#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Onionr - P2P Microblogging Platform & Social network. This file contains both the OnionrCommunicate class for communcating with peers and code to operate as a daemon, getting commands from the command queue database (see core.Core.daemonQueue) ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sys, os, core, config, json, requests, time, logger, threading, base64, onionr import onionrexceptions, onionrpeers, onionrevents as events, onionrplugins as plugins, onionrblockapi as block from defusedxml import minidom class OnionrCommunicatorDaemon: def __init__(self, debug, developmentMode): # list of timer instances self.timers = [] # initalize core with Tor socks port being 3rd argument self.proxyPort = sys.argv[2] self._core = core.Core(torPort=self.proxyPort) # intalize NIST beacon salt and time self.nistSaltTimestamp = 0 self.powSalt = 0 self.blockToUpload = '' # loop time.sleep delay in seconds self.delay = 1 # time app started running for info/statistics purposes self.startTime = self._core._utils.getEpoch() # lists of connected peers and peers we know we can't reach currently self.onlinePeers = [] self.offlinePeers = [] self.peerProfiles = [] # list of peer's profiles (onionrpeers.PeerProfile instances) # amount of threads running by name, used to prevent too many self.threadCounts = {} # set true when shutdown command recieved self.shutdown = False # list of new blocks to download, added to when new block lists are fetched from peers self.blockQueue = [] # list of blocks currently downloading, avoid s self.currentDownloading = [] # Clear the daemon queue for any dead messages if os.path.exists(self._core.queueDB): self._core.clearDaemonQueue() # Loads in and starts the enabled plugins plugins.reload() if debug or developmentMode: OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.heartbeat, 10) # Print nice header thing :) if config.get('general.display_header', True) and not self.shutdown: self.header() # Set timers, function reference, seconds OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonCommands, 5) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.detectAPICrash, 5) peerPoolTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.getOnlinePeers, 60) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.lookupBlocks, 7, requiresPeer=True) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.getBlocks, 10, requiresPeer=True) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.clearOfflinePeer, 58) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.lookupKeys, 60, requiresPeer=True) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.lookupAdders, 60, requiresPeer=True) # set loop to execute instantly to load up peer pool (replaced old pool init wait) peerPoolTimer.count = (peerPoolTimer.frequency - 1) # Main daemon loop, mainly for calling timers, don't do any complex operations here to avoid locking try: while not self.shutdown: for i in self.timers: if self.shutdown: break i.processTimer() time.sleep(self.delay) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown = True pass logger.info('Goodbye.') self._core._utils.localCommand('shutdown') time.sleep(0.5) def lookupKeys(self): '''Lookup new keys''' logger.debug('Looking up new keys...') tryAmount = 1 for i in range(tryAmount): # Download new key list from random online peers peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() newKeys = self.peerAction(peer, action='kex') self._core._utils.mergeKeys(newKeys) self.decrementThreadCount('lookupKeys') return def lookupAdders(self): '''Lookup new peer addresses''' logger.info('LOOKING UP NEW ADDRESSES') tryAmount = 1 for i in range(tryAmount): # Download new peer address list from random online peers peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() newAdders = self.peerAction(peer, action='pex') self._core._utils.mergeAdders(newAdders) self.decrementThreadCount('lookupAdders') def lookupBlocks(self): '''Lookup new blocks & add them to download queue''' logger.info('LOOKING UP NEW BLOCKS') tryAmount = 2 newBlocks = '' existingBlocks = self._core.getBlockList() for i in range(tryAmount): peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() # select random online peer newDBHash = self.peerAction(peer, 'getDBHash') # get their db hash if newDBHash == False: continue # if request failed, restart loop (peer is added to offline peers automatically) if newDBHash != self._core.getAddressInfo(peer, 'DBHash'): self._core.setAddressInfo(peer, 'DBHash', newDBHash) newBlocks = self.peerAction(peer, 'getBlockHashes') if newBlocks != False: # if request was a success for i in newBlocks.split('\n'): if self._core._utils.validateHash(i): # if newline seperated string is valid hash if not i in existingBlocks: # if block does not exist on disk and is not already in block queue if i not in self.blockQueue: self.blockQueue.append(i) self.decrementThreadCount('lookupBlocks') return def getBlocks(self): '''download new blocks in queue''' for blockHash in self.blockQueue: if blockHash in self.currentDownloading: logger.debug('ALREADY DOWNLOADING ' + blockHash) continue self.currentDownloading.append(blockHash) logger.info("Attempting to download %s..." % blockHash) content = self.peerAction(self.pickOnlinePeer(), 