''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication This file handles Onionr's cryptography. ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import os, binascii, base64, hashlib, time, sys, hmac, secrets import nacl.signing, nacl.encoding, nacl.public, nacl.hash, nacl.pwhash, nacl.utils, nacl.secret import logger, onionrproofs import onionrexceptions, keymanager, core import config config.reload() class OnionrCrypto: def __init__(self, coreInstance): self._core = coreInstance self._keyFile = self._core.dataDir + 'keys.txt' self.pubKey = None self.privKey = None self.secrets = secrets self.deterministicRequirement = 25 # Min deterministic password/phrase length self.HASH_ID_ROUNDS = 2000 self.keyManager = keymanager.KeyManager(self) # Load our own pub/priv Ed25519 keys, gen & save them if they don't exist if os.path.exists(self._keyFile): if len(config.get('general.public_key', '')) > 0: self.pubKey = config.get('general.public_key') else: self.pubKey = self.keyManager.getPubkeyList()[0] self.privKey = self.keyManager.getPrivkey(self.pubKey) else: keys = self.generatePubKey() self.pubKey = keys[0] self.privKey = keys[1] self.keyManager.addKey(self.pubKey, self.privKey) return def edVerify(self, data, key, sig, encodedData=True): '''Verify signed data (combined in nacl) to an ed25519 key''' try: key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(key=key, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder) except nacl.exceptions.ValueError: #logger.debug('Signature by unknown key (cannot reverse hash)') return False except binascii.Error: logger.warn('Could not load key for verification, invalid padding') return False retData = False sig = base64.b64decode(sig) try: data = data.encode() except AttributeError: pass if encodedData: try: retData = key.verify(data, sig) # .encode() is not the same as nacl.encoding except nacl.exceptions.BadSignatureError: pass else: try: retData = key.verify(data, sig) except nacl.exceptions.BadSignatureError: pass return retData def edSign(self, data, key, encodeResult=False): '''Ed25519 sign data''' try: data = data.encode() except AttributeError: pass key = nacl.signing.SigningKey(seed=key, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder) retData = '' if encodeResult: retData = key.sign(data, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder).signature.decode() # .encode() is not the same as nacl.encoding else: retData = key.sign(data).signature return retData def pubKeyEncrypt(self, data, pubkey, encodedData=False): '''Encrypt to a public key (Curve25519, taken from base32 Ed25519 pubkey)''' retVal = '' box = None data = self._core._utils.strToBytes(data) pubkey = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder()).to_curve25519_public_key() if encodedData: encoding = nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder else: encoding = nacl.encoding.RawEncoder box = nacl.public.SealedBox(pubkey) retVal = box.encrypt(data, encoder=encoding) return retVal def pubKeyDecrypt(self, data, pubkey='', privkey='', encodedData=False): '''pubkey decrypt (Curve25519, taken from Ed25519 pubkey)''' decrypted = False if encodedData: encoding = nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder else: encoding = nacl.encoding.RawEncoder if privkey == '': privkey = self.privKey ownKey = nacl.signing.SigningKey(seed=privkey, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder()).to_curve25519_private_key() if self._core._utils.validatePubKey(privkey): privkey = nacl.signing.SigningKey(seed=privkey, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder()).to_curve25519_private_key() anonBox = nacl.public.SealedBox(privkey) else: anonBox = nacl.public.SealedBox(ownKey) decrypted = anonBox.decrypt(data, encoder=encoding) return decrypted def symmetricEncrypt(self, data, key, encodedKey=False, returnEncoded=True): '''Encrypt data to a 32-byte key (Salsa20-Poly1305 MAC)''' if encodedKey: encoding = nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder else: encoding = nacl.encoding.RawEncoder # Make sure data is bytes if type(data) != bytes: data = data.encode() box = nacl.secret.SecretBox(key, encoder=encoding) if returnEncoded: encoding = nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder else: encoding = nacl.encoding.RawEncoder encrypted = box.encrypt(data, encoder=encoding) return encrypted