import json import logger, onionrexceptions from etc import onionrvalues from onionrutils import stringvalidators def validate_metadata(utils_inst, metadata, blockData): '''Validate metadata meets onionr spec (does not validate proof value computation), take in either dictionary or json string''' # TODO, make this check sane sizes retData = False maxClockDifference = 120 # convert to dict if it is json string if type(metadata) is str: try: metadata = json.loads(metadata) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass # Validate metadata dict for invalid keys to sizes that are too large maxAge = utils_inst._core.config.get("general.max_block_age", onionrvalues.OnionrValues().default_expire) if type(metadata) is dict: for i in metadata: try: utils_inst._core.requirements.blockMetadataLengths[i] except KeyError: logger.warn('Block has invalid metadata key ' + i) break else: testData = metadata[i] try: testData = len(testData) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e: testData = len(str(testData)) if utils_inst._core.requirements.blockMetadataLengths[i] < testData: logger.warn('Block metadata key ' + i + ' exceeded maximum size') break if i == 'time': if not stringvalidators.is_integer_string(metadata[i]): logger.warn('Block metadata time stamp is not integer string or int') break isFuture = (metadata[i] - utils_inst.getEpoch()) if isFuture > maxClockDifference: logger.warn('Block timestamp is skewed to the future over the max %s: %s' (maxClockDifference, isFuture)) break if (utils_inst.getEpoch() - metadata[i]) > maxAge: logger.warn('Block is outdated: %s' % (metadata[i],)) break elif i == 'expire': try: assert int(metadata[i]) > utils_inst.getEpoch() except AssertionError: logger.warn('Block is expired: %s less than %s' % (metadata[i], utils_inst.getEpoch())) break elif i == 'encryptType': try: assert metadata[i] in ('asym', 'sym', '') except AssertionError: logger.warn('Invalid encryption mode') break else: # if metadata loop gets no errors, it does not break, therefore metadata is valid # make sure we do not have another block with the same data content (prevent data duplication and replay attacks) nonce = utils_inst._core._utils.bytesToStr(utils_inst._core._crypto.sha3Hash(blockData)) try: with open(utils_inst._core.dataNonceFile, 'r') as nonceFile: if nonce in retData = False # we've seen that nonce before, so we can't pass metadata raise onionrexceptions.DataExists except FileNotFoundError: retData = True except onionrexceptions.DataExists: # do not set retData to True, because nonce has been seen before pass else: retData = True else: logger.warn('In call to utils.validateMetadata, metadata must be JSON string or a dictionary object') return retData