import gevent from gevent import socket, sleep import secrets, random import config, logger import os # Hacky monkey patch so we can bind random localhosts without gevent trying to switch with an empty hub socket.getfqdn = lambda n: n def _get_acceptable_random_number()->int: """Return a cryptographically random number in the inclusive range (1, 255)""" number = 0 while number == 0: number = secrets.randbelow(0xFF) return number def set_bind_IP(filePath=''): '''Set a random localhost IP to a specified file (intended for private or public API localhost IPs)''' if config.get('general.random_bind_ip', True): hostOctets = [] for i in range(3): hostOctets.append(str(_get_acceptable_random_number())) hostOctets = ['127'] + hostOctets data = '.'.join(hostOctets) # Try to bind IP. Some platforms like Mac block non normal 127.x.x.x s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind((data, 0)) except OSError: # if mac/non-bindable, show warning and default to logger.warn('Your platform appears to not support random local host addresses 127.x.x.x. Falling back to') data = '' s.close() else: data = '' if filePath != '': with open(filePath, 'w') as bindFile: bindFile.write(data) return data