''' Onionr - P2P Anonymous Data Storage & Sharing DBCreator, creates sqlite3 databases used by Onionr ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sqlite3, os class DBCreator: def __init__(self, coreInst): self.core = coreInst def createAddressDB(self): ''' Generate the address database types: 1: I2P b32 address 2: Tor v2 (like facebookcorewwwi.onion) 3: Tor v3 ''' conn = sqlite3.connect(self.core.addressDB) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE adders( address text, type int, knownPeer text, speed int, success int, DBHash text, powValue text, failure int, lastConnect int, lastConnectAttempt int, trust int ); ''') conn.commit() conn.close() def createPeerDB(self): ''' Generate the peer sqlite3 database and populate it with the peers table. ''' # generate the peer database conn = sqlite3.connect(self.core.peerDB) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE peers( ID text not null, name text, adders text, dateSeen not null, bytesStored int, trust int, pubkeyExchanged int, hashID text, pow text not null); ''') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE forwardKeys( peerKey text not null, forwardKey text not null, date int not null, expire int not null );''') conn.commit() conn.close() return def createBlockDB(self): ''' Create a database for blocks hash - the hash of a block dateReceived - the date the block was recieved, not necessarily when it was created decrypted - if we can successfully decrypt the block (does not describe its current state) dataType - data type of the block dataFound - if the data has been found for the block dataSaved - if the data has been saved for the block sig - optional signature by the author (not optional if author is specified) author - multi-round partial sha3-256 hash of authors public key dateClaimed - timestamp claimed inside the block, only as trustworthy as the block author is expire int - block expire date in epoch ''' if os.path.exists(self.core.blockDB): raise Exception("Block database already exists") conn = sqlite3.connect(self.core.blockDB) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE hashes( hash text not null, dateReceived int, decrypted int, dataType text, dataFound int, dataSaved int, sig text, author text, dateClaimed int, expire int ); ''') conn.commit() conn.close() return def createForwardKeyDB(self): ''' Create the forward secrecy key db (*for *OUR* keys*) ''' if os.path.exists(self.core.forwardKeysFile): raise Exception("Block database already exists") conn = sqlite3.connect(self.core.forwardKeysFile) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE myForwardKeys( peer text not null, public key text not null, private key text not null, date int not null, expire int not null ); ''') conn.commit() conn.close() return