"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Handle block storage, providing an abstraction for storing blocks between file system and database """ import sys import sqlite3 import os from onionrutils import bytesconverter from onionrutils import stringvalidators from coredb import dbfiles from filepaths import block_data_location import onionrexceptions from onionrcrypto import hashers from . import setdata from etc.onionrvalues import DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT, BLOCK_EXPORT_FILE_EXT """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ DB_ENTRY_SIZE_LIMIT = 10000 # Will be a config option set_data = setdata.set_data def _dbInsert(block_hash, data): conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfiles.block_data_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() data = (block_hash, data) c.execute('INSERT INTO blockData (hash, data) VALUES(?, ?);', data) conn.commit() conn.close() def _dbFetch(block_hash): conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfiles.block_data_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() for i in c.execute( 'SELECT data from blockData where hash = ?', (block_hash,)): return i[0] conn.commit() conn.close() return None def deleteBlock(block_hash): # Call removeblock.remove_block to automatically want to remove storage byte count if os.path.exists(f'{block_data_location}/{block_hash}{BLOCK_EXPORT_FILE_EXT}'): os.remove(f'{block_data_location}/{block_hash}{BLOCK_EXPORT_FILE_EXT}') return True conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfiles.block_data_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() data = (block_hash,) c.execute('DELETE FROM blockData where hash = ?', data) conn.commit() conn.close() return True def store(data, block_hash=''): if not stringvalidators.validate_hash(block_hash): raise ValueError ourHash = hashers.sha3_hash(data) if block_hash != '': if not ourHash == block_hash: raise ValueError('Hash specified does not meet internal hash check') else: block_hash = ourHash if DB_ENTRY_SIZE_LIMIT >= sys.getsizeof(data): _dbInsert(block_hash, data) else: with open( f'{block_data_location}/{block_hash}{BLOCK_EXPORT_FILE_EXT}', 'wb') as blck_file: blck_file.write(data) def getData(bHash): if not stringvalidators.validate_hash(bHash): raise ValueError bHash = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(bHash) bHash = bHash.strip() # First check DB for data entry by hash # if no entry, check disk # If no entry in either, raise an exception ret_data = None fileLocation = '%s/%s%s' % ( block_data_location, bHash, BLOCK_EXPORT_FILE_EXT) not_found_msg = "Block data not found for: " if os.path.exists(fileLocation): with open(fileLocation, 'rb') as block: ret_data = block.read() else: ret_data = _dbFetch(bHash) if ret_data is None: raise onionrexceptions.NoDataAvailable(not_found_msg + str(bHash)) return ret_data