'getData', data=blockHash) # block content from random peer (includes metadata) if content != False: try: content = content.encode() except AttributeError: pass content = base64.b64decode(content) # content is base64 encoded in transport realHash = self._core._crypto.sha3Hash(content) try: realHash = realHash.decode() # bytes on some versions for some reason except AttributeError: pass if realHash == blockHash: content = content.decode() # decode here because sha3Hash needs bytes above metas = self._core._utils.getBlockMetadataFromData(content) # returns tuple(metadata, meta), meta is also in metadata metadata = metas[0] #meta = metas[1] if self._core._utils.validateMetadata(metadata): # check if metadata is valid if self._core._crypto.verifyPow(content): # check if POW is enough/correct logger.info('Block passed proof, saving.') self._core.setData(content) self._core.addToBlockDB(blockHash, dataSaved=True) self._core._utils.processBlockMetadata(blockHash) # caches block metadata values to block database else: logger.warn('POW failed for block ' + blockHash) else: logger.warn('Metadata for ' + blockHash + ' is invalid.') else: # if block didn't meet expected hash tempHash = self._core._crypto.sha3Hash(content) # lazy hack, TODO use var try: tempHash = tempHash.decode() except AttributeError: pass logger.warn('Block hash validation failed for ' + blockHash + ' got ' + tempHash) self.blockQueue.remove(blockHash) # remove from block queue both if success or false self.currentDownloading.remove(blockHash) self.decrementThreadCount('getBlocks') return def pickOnlinePeer(self): '''randomly picks peer from pool without bias (using secrets module)''' retData = '' while True: peerLength = len(self.onlinePeers) if peerLength <= 0: break try: # get a random online peer, securely. May get stuck in loop if network is lost or if all peers in pool magically disconnect at once retData = self.onlinePeers[self._core._crypto.secrets.randbelow(peerLength)] except IndexError: pass else: break return retData def decrementThreadCount(self, threadName): '''Decrement amount of a thread name if more than zero, called when a function meant to be run in a thread ends''' try: if self.threadCounts[threadName] > 0: self.threadCounts[threadName] -= 1 except KeyError: pass def clearOfflinePeer(self): '''Removes the longest offline peer to retry later''' try: removed = self.offlinePeers.pop(0) except IndexError: pass else: logger.debug('Removed ' + removed + ' from offline list, will try them again.') self.decrementThreadCount('clearOfflinePeer') def getOnlinePeers(self): '''Manages the self.onlinePeers attribute list, connects to more peers if we have none connected''' logger.info('Refreshing peer pool.') maxPeers = 4 needed = maxPeers - len(self.onlinePeers) for i in range(needed): if len(self.onlinePeers) == 0: self.connectNewPeer(useBootstrap=True) if self.shutdown: break else: if len(self.onlinePeers) == 0: logger.warn('Could not connect to any peer.') self.decrementThreadCount('getOnlinePeers') def addBootstrapListToPeerList(self, peerList): '''Add the bootstrap list to the peer list (no duplicates)''' for i in self._core.bootstrapList: if i not in peerList and i not in self.offlinePeers and i != self._core.hsAdder: peerList.append(i) def connectNewPeer(self, peer='', useBootstrap=False): '''Adds a new random online peer to self.onlinePeers''' retData = False tried = self.offlinePeers peerScores = {} if peer != '': if self._core._utils.validateID(peer): peerList = [peer] else: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidAddress('Will not attempt connection test to invalid address') else: peerList = self._core.listAdders() if len(peerList) == 0 or useBootstrap: # Avoid duplicating bootstrap addresses in peerList self.addBootstrapListToPeerList(peerList) for address in peerList: # Load peer's profiles into a list profile = onionrpeers.PeerProfiles(address, self._core) peerScores[address] = profile.score # Sort peers by their score, greatest to least peerList = sorted(peerScores, key=peerScores.get, reverse=True) for address in peerList: if len(address) == 0 or address in tried or address in self.onlinePeers: continue if self.peerAction(address, 'ping') == 'pong!': logger.info('Connected to ' + address) time.sleep(0.1) if address not in self.onlinePeers: self.onlinePeers.append(address) retData = address break else: tried.append(address) logger.debug('Failed to connect to ' + address) return retData def printOnlinePeers(self): '''logs online peer list''' if len(self.onlinePeers) == 0: logger.warn('No online peers') else: logger.info('Online peers:') for i in self.onlinePeers: logger.info(i) def peerAction(self, peer, action, data=''): '''Perform a get request to a peer''' if len(peer) == 0: return False logger.info('Performing ' + action + ' with ' + peer + ' on port ' + str(self.proxyPort)) url = 'http://' + peer + '/public/?action=' + action if len(data) > 0: url += '&data=' + data retData = self._core._utils.doGetRequest(url, port=self.proxyPort) # if request failed, (error), mark peer offline if retData == False: try: self.onlinePeers.remove(peer) self.getOnlinePeers() # Will only add a new peer to pool if needed except ValueError: pass return retData def heartbeat(self): '''Show a heartbeat debug message''' currentTime = self._core._utils.getEpoch() - self.startTime logger.debug('heartbeat, running seconds: ' + str(currentTime)) self.decrementThreadCount('heartbeat') def daemonCommands(self): '''process daemon commands from daemonQueue''' cmd = self._core.daemonQueue() if cmd is not False: events.event('daemon_command', onionr = None, data = {'cmd' : cmd}) if cmd[0] == 'shutdown': self.shutdown = True elif cmd[0] == 'announceNode': self.announce(cmd[1]) elif cmd[0] == 'runCheck': logger.debug('Status check; looks good.') open('data/.runcheck', 'w+').close() elif cmd[0] == 'connectedPeers': self.printOnlinePeers() elif cmd[0] == 'kex': for i in self.timers: if i.timerFunction.