
RinseOff is a simple CLI utility written in C# to store data to a file and encrypt it using a keyfile. The name doesn't make a lot of sense, but it means you can "rinse" your data off by just overwriting a 32 byte key file instead of the normal "scrub" process of 1 or more passes over many files. It is mainly intended for scripts/apps to use. In the future I may make a FUSE wrapper so users can drop files into it. Internally it uses libsodium's secretbox and stores a unique nonce alongside the 32 byte key. # Build Build a standalone binary (change [runtime based on system](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog)): `$ dotnet publish -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained --runtime linux-x64` The binary will be somewhere like bin/Debug/[dotnet version]/[runtime version]/publish/rinseoffcli You can make a smaller binary by not bundling the runtime. Or you can just "run" the project file: `$ dotnet run --project rinseoffcli` # Usage ## Generate your key file `$ rinseoffcli keygen /path/to/key` Store your key somewhere it can be securely erased (not flash storage if you can help it) [security.stackexchange.com/a/62591](https://security.stackexchange.com/a/62591) Be sure to make it accessible only to your user. ## Encrypt your data `$ rinseoffcli store /path/to/output /path/to/key` Then input the data to store through stdin. ## Load your data `$ rinseoffcli load /path/to/stored/data /path/to/key` If the key is valid, the plaintext will be outputted through stdout. ## Securely erase data `$ shred /path/to/key` `$ rm /path/to/datafile` # Warnings: The point of this utility is to help with defense in depth and to be better than nothing. **This does not hold up to serious data recovery experts who could quite possibly recover your key file** If the OS pages or swaps your plaintext or duplicates your key, you are probably doomed.