''' Onionr - P2P Anonymous Storage Network Onionr Socket interface ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import stem.control import threading import socks, config, uuid import onionrexceptions, time, requests, onionrblockapi, logger from dependencies import secrets from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer from flask import request, Response, abort import flask class OnionrSocketServer: def __init__(self, coreInst): self._core = coreInst app = flask.Flask(__name__) self._core.socketServerConnData = {} self.bindPort = 0 self.sockets = {} while self.bindPort < 1024: self.bindPort = secrets.randbelow(65535) self.responseData = {} threading.Thread(target=self.detectShutdown).start() threading.Thread(target=self.socketStarter).start() app = flask.Flask(__name__) self.http_server = WSGIServer(('', self.bindPort), app) self.http_server.serve_forever() @app.route('/dc/', methods=['POST']) def acceptConn(self): data = request.form['data'] data = self._core._utils.bytesTorStr(data) data = {'date': self._core._utils.getEpoch(), 'data': data} myPeer = '' retData = '' for peer in self.sockets: if self.sockets[peer] == request.host: myPeer = peer break else: return "" if request.host in self.sockets: self._core.socketServerConnData[myPeer].append(data) else: self._core.socketServerConnData[myPeer] = [data] try: retData = self._core.socketServerResponseData[myPeer] except KeyError: pass self._core.socketServerConnData[myPeer] = '' return retData def socketStarter(self): while not self._core.killSockets: try: self.addSocket(self._core.startSocket['peer'], reason=self._core.startSocket['reason']) except KeyError: pass else: logger.info('%s socket started with %s' % (self._core.startSocket['reason'], self._core.startSocket['peer'])) self._core.startSocket = {} time.sleep(1) def detectShutdown(self): while not self._core.killSockets: time.sleep(5) logger.info('Killing socket server') self.http_server.stop() def addSocket(self, peer, reason=''): bindPort = 1337 assert len(reason) <= 12 with stem.control.Controller.from_port(port=config.get('tor.controlPort')) as controller: controller.authenticate(config.get('tor.controlpassword')) socket = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service({80: bindPort}, await_publication = True) self.sockets[peer] = socket.service_id self.responseData[socket.service_id] = '' self._core.insertBlock(str(uuid.uuid4()), header='socket', sign=True, encryptType='asym', asymPeer=peer, meta={'reason': reason}) self._core.socketReasons[peer] = reason return class OnionrSocketClient: def __init__(self, coreInst): self.sockets = {} # pubkey: tor address self.connPool = {} self.sendData = {} self._core = coreInst self.response = '' self.request = '' self.connected = False self.killSocket = False def startSocket(self, peer, reason): address = '' logger.info('Trying to find socket server for %s' % (peer,)) # Find the newest open socket for a given peer for block in self._core.getBlocksByType('socket'): block = onionrblockapi.Block(block, core=self._myCore) if block.decrypt(): if block.verifySig() and block.signer == peer: address = block.getMetadata('address') if self._core._utils.validateID(address): # If we got their address, it is valid, and verified, we can break out if block.getMetadata('reason') == 'chat': break else: address = '' if address != '': logger.info('%s socket client started with %s' % (reason, peer)) self.sockets[peer] = address data = 'hey' while not self.killSocket: try: data = self.sendData[peer] except KeyError: pass else: self.sendData[peer] = '' postData = {'data': data} self.connPool[peer] = {'date': self._core._utils.getEpoch(), 'data': self._core._utils.doPostRequest('http://' + address + '/dc/', data=postData)} def getResponse(self, peer): retData = '' try: retData = self.connPool[peer] except KeyError: pass return def sendData(self, peer, data): self.sendData[peer] = data