__name__ == 'lookupKeys': i.count = (i.frequency - 1) elif cmd[0] == 'uploadBlock': self.blockToUpload = cmd[1] threading.Thread(target=self.uploadBlock).start() else: logger.info('Recieved daemonQueue command:' + cmd[0]) self.decrementThreadCount('daemonCommands') def uploadBlock(self): '''Upload our block to a few peers''' # when inserting a block, we try to upload it to a few peers to add some deniability triedPeers = [] if not self._core._utils.validateHash(self.blockToUpload): logger.warn('Requested to upload invalid block') return for i in range(max(len(self.onlinePeers), 2)): peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() if peer in triedPeers: continue triedPeers.append(peer) url = 'http://' + peer + '/public/upload/' data = {'block': block.Block(self.blockToUpload).getRaw()} if peer.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' elif peer.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' logger.info("Uploading block") self._core._utils.doPostRequest(url, data=data, proxyType=proxyType) def announce(self, peer): '''Announce to peers our address''' announceCount = 0 announceAmount = 2 for peer in self.onlinePeers: announceCount += 1 if self.peerAction(peer, 'announce', self._core.hsAdder) == 'Success': logger.info('Successfully introduced node to ' + peer) break else: if announceCount == announceAmount: logger.warn('Could not introduce node. Try again soon') break def detectAPICrash(self): '''exit if the api server crashes/stops''' if self._core._utils.localCommand('ping', silent=False) != 'pong': for i in range(5): if self._core._utils.localCommand('ping') == 'pong': break # break for loop time.sleep(1) else: # This executes if the api is NOT detected to be running events.event('daemon_crash', onionr = None, data = {}) logger.error('Daemon detected API crash (or otherwise unable to reach API after long time), stopping...') self.shutdown = True self.decrementThreadCount('detectAPICrash') def header(self, message = logger.colors.fg.pink + logger.colors.bold + 'Onionr' + logger.colors.reset + logger.colors.fg.pink + ' has started.'): if os.path.exists('static-data/header.txt'): with open('static-data/header.txt', 'rb') as file: # only to stdout, not file or log or anything sys.stderr.write(file.read().decode().replace('P', logger.colors.fg.pink).replace('W', logger.colors.reset + logger.colors.bold).replace('G', logger.colors.fg.green).replace('\n', logger.colors.reset + '\n').replace('B', logger.colors.bold).replace('V', onionr.ONIONR_VERSION)) logger.info(logger.colors.fg.lightgreen + '-> ' + str(message) + logger.colors.reset + logger.colors.fg.lightgreen + ' <-\n') class OnionrCommunicatorTimers: def __init__(self, daemonInstance, timerFunction, frequency, makeThread=True, threadAmount=1, maxThreads=5, requiresPeer=False): self.timerFunction = timerFunction self.frequency = frequency self.threadAmount = threadAmount self.makeThread = makeThread self.requiresPeer = requiresPeer self.daemonInstance = daemonInstance self.maxThreads = maxThreads self._core = self.daemonInstance._core self.daemonInstance.timers.append(self) self.count = 0 def processTimer(self): # mark how many instances of a thread we have (decremented at thread end) try: self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] except KeyError: self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] = 0 # execute thread if it is time, and we are not missing *required* online peer if self.count == self.frequency: try: if self.requiresPeer and len(self.daemonInstance.onlinePeers) == 0: raise onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded except onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded: pass else: if self.makeThread: for i in range(self.threadAmount): if self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] >= self.maxThreads: logger.warn(self.timerFunction.__name__ + ' has too many current threads to start anymore.') else: self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] += 1 newThread = threading.Thread(target=self.timerFunction) newThread.start() else: self.timerFunction() self.count = -1 # negative 1 because its incremented at bottom self.count += 1 shouldRun = False debug = True developmentMode = False if config.get('general.dev_mode', True): developmentMode = True try: if sys.argv[1] == 'run': shouldRun = True except IndexError: pass if shouldRun: try: OnionrCommunicatorDaemon(debug, developmentMode) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error occured in Communicator', error = e, timestamp = False)