''' $name plugin template file. Generated on $date by $user. ''' # Imports some useful libraries import logger, config plugin_name = '$name' def on_init(api, data = None): ''' This event is called after Onionr is initialized, but before the command inputted is executed. Could be called when daemon is starting or when just the client is running. ''' # Doing this makes it so that the other functions can access the api object # by simply referencing the variable `pluginapi`. global pluginapi pluginapi = api return def on_start(api, data = None): ''' This event can be called for multiple reasons: 1) The daemon is starting 2) The user called `onionr --start-plugins` or `onionr --reload-plugins` 3) For whatever reason, the plugins are reloading ''' return def on_stop(api, data = None): ''' This event can be called for multiple reasons: 1) The daemon is stopping 2) The user called `onionr --stop-plugins` or `onionr --reload-plugins` 3) For whatever reason, the plugins are reloading ''' return