
140 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication.
This module defines commands to show stats/details about the local node
import os
import logger
from utils import sizeutils, getconsolewidth, identifyhome
import config
from etc import onionrvalues
from filepaths import lock_file
import psutil
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
def _is_running():
script = onionrvalues.SCRIPT_NAME
if os.path.isfile(lock_file):
for process in psutil.process_iter():
if process.name() == script:
return True
return False
def show_stats():
"""Print/log statistic info about our Onionr install."""
# define stats messages here
home = identifyhome.identify_home()
messages = {
# info about local client
# This line is inaccurate if dev mode is enabled
'Onionr Daemon Status':
((logger.colors.fg.green + 'Online') \
if _is_running() \
else logger.colors.fg.red + 'Offline'),
# file and folder size stats
'div1': True, # this creates a solid line across the screen, a div
'Total Plugin Size':
sizeutils.human_size(sizeutils.size(home + 'plugins/')),
'Log File Size':
sizeutils.human_size(sizeutils.size(home + 'output.log')),
# count stats
'div2': True,
'Enabled Plugins':
str(len(config.get('plugins.enabled', list()))) + ' / ' +
str(len(os.listdir(home + 'plugins/')))
# color configuration
colors = {
'title': logger.colors.bold,
'key': logger.colors.fg.lightgreen,
'val': logger.colors.fg.green,
'border': logger.colors.fg.lightblue,
'reset': logger.colors.reset
# pre-processing
maxlength = 0
width = getconsolewidth.get_console_width()
for key, val in messages.items():
if not (type(val) is bool and val is True):
maxlength = max(len(key), maxlength)
prewidth = maxlength + len(' | ')
groupsize = width - prewidth - len('[+] ')
# generate stats table
logger.info(colors['title'] + 'Onionr v%s Statistics' %
onionrvalues.ONIONR_VERSION + colors['reset'],
logger.info(colors['border'] + '-' * (maxlength + 1) +
'+' + colors['reset'], terminal=True)
for key, val in messages.items():
if not (type(val) is bool and val is True):
val = [str(val)[i:i + groupsize]
for i in range(0, len(str(val)), groupsize)]
logger.info(colors['key'] + str(key).rjust(maxlength) +
colors['reset'] + colors['border'] +
' | ' + colors['reset'] + colors['val'] +
str(val.pop(0)) + colors['reset'], terminal=True)
for value in val:
logger.info(' ' * maxlength + colors['border'] + ' | ' +
colors['reset'] + colors['val'] + str(
value) + colors['reset'], terminal=True)
logger.info(colors['border'] + '-' * (maxlength +
1) + '+' +
colors['reset'], terminal=True)
logger.info(colors['border'] + '-' * (maxlength + 1) +
'+' + colors['reset'], terminal=True)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703
logger.error('Failed to generate statistics table. ' +
str(e), error=e, timestamp=False, terminal=True)
def show_details():
"""Print out details.
node transport address(es)
active user ID
active user ID in mnemonic form
details = {
'Data directory': identifyhome.identify_home()
for detail in details:
logger.info('%s%s: \n%s%s\n' % (logger.colors.fg.lightgreen,
detail, logger.colors.fg.green,
details[detail]), terminal=True)
show_details.onionr_help = "Shows relevant information " # type: ignore
show_details.onionr_help += "for your Onionr install: node " # type: ignore
show_details.onionr_help += "address, and active public key." # type: ignore
show_stats.onionr_help = "Shows statistics for your Onionr " # type: ignore
show_stats.onionr_help += "node. Slow if Onionr is not running" # type: ignore