''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication Misc client API endpoints too small to need their own file and that need access to the client api inst ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' from flask import Response, Blueprint, request, send_from_directory, abort from httpapi import apiutils import onionrcrypto, config from netcontroller import NetController from serializeddata import SerializedData from onionrutils import mnemonickeys from onionrutils import bytesconverter pub_key = onionrcrypto.pub_key.replace('=', '') class PrivateEndpoints: def __init__(self, client_api): private_endpoints_bp = Blueprint('privateendpoints', __name__) self.private_endpoints_bp = private_endpoints_bp @private_endpoints_bp.route('/www/', endpoint='www') def wwwPublic(path): if not config.get("www.private.run", True): abort(403) return send_from_directory(config.get('www.private.path', 'static-data/www/private/'), path) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/hitcount') def get_hit_count(): return Response(str(client_api.publicAPI.hitCount)) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/queueResponseAdd/', methods=['post']) def queueResponseAdd(name): # Responses from the daemon. TODO: change to direct var access instead of http endpoint client_api.queueResponse[name] = request.form['data'] return Response('success') @private_endpoints_bp.route('/queueResponse/') def queueResponse(name): # Fetch a daemon queue response resp = 'failure' try: resp = client_api.queueResponse[name] except KeyError: pass else: del client_api.queueResponse[name] if resp == 'failure': return resp, 404 else: return resp @private_endpoints_bp.route('/ping') def ping(): # Used to check if client api is working return Response("pong!") @private_endpoints_bp.route('/lastconnect') def lastConnect(): return Response(str(client_api.publicAPI.lastRequest)) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/waitforshare/', methods=['post']) def waitforshare(name): '''Used to prevent the **public** api from sharing blocks we just created''' assert name.isalnum() if name in client_api.publicAPI.hideBlocks: client_api.publicAPI.hideBlocks.remove(name) return Response("removed") else: client_api.publicAPI.hideBlocks.append(name) return Response("added") @private_endpoints_bp.route('/shutdown') def shutdown(): return apiutils.shutdown.shutdown(client_api) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getstats') def getStats(): # returns node stats while True: try: return Response(client_api._too_many.get(SerializedData).getStats()) except AttributeError as e: pass @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getuptime') def showUptime(): return Response(str(client_api.getUptime())) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getActivePubkey') def getActivePubkey(): return Response(pub_key) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getHumanReadable') def getHumanReadableDefault(): return Response(mnemonickeys.get_human_readable_ID()) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getHumanReadable/') def getHumanReadable(name): return Response(mnemonickeys.get_human_readable_ID(name)) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/getBase32FromHumanReadable/') def get_base32_from_human_readable(words): return Response(bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(mnemonickeys.get_base32(words))) @private_endpoints_bp.route('/gettorsocks') def get_tor_socks(): return Response(str(client_api._too_many.get(NetController).socksPort))