requested = [] var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; webpassword = webpass newPostForm = document.getElementById('addMsg') firstLoad = true lastLoadedBoard = 'global' function appendMessages(msg){ var humanDate = new Date(0) if (msg.length == 0){ return } var msg = JSON.parse(msg) var dateEl = document.createElement('div') var el = document.createElement('div') var msgDate = msg['meta']['time'] if (msgDate === undefined){ msgDate = 'unknown' } else{ humanDate.setUTCSeconds(msgDate) msgDate = humanDate.toDateString() } el.className = 'entry' el.innerText = msg['content'] /* Template Test */ // Test to see if the browser supports the HTML template element by checking // for the presence of the template element's content attribute. if ('content' in document.createElement('template')) { // Instantiate the table with the existing HTML tbody // and the row with the template var template = document.getElementById('cMsgTemplate') // Clone the new row and insert it into the table var feed = document.getElementById("feed") var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true); var div = clone.querySelectorAll("div") div[2].textContent = msg['content'] div[3].textContent = msgDate if (firstLoad){ feed.appendChild(clone) } else{ feed.prepend(clone) } } else { // Find another way to add the rows to the table because // the HTML template element is not supported. } } function getBlocks(){ var feed = document.getElementById("feed") var ch = document.getElementById('feedIDInput').value if (lastLoadedBoard !== ch){ while (feed.firstChild) { feed.removeChild(feed.firstChild); } requested = [] // reset requested list } lastLoadedBoard = ch if (document.getElementById('none') !== null){ document.getElementById('none').remove(); } var feedText = httpGet('/flow/getpostsbyboard/' + ch) var blockList = feedText.split(',').reverse() console.log(blockList) for (i = 0; i < blockList.length; i++){ while (blockList[i].length < 64) blockList[i] = "0" + blockList[i] if (! requested.includes(blockList[i])){ if (blockList[i].length == 0){ continue } bl = httpGet('/getblockdata/' + blockList[i]) appendMessages(bl) requested.push(blockList[i]) } } firstLoad = false } document.getElementById('refreshFeed').onclick = function(){ getBlocks() } newPostForm.onsubmit = function(){ var message = document.getElementById('newMsgText').value var channel = document.getElementById('feedIDInput').value var meta = {'ch': channel} var postData = {'message': message, 'sign': false, 'type': 'brd', 'encrypt': false, 'meta': JSON.stringify(meta)} postData = JSON.stringify(postData) = 'none' fetch('/insertblock', { method: 'POST', body: postData, headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.text()) // Transform the data into json .then(function(data) { = 'block' if (data == 'failure due to duplicate insert'){ alert('This message is already queued') return } alert('Queued for submission! ' + data) setTimeout(function(){getBlocks()}, 3000) }) return false }