None:
raise ValueError('Data cannot be none')
createTime = epoch.get_epoch()
dataNonce = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(self._crypto.sha3Hash(data))
with open(self.dataNonceFile, 'r') as nonces:
if dataNonce in nonces:
return retData
except FileNotFoundError:
# record nonce
with open(self.dataNonceFile, 'a') as nonceFile:
nonceFile.write(dataNonce + '\n')
if type(data) is bytes:
data = data.decode()
data = str(data)
plaintext = data
plaintextMeta = {}
plaintextPeer = asymPeer
retData = ''
signature = ''
signer = ''
metadata = {}
# metadata is full block metadata, meta is internal, user specified metadata
# only use header if not set in provided meta
meta['type'] = str(header)
if encryptType in ('asym', 'sym', ''):
metadata['encryptType'] = encryptType
raise onionrexceptions.InvalidMetadata('encryptType must be asym or sym, or blank')
data = data.encode()
except AttributeError:
if encryptType == 'asym':
meta['rply'] = createTime # Duplicate the time in encrypted messages to prevent replays
if not disableForward and sign and asymPeer != self._crypto.pubKey:
forwardEncrypted = onionrusers.OnionrUser(self, asymPeer).forwardEncrypt(data)
data = forwardEncrypted[0]
meta['forwardEnc'] = True
expire = forwardEncrypted[2] # Expire time of key. no sense keeping block after that
except onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey:
#onionrusers.OnionrUser(self, asymPeer).generateForwardKey()
fsKey = onionrusers.OnionrUser(self, asymPeer).generateForwardKey()
#fsKey = onionrusers.OnionrUser(self, asymPeer).getGeneratedForwardKeys().reverse()
meta['newFSKey'] = fsKey
jsonMeta = json.dumps(meta)
plaintextMeta = jsonMeta
if sign:
signature = self._crypto.edSign(jsonMeta.encode() + data, key=self._crypto.privKey, encodeResult=True)
signer = self._crypto.pubKey
if len(jsonMeta) > 1000:
raise onionrexceptions.InvalidMetadata('meta in json encoded form must not exceed 1000 bytes')
user = onionrusers.OnionrUser(self, symKey)
# encrypt block metadata/sig/content
if encryptType == 'sym':
if len(symKey) < self.requirements.passwordLength:
raise onionrexceptions.SecurityError('Weak encryption key')
jsonMeta = self._crypto.symmetricEncrypt(jsonMeta, key=symKey, returnEncoded=True).decode()
data = self._crypto.symmetricEncrypt(data, key=symKey, returnEncoded=True).decode()
signature = self._crypto.symmetricEncrypt(signature, key=symKey, returnEncoded=True).decode()
signer = self._crypto.symmetricEncrypt(signer, key=symKey, returnEncoded=True).decode()
elif encryptType == 'asym':
if stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(asymPeer):
# Encrypt block data with forward secrecy key first, but not meta
jsonMeta = json.dumps(meta)
jsonMeta = self._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(jsonMeta, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode()
data = self._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(data, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode()
signature = self._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(signature, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode()
signer = self._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(signer, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode()
onionrusers.OnionrUser(self, asymPeer, saveUser=True)
except ValueError:
# if peer is already known
raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey(asymPeer + ' is not a valid base32 encoded ed25519 key')
# compile metadata
metadata['meta'] = jsonMeta
metadata['sig'] = signature
metadata['signer'] = signer
metadata['time'] = createTime
# ensure expire is integer and of sane length
if type(expire) is not type(None):
assert len(str(int(expire))) < 14
metadata['expire'] = expire
# send block data (and metadata) to POW module to get tokenized block data
if self.use_subprocess:
payload = subprocesspow.SubprocessPOW(data, metadata, self).start()
payload = onionrproofs.POW(metadata, data).waitForResult()
if payload != False:
retData = self.setData(payload)
except onionrexceptions.DiskAllocationReached:
retData = False
# Tell the api server through localCommand to wait for the daemon to upload this block to make statistical analysis more difficult
if localcommand.local_command(self, '/ping', maxWait=10) == 'pong!':
if self.config.get('general.security_level', 1) == 0:
localcommand.local_command(self, '/waitforshare/' + retData, post=True, maxWait=5)
coredb.daemonqueue.daemon_queue_add('uploadBlock', retData)
coredb.blockmetadb.add_to_block_DB(retData, selfInsert=True, dataSaved=True)
coredb.blockmetadata.process_block_metadata(self, retData)
if retData != False:
if plaintextPeer == onionrvalues.DENIABLE_PEER_ADDRESS:
events.event('insertdeniable', {'content': plaintext, 'meta': plaintextMeta, 'hash': retData, 'peer': bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(asymPeer)}, onionr = self.onionrInst, threaded = True)
events.event('insertblock', {'content': plaintext, 'meta': plaintextMeta, 'hash': retData, 'peer': bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(asymPeer)}, onionr = self.onionrInst, threaded = True)
return retData
def introduceNode(self):
Introduces our node into the network by telling X many nodes our HS address
if localcommand.local_command(self, '/ping', maxWait=10) == 'pong!':
logger.info('Introduction command will be processed.', terminal=True)
logger.warn('No running node detected. Cannot introduce.', terminal=True)