"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. This file contains both the OnionrCommunicate class for communcating with peers and code to operate as a daemon, getting commands from the command queue database """ import time import config import logger import onionrpeers import onionrplugins as plugins from . import onlinepeers from . import uploadqueue from communicatorutils import downloadblocks from communicatorutils import lookupblocks from communicatorutils import lookupadders from communicatorutils import connectnewpeers from communicatorutils import uploadblocks from communicatorutils import announcenode, deniableinserts from communicatorutils import cooldownpeer from communicatorutils import housekeeping from communicatorutils import netcheck from onionrthreads import add_onionr_thread from onionrcommands.openwebinterface import get_url from netcontroller import NetController from . import bootstrappeers from . import daemoneventhooks """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ config.reload() class OnionrCommunicatorDaemon: def __init__(self, shared_state, developmentMode=None): if developmentMode is None: developmentMode = config.get( 'general.dev_mode', False) # configure logger and stuff self.config = config self.shared_state = shared_state # TooManyObjects module shared_state.add(self) # populate kv values self.kv = self.shared_state.get_by_string('DeadSimpleKV') if config.get('general.offline_mode', False): self.kv.put('isOnline', False) # initialize core with Tor socks port being 3rd argument self.proxyPort = shared_state.get(NetController).socksPort self.upload_session_manager = self.shared_state.get( uploadblocks.sessionmanager.BlockUploadSessionManager) self.shared_state.share_object() # loop time.sleep delay in seconds self.delay = 1 # amount of threads running by name, used to prevent too many self.threadCounts = {} # Loads in and starts the enabled plugins plugins.reload() # extends our upload list and saves our list when Onionr exits uploadqueue.UploadQueue(self) add_onionr_thread( lookupblocks.lookup_blocks_from_communicator, [self.shared_state], 25, 3) add_onionr_thread( downloadblocks.download_blocks_from_communicator, [self.shared_state], config.get('timers.getBlocks', 10), 1) add_onionr_thread(onlinepeers.clear_offline_peer, [self.kv], 58) add_onionr_thread( housekeeping.clean_old_blocks, [self.shared_state], 10, 1) # Discover new peers add_onionr_thread( lookupadders.lookup_new_peer_transports_with_communicator, [shared_state], 60, 3) # Timer for adjusting which peers # we actively communicate to at any given time, # to avoid over-using peers add_onionr_thread( cooldownpeer.cooldown_peer, [self.shared_state], 30, 60) # Timer to read the upload queue and upload the entries to peers add_onionr_thread( uploadblocks.upload_blocks_from_communicator, [self.shared_state], 5, 1) # This timer creates deniable blocks, # in an attempt to further obfuscate block insertion metadata if config.get('general.insert_deniable_blocks', True): add_onionr_thread( deniableinserts.insert_deniable_block, [], 180, 10) if config.get('transports.tor', True): # Timer to check for connectivity, # through Tor to various high-profile onion services add_onionr_thread(netcheck.net_check, [shared_state], 500, 60) # Announce the public API server transport address # to other nodes if security level allows if config.get('general.security_level', 1) == 0 \ and config.get('general.announce_node', True): # Default to high security level incase config breaks add_onionr_thread( announcenode.announce_node, [self.shared_state], 600, 60) else: logger.debug('Will not announce node.') add_onionr_thread(onionrpeers.peer_cleanup, [], 300, 300) add_onionr_thread(housekeeping.clean_keys, [], 15, 1) if config.get('general.use_bootstrap_list', True): bootstrappeers.add_bootstrap_list_to_peer_list( self.kv, [], db_only=True) daemoneventhooks.daemon_event_handlers(shared_state) if not config.get('onboarding.done', True): logger.info( 'First run detected. Run openhome to get setup.', terminal=True) get_url() while not config.get('onboarding.done', True) and \ not self.shared_state.get_by_string( 'DeadSimpleKV').get('shutdown'): try: time.sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shared_state.get_by_string( 'DeadSimpleKV').put('shutdown', True) # Main daemon loop, mainly for calling timers, # don't do any complex operations here to avoid locking try: while not self.shared_state.get_by_string( 'DeadSimpleKV').get('shutdown'): time.sleep(self.delay) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shared_state.get_by_string( 'DeadSimpleKV').put('shutdown', True) logger.info( 'Goodbye. (Onionr is cleaning up, and will exit)', terminal=True) try: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def decrementThreadCount(self, threadName): """Decrement amount of a thread name if more than zero. called when a function meant to be run in a thread ends """ try: if self.threadCounts[threadName] > 0: self.threadCounts[threadName] -= 1 except KeyError: pass def peerCleanup(self): """This just calls onionrpeers.cleanupPeers. Remove dead or bad peers (offline too long, too slow)""" onionrpeers.peer_cleanup() self.decrementThreadCount('peerCleanup') def getPeerProfileInstance(self, peer): """Gets a peer profile instance from the list of profiles""" for i in self.kv.get('peerProfiles'): # if the peer's profile is already loaded, return that if i.address == peer: retData = i break else: # if the peer's profile is not loaded, return a new one. # connectNewPeer also adds it to the list on connect retData = onionrpeers.PeerProfiles(peer) self.kv.get('peerProfiles').append(retData) return retData def startCommunicator(shared_state): OnionrCommunicatorDaemon(shared_state)