"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Contains abstractions for interacting with users of Onionr """ import sqlite3 import time import onionrexceptions from onionrutils import stringvalidators, bytesconverter, epoch import unpaddedbase32 import nacl.exceptions from coredb import keydb, dbfiles import onionrcrypto from onionrcrypto import getourkeypair from etc.onionrvalues import DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ def deleteExpiredKeys(): # Fetch the keys we generated for the peer, that are still around conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.forward_keys_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() curTime = epoch.get_epoch() c.execute("DELETE from myForwardKeys where expire <= ?", (curTime,)) conn.commit() conn.execute("VACUUM") conn.close() return def deleteTheirExpiredKeys(pubkey): conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.user_id_info_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() # Prepare the insert command = (pubkey, epoch.get_epoch()) c.execute("DELETE from forwardKeys where peerKey = ? and expire <= ?", command) conn.commit() conn.close() DEFAULT_KEY_EXPIRE = 604800 class OnionrUser: def __init__(self, publicKey, saveUser=False): """ OnionrUser is an abstraction for "users" of the network. Takes a base32 encoded ed25519 public key, and a bool saveUser saveUser determines if we should add a user to our peer database or not. """ publicKey = unpaddedbase32.repad( bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(publicKey)).decode() self.trust = 0 self.publicKey = publicKey if saveUser and not publicKey == getourkeypair.get_keypair(): try: keydb.addkeys.add_pub_key(publicKey) except (AssertionError, ValueError) as _: pass self.trust = keydb.userinfo.get_user_info(self.publicKey, 'trust') return def setTrust(self, newTrust): """Set the peers trust. 0 = not trusted, 1 = friend, 2 = ultimate""" keydb.userinfo.set_user_info(self.publicKey, 'trust', newTrust) def isFriend(self): if keydb.userinfo.get_user_info(self.publicKey, 'trust') == 1: return True return False def getName(self): retData = 'anonymous' name = keydb.userinfo.get_user_info(self.publicKey, 'name') try: if len(name) > 0: retData = name except ValueError: pass return retData def encrypt(self, data): encrypted = onionrcrypto.encryption.pub_key_encrypt( data, self.publicKey, encodedData=True) return encrypted def decrypt(self, data): decrypted = onionrcrypto.encryption.pub_key_decrypt( data, self.publicKey, encodedData=True) return decrypted def forwardEncrypt(self, data): deleteTheirExpiredKeys(self.publicKey) deleteExpiredKeys() retData = '' forwardKey = self._getLatestForwardKey() if stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(forwardKey[0]): retData = onionrcrypto.encryption.pub_key_encrypt( data, forwardKey[0], encodedData=True) else: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey( "No valid forward secrecy key available for this user") return (retData, forwardKey[0], forwardKey[1]) def forwardDecrypt(self, encrypted): retData = "" for key in self.getGeneratedForwardKeys(False): try: retData = onionrcrypto.encryption.pub_key_decrypt( encrypted, privkey=key[1], encodedData=True) except nacl.exceptions.CryptoError: retData = False else: break else: raise onionrexceptions.DecryptionError( "Could not decrypt forward secrecy content") return retData def _getLatestForwardKey(self): # Get the latest forward secrecy key for a peer key = "" conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.user_id_info_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() # TODO: account for keys created at the same time (same epoch) for row in c.execute( "SELECT forwardKey, max(EXPIRE) FROM forwardKeys WHERE peerKey = ? ORDER BY expire DESC", # noqa (self.publicKey,)): key = (row[0], row[1]) break conn.commit() conn.close() return key def _getForwardKeys(self): conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.user_id_info_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() keyList = [] for row in c.execute( "SELECT forwardKey, date FROM forwardKeys WHERE peerKey = ? ORDER BY expire DESC", # noqa (self.publicKey,)): keyList.append((row[0], row[1])) conn.commit() conn.close() return list(keyList) def generateForwardKey(self, expire=DEFAULT_KEY_EXPIRE): # Generate a forward secrecy key for the peer conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.forward_keys_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() # Prepare the insert time = epoch.get_epoch() newKeys = onionrcrypto.generate() newPub = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(newKeys[0]) newPriv = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(newKeys[1]) command = (self.publicKey, newPub, newPriv, time, expire + time) c.execute("INSERT INTO myForwardKeys VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", command) conn.commit() conn.close() return newPub def getGeneratedForwardKeys(self, genNew=True): # Fetch the keys we generated for the peer, that are still around conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.forward_keys_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() pubkey = self.publicKey pubkey = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(pubkey) command = (pubkey,) keyList = [] # list of tuples containing pub, private for peer for result in c.execute( "SELECT * FROM myForwardKeys WHERE peer = ?", command): keyList.append((result[1], result[2])) if len(keyList) == 0: if genNew: self.generateForwardKey() keyList = self.getGeneratedForwardKeys() return list(keyList) def addForwardKey(self, newKey, expire=DEFAULT_KEY_EXPIRE): newKey = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str( unpaddedbase32.repad(bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(newKey))) if not stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(newKey): # Do not add if something went wrong with the key raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey(newKey) conn = sqlite3.connect( dbfiles.user_id_info_db, timeout=DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) c = conn.cursor() # Get the time we're inserting the key at timeInsert = epoch.get_epoch() # Look at our current keys for duplicate key data or time for entry in self._getForwardKeys(): if entry[0] == newKey: return False if entry[1] == timeInsert: timeInsert += 1 # Sleep if our time is the same to prevent dupe time records time.sleep(1) # Add a forward secrecy key for the peer # Prepare the insert command = (self.publicKey, newKey, timeInsert, timeInsert + expire) c.execute("INSERT INTO forwardKeys VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);", command) conn.commit() conn.close() return True @classmethod def list_friends(cls): friendList = [] for x in keydb.listkeys.list_pub_keys(trust=1): friendList.append(cls(x)) return list(friendList)