''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication This module defines user ID-related CLI commands ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sys, getpass import logger, onionrexceptions from onionrutils import stringvalidators, bytesconverter from onionrusers import onionrusers, contactmanager from coredb import keydb import keymanager, onionrcrypto import unpaddedbase32 from etc import onionrvalues DETERMINISTIC_REQUIREMENT = onionrvalues.PASSWORD_LENGTH def add_ID(o_inst): key_manager = keymanager.KeyManager() try: sys.argv[2] assert sys.argv[2] == 'true' except (IndexError, AssertionError) as e: newID = key_manager.addKey()[0] else: logger.warn('Deterministic keys require random and long passphrases.', terminal=True) logger.warn('If a good passphrase is not used, your key can be easily stolen.', terminal=True) logger.warn('You should use a series of hard to guess words, see this for reference: https://www.xkcd.com/936/', terminal=True) pass1 = getpass.getpass(prompt='Enter at least %s characters: ' % (DETERMINISTIC_REQUIREMENT,)) pass2 = getpass.getpass(prompt='Confirm entry: ') if onionrcrypto.cryptoutils.safe_compare(pass1, pass2): try: logger.info('Generating deterministic key. This can take a while.', terminal=True) newID, privKey = onionrcrypto.generate_deterministic(pass1) except onionrexceptions.PasswordStrengthError: logger.error('Passphrase must use at least %s characters.' % (DETERMINISTIC_REQUIREMENT,), terminal=True) sys.exit(1) else: logger.error('Passwords do not match.', terminal=True) sys.exit(1) try: key_manager.addKey(pubKey=newID, privKey=privKey) except ValueError: logger.error('That ID is already available, you can change to it with the change-id command.', terminal=True) return logger.info('Added ID: %s' % (bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(newID),), terminal=True) def change_ID(o_inst): key_manager = keymanager.KeyManager() try: key = sys.argv[2] key = unpaddedbase32.repad(key.encode()).decode() except IndexError: logger.warn('Specify pubkey to use', terminal=True) else: if stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(key): if key in key_manager.getPubkeyList(): o_inst.config.set('general.public_key', key) o_inst.config.save() logger.info('Set active key to: %s' % (key,), terminal=True) logger.info('Restart Onionr if it is running.', terminal=True) else: logger.warn('That key does not exist', terminal=True) else: logger.warn('Invalid key %s' % (key,), terminal=True) def friend_command(o_inst): friend = '' try: # Get the friend command action = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: logger.info('Syntax: friend add/remove/list [address]', terminal=True) else: action = action.lower() if action == 'list': # List out peers marked as our friend for friend in contactmanager.ContactManager.list_friends(): logger.info(friend.publicKey + ' - ' + friend.get_info('name'), terminal=True) elif action in ('add', 'remove'): try: friend = sys.argv[3] if not stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(friend): raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey('Public key is invalid') if friend not in keydb.listkeys.list_peers(): raise onionrexceptions.KeyNotKnown friend = onionrusers.OnionrUser(friend) except IndexError: logger.warn('Friend ID is required.', terminal=True) action = 'error' # set to 'error' so that the finally block does not process anything except onionrexceptions.KeyNotKnown: o_inst.addPeer(friend) friend = onionrusers.OnionrUser(friend) finally: if action == 'add': friend.setTrust(1) logger.info('Added %s as friend.' % (friend.publicKey,), terminal=True) elif action == 'remove': friend.setTrust(0) logger.info('Removed %s as friend.' % (friend.publicKey,), terminal=True) else: logger.info('Syntax: friend add/remove/list [address]', terminal=True)