''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication Use a communicator instance to announce our transport address to connected nodes ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import base64 import onionrproofs, logger from etc import onionrvalues from onionrutils import basicrequests, bytesconverter from utils import gettransports from netcontroller import NetController from communicator import onlinepeers from coredb import keydb import onionrexceptions def announce_node(daemon): '''Announce our node to our peers''' ret_data = False announce_fail = False # Do not let announceCache get too large if len(daemon.announceCache) >= 10000: daemon.announceCache.popitem() if daemon.config.get('general.security_level', 0) == 0: # Announce to random online peers for i in daemon.onlinePeers: if not i in daemon.announceCache and not i in daemon.announceProgress: peer = i break else: try: peer = onlinepeers.pick_online_peer(daemon) except onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded: peer = "" for _ in range(1): try: ourID = gettransports.get()[0] if not peer: raise onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded except (IndexError, onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded): break url = 'http://' + peer + '/announce' data = {'node': ourID} combinedNodes = ourID + peer if ourID != 1: existingRand = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(keydb.transportinfo.get_address_info(peer, 'powValue')) # Reset existingRand if it no longer meets the minimum POW if type(existingRand) is type(None) or not existingRand.endswith('0' * onionrvalues.ANNOUNCE_POW): existingRand = '' if peer in daemon.announceCache: data['random'] = daemon.announceCache[peer] elif len(existingRand) > 0: data['random'] = existingRand else: daemon.announceProgress[peer] = True proof = onionrproofs.DataPOW(combinedNodes, minDifficulty=onionrvalues.ANNOUNCE_POW) del daemon.announceProgress[peer] try: data['random'] = base64.b64encode(proof.waitForResult()[1]) except TypeError: # Happens when we failed to produce a proof logger.error("Failed to produce a pow for announcing to " + peer) announce_fail = True else: daemon.announceCache[peer] = data['random'] if not announce_fail: logger.info('Announcing node to ' + url) if basicrequests.do_post_request(url, data, port=daemon.shared_state.get(NetController).socksPort) == 'Success': logger.info('Successfully introduced node to ' + peer, terminal=True) ret_data = True keydb.transportinfo.set_address_info(peer, 'introduced', 1) keydb.transportinfo.set_address_info(peer, 'powValue', data['random']) daemon.decrementThreadCount('announce_node') return ret_data