import json, sqlite3 import logger, onionrevents from onionrusers import onionrusers from etc import onionrvalues import onionrblockapi from . import epoch, stringvalidators, bytesconverter def get_block_metadata_from_data(blockData): ''' accepts block contents as string, returns a tuple of metadata, meta (meta being internal metadata, which will be returned as an encrypted base64 string if it is encrypted, dict if not). ''' meta = {} metadata = {} data = blockData try: blockData = blockData.encode() except AttributeError: pass try: metadata = json.loads(blockData[:blockData.find(b'\n')].decode()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: pass else: data = blockData[blockData.find(b'\n'):].decode() if not metadata['encryptType'] in ('asym', 'sym'): try: meta = json.loads(metadata['meta']) except KeyError: pass meta = metadata['meta'] return (metadata, meta, data) def process_block_metadata(core_inst, blockHash): ''' Read metadata from a block and cache it to the block database ''' curTime = epoch.get_rounded_epoch(roundS=60) myBlock = onionrblockapi.Block(blockHash, core_inst) if myBlock.isEncrypted: myBlock.decrypt() if (myBlock.isEncrypted and myBlock.decrypted) or (not myBlock.isEncrypted): blockType = myBlock.getMetadata('type') # we would use myBlock.getType() here, but it is bugged with encrypted blocks print('blockType', blockType) signer = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(myBlock.signer) valid = myBlock.verifySig() if myBlock.getMetadata('newFSKey') is not None: onionrusers.OnionrUser(core_inst, signer).addForwardKey(myBlock.getMetadata('newFSKey')) try: if len(blockType) <= 10: core_inst.updateBlockInfo(blockHash, 'dataType', blockType) except TypeError: logger.warn("Missing block information") pass # Set block expire time if specified try: expireTime = myBlock.getHeader('expire') assert len(str(int(expireTime))) < 20 # test that expire time is an integer of sane length (for epoch) except (AssertionError, ValueError, TypeError) as e: expireTime = onionrvalues.OnionrValues().default_expire + curTime finally: core_inst.updateBlockInfo(blockHash, 'expire', expireTime) if not blockType is None: core_inst.updateBlockInfo(blockHash, 'dataType', blockType) onionrevents.event('processblocks', data = {'block': myBlock, 'type': blockType, 'signer': signer, 'validSig': valid}, onionr = core_inst.onionrInst) else: pass def has_block(core_inst, hash): ''' Check for new block in the list ''' conn = sqlite3.connect(core_inst.blockDB) c = conn.cursor() if not stringvalidators.validate_hash(hash): raise Exception("Invalid hash") for result in c.execute("SELECT COUNT() FROM hashes WHERE hash = ?", (hash,)): if result[0] >= 1: conn.commit() conn.close() return True else: conn.commit() conn.close() return False return False