import requests import logger, onionrexceptions def do_post_request(core_inst, url, data={}, port=0, proxyType='tor'): ''' Do a POST request through a local tor or i2p instance ''' if proxyType == 'tor': if port == 0: port = core_inst.torPort proxies = {'http': 'socks4a://' + str(port), 'https': 'socks4a://' + str(port)} elif proxyType == 'i2p': proxies = {'http': ''} else: return headers = {'user-agent': 'PyOnionr', 'Connection':'close'} try: proxies = {'http': 'socks4a://' + str(port), 'https': 'socks4a://' + str(port)} r =, data=data, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, allow_redirects=False, timeout=(15, 30)) retData = r.text except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.debug('Error: %s' % str(e)) retData = False return retData def do_get_request(core_inst, url, port=0, proxyType='tor', ignoreAPI=False, returnHeaders=False): ''' Do a get request through a local tor or i2p instance ''' API_VERSION = core_inst.onionrInst.API_VERSION retData = False if proxyType == 'tor': if port == 0: raise onionrexceptions.MissingPort('Socks port required for Tor HTTP get request') proxies = {'http': 'socks4a://' + str(port), 'https': 'socks4a://' + str(port)} elif proxyType == 'i2p': proxies = {'http': ''} else: return headers = {'user-agent': 'PyOnionr', 'Connection':'close'} response_headers = dict() try: proxies = {'http': 'socks4a://' + str(port), 'https': 'socks4a://' + str(port)} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, allow_redirects=False, timeout=(15, 30), ) # Check server is using same API version as us if not ignoreAPI: try: response_headers = r.headers if r.headers['X-API'] != str(API_VERSION): raise onionrexceptions.InvalidAPIVersion except KeyError: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidAPIVersion retData = r.text except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt except ValueError as e: pass except onionrexceptions.InvalidAPIVersion: if 'X-API' in response_headers: logger.debug('Using API version %s. Cannot communicate with node\'s API version of %s.' % (API_VERSION, response_headers['X-API'])) else: logger.debug('Using API version %s. API version was not sent with the request.' % API_VERSION) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if not 'ConnectTimeoutError' in str(e) and not 'Request rejected or failed' in str(e): logger.debug('Error: %s' % str(e)) retData = False if returnHeaders: return (retData, response_headers) else: return retData