"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Handle maintenance of a blacklist database, for blocks and peers """ import sqlite3 import os from onionrplugins.onionrevents import event import onionrcrypto from onionrutils import epoch, bytesconverter from coredb import dbfiles from etc.onionrvalues import DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ class OnionrBlackList: def __init__(self): self.blacklistDB = dbfiles.blacklist_db if not os.path.exists(dbfiles.blacklist_db): self.generateDB() return def inBlacklist(self, data): hashed = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str( onionrcrypto.hashers.sha3_hash(data)) retData = False if not hashed.isalnum(): raise Exception("Hashed data is not alpha numeric") if len(hashed) > 64: raise Exception("Hashed data is too large") for i in self._dbExecute( "SELECT * FROM blacklist WHERE hash = ?", (hashed,)): # this only executes if an entry is present by that hash retData = True break return retData def _dbExecute(self, toExec, params=()): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.blacklistDB, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() retData = c.execute(toExec, params) conn.commit() return retData def deleteBeforeDate(self, date): # TODO, delete blacklist entries before date return def deleteExpired(self, dataType=0): """Delete expired entries""" deleteList = [] curTime = epoch.get_epoch() try: int(dataType) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("dataType must be int") for i in self._dbExecute( 'SELECT * FROM blacklist WHERE dataType = ?', (dataType,)): if i[1] == dataType: if (curTime - i[2]) >= i[3]: deleteList.append(i[0]) for thing in deleteList: self._dbExecute("DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE hash = ?", (thing,)) def generateDB(self): return def clearDB(self): self._dbExecute("""DELETE FROM blacklist;""") def getList(self): data = self._dbExecute('SELECT * FROM blacklist') myList = [] for i in data: myList.append(i[0]) return myList def addToDB(self, data, dataType=0, expire=0): """Add to the blacklist. Intended to be block hash, block data, peers, or transport addresses 0=block 1=peer 2=pubkey """ # we hash the data so we can remove data entirely from our node's disk hashed = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(onionrcrypto.hashers.sha3_hash(data)) event('blacklist_add', data={'data': data, 'hash': hashed}) if len(hashed) > 64: raise Exception("Hashed data is too large") if not hashed.isalnum(): raise Exception("Hashed data is not alpha numeric") try: int(dataType) except ValueError: raise Exception("dataType is not int") try: int(expire) except ValueError: raise Exception("expire is not int") if self.inBlacklist(hashed): return insert = (hashed,) blacklistDate = epoch.get_epoch() try: self._dbExecute("INSERT INTO blacklist (hash, dataType, blacklistDate, expire) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);", (str(hashed), dataType, blacklistDate, expire)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass