''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication This module defines commands for CLI usage ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import webbrowser, sys import logger from . import pubkeymanager, onionrstatistics, daemonlaunch, filecommands, plugincommands, keyadders from . import banblocks, exportblocks, openwebinterface, resettor, dopex from onionrutils import importnewblocks def show_help(o_inst, command): helpmenu = o_inst.getHelp() if command is None and len(sys.argv) >= 3: for cmd in sys.argv[2:]: o_inst.showHelp(cmd) elif not command is None: if command.lower() in helpmenu: logger.info(logger.colors.bold + command + logger.colors.reset + logger.colors.fg.blue + ' : ' + logger.colors.reset + helpmenu[command.lower()], timestamp = False) else: logger.warn(logger.colors.bold + command + logger.colors.reset + logger.colors.fg.blue + ' : ' + logger.colors.reset + 'No help menu entry was found', timestamp = False) else: o_inst.version(0) for command, helpmessage in helpmenu.items(): o_inst.showHelp(command) def get_commands(onionr_inst): return {'': onionr_inst.showHelpSuggestion, 'help': onionr_inst.showHelp, 'version': onionr_inst.version, 'header': onionr_inst.cmdHeader, 'config': onionr_inst.configure, 'start': onionr_inst.start, 'stop': onionr_inst.killDaemon, 'status': onionr_inst.showStats, 'statistics': onionr_inst.showStats, 'stats': onionr_inst.showStats, 'details' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'detail' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'show-details' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'show-detail' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'showdetails' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'showdetail' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'get-details' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'get-detail' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'getdetails' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'getdetail' : onionr_inst.showDetails, 'enable-plugin': onionr_inst.enablePlugin, 'enplugin': onionr_inst.enablePlugin, 'enableplugin': onionr_inst.enablePlugin, 'enmod': onionr_inst.enablePlugin, 'disable-plugin': onionr_inst.disablePlugin, 'displugin': onionr_inst.disablePlugin, 'disableplugin': onionr_inst.disablePlugin, 'dismod': onionr_inst.disablePlugin, 'reload-plugin': onionr_inst.reloadPlugin, 'reloadplugin': onionr_inst.reloadPlugin, 'reload-plugins': onionr_inst.reloadPlugin, 'reloadplugins': onionr_inst.reloadPlugin, 'create-plugin': onionr_inst.createPlugin, 'createplugin': onionr_inst.createPlugin, 'plugin-create': onionr_inst.createPlugin, 'listkeys': onionr_inst.listKeys, 'list-keys': onionr_inst.listKeys, 'addpeer': onionr_inst.addPeer, 'add-peer': onionr_inst.addPeer, 'add-address': onionr_inst.addAddress, 'add-addr': onionr_inst.addAddress, 'addaddr': onionr_inst.addAddress, 'addaddress': onionr_inst.addAddress, 'list-peers': onionr_inst.listPeers, 'blacklist-block': onionr_inst.banBlock, 'add-file': onionr_inst.addFile, 'addfile': onionr_inst.addFile, 'addhtml': onionr_inst.addWebpage, 'add-html': onionr_inst.addWebpage, 'add-site': onionr_inst.addWebpage, 'addsite': onionr_inst.addWebpage, 'openhome': onionr_inst.openHome, 'open-home': onionr_inst.openHome, 'export-block': onionr_inst.exportBlock, 'exportblock': onionr_inst.exportBlock, 'get-file': onionr_inst.getFile, 'getfile': onionr_inst.getFile, 'listconn': onionr_inst.listConn, 'list-conn': onionr_inst.listConn, 'import-blocks': importnewblocks.import_new_blocks, 'importblocks': importnewblocks.import_new_blocks, 'pex': dopex.do_PEX, 'getpassword': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'get-password': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'getpwd': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'get-pwd': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'getpass': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'get-pass': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'getpasswd': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'get-passwd': onionr_inst.printWebPassword, 'friend': onionr_inst.friendCmd, 'addid': onionr_inst.addID, 'add-id': onionr_inst.addID, 'change-id': onionr_inst.changeID, 'reset-tor': resettor.reset_tor } cmd_help = { 'help': 'Displays this Onionr help menu', 'version': 'Displays the Onionr version', 'config': 'Configures something and adds it to the file', 'start': 'Starts the Onionr daemon', 'stop': 'Stops the Onionr daemon', 'stats': 'Displays node statistics', 'details': 'Displays the web password, public key, and human readable public key', 'enable-plugin': 'Enables and starts a plugin', 'disable-plugin': 'Disables and stops a plugin', 'reload-plugin': 'Reloads a plugin', 'create-plugin': 'Creates directory structure for a plugin', 'add-peer': 'Adds a peer to database', 'list-peers': 'Displays a list of peers', 'add-file': 'Create an Onionr block from a file', 'get-file': 'Get a file from Onionr blocks', 'import-blocks': 'import blocks from the disk (Onionr is transport-agnostic!)', 'listconn': 'list connected peers', 'pex': 'exchange addresses with peers (done automatically)', 'blacklist-block': 'deletes a block by hash and permanently removes it from your node', 'friend': '[add|remove] [public key/id]', 'add-id': 'Generate a new ID (key pair)', 'change-id': 'Change active ID', 'open-home': 'Open your node\'s home/info screen', 'reset-tor': 'Delete the Tor data directory. Only do this if Tor never starts.' }