"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. This file defines values and requirements used by Onionr """ import platform import os import filepaths """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ DENIABLE_PEER_ADDRESS = "OVPCZLOXD6DC5JHX4EQ3PSOGAZ3T24F75HQLIUZSDSMYPEOXCPFA" PASSWORD_LENGTH = 25 ONIONR_TAGLINE = 'Private P2P Communication - GPLv3 - https://Onionr.net' ONIONR_VERSION = '5.0.1' ONIONR_VERSION_CODENAME = 'Genesis' ONIONR_VERSION_TUPLE = tuple(ONIONR_VERSION.split('.')) # (MAJOR, MINOR, VERSION) API_VERSION = '1' # increments of 1; only change when something fundamental about how the API works changes. This way other nodes know how to communicate without learning too much information about you. MIN_PY_VERSION = 7 # min version of 7 so we can take advantage of non-cyclic type hints DEVELOPMENT_MODE = False IS_QUBES = False """limit type length for a block (soft enforced, ignored if invalid but block still stored).""" MAX_BLOCK_TYPE_LENGTH = 15 """limit clock timestamp for new blocks to be skewed in the future in seconds, 2 minutes to allow plenty of time for slow block insertion and slight clock inaccuracies""" MAX_BLOCK_CLOCK_SKEW = 120 """Onionr user IDs are ed25519 keys, which are always 32 bytes in length""" MAIN_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE = 32 ORIG_RUN_DIR_ENV_VAR = 'ORIG_ONIONR_RUN_DIR' DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 60 # Block creation anonymization requirements MIN_BLOCK_UPLOAD_PEER_PERCENT = 0.1 WSGI_SERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECS = 120 MAX_NEW_PEER_QUEUE = 1000 BLOCK_EXPORT_FILE_EXT = '.onionr' # Begin OnionrValues migrated values """30 days is plenty of time for someone to decide to renew a block""" DEFAULT_EXPIRE = 2678400 # Metadata header section length limits, in bytes BLOCK_METADATA_LENGTHS = {'meta': 1000, 'sig': 200, 'signer': 200, 'time': 10, 'pow': 1000, 'encryptType': 4, 'expire': 14} # Pool Eligibility Max Age BLOCK_POOL_MAX_AGE = 300 """Public key that signs MOTD messages shown in the web UI""" MOTD_SIGN_KEY = "TRH763JURNY47QPBTTQ4LLPYCYQK6Q5YA33R6GANKZK5C5DKCIGQ" """Public key that signs update notifications.""" UPDATE_SIGN_KEY = "TRH763JURNY47QPBTTQ4LLPYCYQK6Q5YA33R6GANKZK5C5DKCIGQ" platform = platform.system() if platform == 'Windows': SCRIPT_NAME = 'run-windows.bat' else: if os.path.exists(filepaths.daemon_mark_file): SCRIPT_NAME = 'start-daemon.sh' else: SCRIPT_NAME = 'onionr.sh' if 'qubes' in platform.release().lower(): IS_QUBES = True