import tty import sys import subprocess import traceback import ujson as json import result import requests import requests_unixsocket from logger import log as logging import onionrplugins.pluginapis def do_quit(): raise KeyboardInterrupt rpc_payload = { "method": "echo", "params": ["example"], "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, } def list_idens(): print('Listing identities') payload = dict(rpc_payload) payload['method'] = 'wot.serialize_identity_set' del payload['params'] print(onionrplugins.pluginapis.plugin_apis['rpc.rpc_client'](json=payload).text) def ping_api() -> result.Result: payload = dict(rpc_payload) payload['method'] = 'ping' del payload['params'] try: _ping_res = onionrplugins.pluginapis.plugin_apis['rpc.rpc_client'](json=payload).text except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return result.Err('Could not connect to Onionr RPC server. Please ensure the RPC plugin is enabled and the Onionr daemon is running') except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return result.Err('Unknown error occurred while connecting to Onionr RPC server') _ping_res = json.loads(_ping_res) if _ping_res['result'] == 'pong': return result.Ok() else: return result.Err('API not responding. Try restarting Onionr') main_menu = { 'l': (list_idens, 'list trusted identities'), 'q': (do_quit, 'quit CLI') } def main_ui(): #tty.setraw(sys.stdin) try: onionrplugins.pluginapis.plugin_apis['rpc.rpc_client'] except KeyError: logging.error("Web of trust CLI requires RPC plugin to be enabled") return ping_result: result.Result = ping_api() if not isinstance(ping_result, result.Ok): logging.error(ping_result) return while True: # move cursor to the beginning print('\r', end='') try: key = main_menu[key][0]() except KeyError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: break #subprocess.Popen(['reset'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)