def symmetricDecrypt(self, data, key, encodedKey=False, encodedMessage=False, returnEncoded=False): '''Decrypt data to a 32-byte key (Salsa20-Poly1305 MAC)''' if encodedKey: encoding = nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder else: encoding = nacl.encoding.RawEncoder box = nacl.secret.SecretBox(key, encoder=encoding) if encodedMessage: encoding = nacl.encoding.Base64Encoder else: encoding = nacl.encoding.RawEncoder decrypted = box.decrypt(data, encoder=encoding) if returnEncoded: decrypted = base64.b64encode(decrypted) return decrypted def generateSymmetric(self): '''Generate a symmetric key (bytes) and return it''' return binascii.hexlify(nacl.utils.random(nacl.secret.SecretBox.KEY_SIZE)) def generatePubKey(self): '''Generate a Ed25519 public key pair, return tuple of base32encoded pubkey, privkey''' private_key = nacl.signing.SigningKey.generate() public_key = private_key.verify_key.encode(encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder()) return (public_key.decode(), private_key.encode(encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder()).decode()) def generateDeterministic(self, passphrase, bypassCheck=False): '''Generate a Ed25519 public key pair from a password''' passStrength = self.deterministicRequirement passphrase = self._core._utils.strToBytes(passphrase) # Convert to bytes if not already # Validate passphrase length if not bypassCheck: if len(passphrase) < passStrength: raise onionrexceptions.PasswordStrengthError("Passphase must be at least %s characters" % (passStrength,)) # KDF values kdf = nacl.pwhash.argon2id.kdf salt = b"U81Q7llrQcdTP0Ux" # Does not need to be unique or secret, but must be 16 bytes ops = nacl.pwhash.argon2id.OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE mem = nacl.pwhash.argon2id.MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE key = kdf(32, passphrase, salt, opslimit=ops, memlimit=mem) # Generate seed for ed25519 key key = nacl.signing.SigningKey(key) return (key.verify_key.encode(nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder).decode(), key.encode(nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder).decode()) def pubKeyHashID(self, pubkey=''): '''Accept a ed25519 public key, return a truncated result of X many sha3_256 hash rounds''' if pubkey == '': pubkey = self.pubKey prev = '' pubkey = pubkey.encode() for i in range(self.HASH_ID_ROUNDS): try: prev = prev.encode() except AttributeError: pass hasher = hashlib.sha3_256() hasher.update(pubkey + prev) prev = hasher.hexdigest() result = prev return result def sha3Hash(self, data): try: data = data.encode() except AttributeError: pass hasher = hashlib.sha3_256() hasher.update(data) return hasher.hexdigest() def blake2bHash(self, data): try: data = data.encode() except AttributeError: pass return nacl.hash.blake2b(data) def verifyPow(self, blockContent): ''' Verifies the proof of work associated with a block ''' retData = False dataLen = len(blockContent) try: blockContent = blockContent.encode() except AttributeError: pass blockHash = self.sha3Hash(blockContent) try: blockHash = blockHash.decode() # bytes on some versions for some reason except AttributeError: pass difficulty = onionrproofs.getDifficultyForNewBlock(blockContent, ourBlock=False, coreInst=self._core) if difficulty < int(config.get('general.minimum_block_pow')): difficulty = int(config.get('general.minimum_block_pow')) mainHash = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'#nacl.hash.blake2b(nacl.utils.random()).decode() puzzle = mainHash[:difficulty] if blockHash[:difficulty] == puzzle: # logger.debug('Validated block pow') retData = True else: logger.debug("Invalid token, bad proof") return retData @staticmethod def replayTimestampValidation(timestamp): if core.Core()._utils.getEpoch() - int(timestamp) > 2419200: return False else: return True @staticmethod def safeCompare(one, two): # Do encode here to avoid spawning core try: one = one.encode() except AttributeError: pass try: two = two.encode() except AttributeError: pass return hmac.compare_digest(one, two) @staticmethod def randomShuffle(theList): myList = list(theList) shuffledList = [] myListLength = len(myList) + 1 while myListLength > 0: removed = secrets.randbelow(myListLength) try: shuffledList.append(myList.pop(removed)) except IndexError: pass myListLength = len(myList) return shuffledList