Module src.onionrservices.connectionserver
Onionr - Private P2P Communication
This module does the second part of the bootstrap block handshake and creates the API server
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Onionr - Private P2P Communication
This module does the second part of the bootstrap block handshake and creates the API server
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
from stem.control import Controller
from flask import Flask
import logger, httpapi
import onionrexceptions, config, filepaths
from netcontroller import get_open_port
from httpapi import apiutils
from onionrutils import stringvalidators, basicrequests, bytesconverter
from . import httpheaders
import deadsimplekv as simplekv
class ConnectionServer:
def __init__(self, peer, address, comm_inst=None):
if not stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(peer):
raise ValueError('Peer must be valid base32 ed25519 public key')
socks = config.get('tor.socksport') # Load config for Tor socks port for proxy
service_app = Flask(__name__) # Setup Flask app for server.
service_port = get_open_port()
service_ip = apiutils.setbindip.set_bind_IP()
http_server = WSGIServer(('', service_port), service_app, log=None)
key_store = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(filepaths.cached_storage)
# TODO define basic endpoints useful for direct connections like stats
httpapi.load_plugin_blueprints(service_app, blueprint='direct_blueprint')
def get_ping():
return "pong!"
def shutdown_server():
return Response('goodbye')
def afterReq(resp):
# Security headers
resp = httpheaders.set_default_onionr_http_headers(resp)
return resp
with Controller.from_port(port=config.get('tor.controlPort')) as controller:
# Connect to the Tor process for Onionr
# Create the v3 onion service for the peer to connect to
response = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service({80: service_port}, await_publication = True, key_type='NEW', key_content = 'ED25519-V3')
for x in range(3):
attempt = basicrequests.do_post_request('http://' + address + '/bs/' + response.service_id, port=socks)
if attempt == 'success':
raise ConnectionError
except ConnectionError:
# Re-raise
raise ConnectionError('Could not reach %s bootstrap address %s' % (peer, address))
# If no connection error, create the service and save it to local global key store
peer = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(peer)
key_store.put('dc-' + peer, response.service_id)
key_store.flush()'hosting on %s with %s' % (response.service_id, peer))
key_store.delete('dc-' + peer)
class ConnectionServer (peer, address, comm_inst=None)
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class ConnectionServer: def __init__(self, peer, address, comm_inst=None): if not stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(peer): raise ValueError('Peer must be valid base32 ed25519 public key') socks = config.get('tor.socksport') # Load config for Tor socks port for proxy service_app = Flask(__name__) # Setup Flask app for server. service_port = get_open_port() service_ip = apiutils.setbindip.set_bind_IP() http_server = WSGIServer(('', service_port), service_app, log=None) comm_inst.service_greenlets.append(http_server) key_store = simplekv.DeadSimpleKV(filepaths.cached_storage) # TODO define basic endpoints useful for direct connections like stats httpapi.load_plugin_blueprints(service_app, blueprint='direct_blueprint') @service_app.route('/ping') def get_ping(): return "pong!" @service_app.route('/close') def shutdown_server(): comm_inst.service_greenlets.remove(http_server) http_server.stop() return Response('goodbye') @service_app.after_request def afterReq(resp): # Security headers resp = httpheaders.set_default_onionr_http_headers(resp) return resp with Controller.from_port(port=config.get('tor.controlPort')) as controller: # Connect to the Tor process for Onionr controller.authenticate(config.get('tor.controlpassword')) # Create the v3 onion service for the peer to connect to response = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service({80: service_port}, await_publication = True, key_type='NEW', key_content = 'ED25519-V3') try: for x in range(3): attempt = basicrequests.do_post_request('http://' + address + '/bs/' + response.service_id, port=socks) if attempt == 'success': break else: raise ConnectionError except ConnectionError: # Re-raise raise ConnectionError('Could not reach %s bootstrap address %s' % (peer, address)) else: # If no connection error, create the service and save it to local global key store peer = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(peer) key_store.put('dc-' + peer, response.service_id) key_store.flush()'hosting on %s with %s' % (response.service_id, peer)) http_server.serve_forever() http_server.stop() key_store.delete('dc-' + peer)