import urllib, requests, time import logger from onionrutils import getclientapiserver def local_command(core_inst, command, data='', silent = True, post=False, postData = {}, maxWait=20): ''' Send a command to the local http API server, securely. Intended for local clients, DO NOT USE for remote peers. ''' # TODO: URL encode parameters, just as an extra measure. May not be needed, but should be added regardless. hostname = '' waited = 0 while hostname == '': try: hostname = getclientapiserver.get_client_API_server(core_inst) except FileNotFoundError: time.sleep(1) waited += 1 if waited == maxWait: return False if data != '': data = '&data=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(data) payload = 'http://%s/%s%s' % (hostname, command, data) try: if post: retData =, data=postData, headers={'token': config.get('client.webpassword'), 'Connection':'close'}, timeout=(maxWait, maxWait)).text else: retData = requests.get(payload, headers={'token': config.get('client.webpassword'), 'Connection':'close'}, timeout=(maxWait, maxWait)).text except Exception as error: if not silent: logger.error('Failed to make local request (command: %s):%s' % (command, error), terminal=True) retData = False return retData