/* Onionr - Private P2P Communication This file handles the mail interface This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ pms = '' sentbox = '' threadPart = document.getElementById('threads') threadPlaceholder = document.getElementById('threadPlaceholder') tabBtns = document.getElementById('tabBtns') threadContent = {} replyBtn = document.getElementById('replyBtn') addUnknownContact = document.getElementById('addUnknownContact') noInbox = document.getElementById('noInbox') humanReadableCache = {} function stripEndZeroes(str){ str = str.split("") let zeroCount = 0 for (x = str.length - 1; x != 0; x--){ if (str[x] == "0"){ zeroCount += 1 } else{ break } } str.splice(str.length - zeroCount, zeroCount) str = str.join("") return str } async function addContact(pubkey, friendName){ fetch('/friends/add/' + pubkey, { method: 'POST', headers: { "token": webpass }}).then(function(data) { if (friendName.trim().length > 0){ post_to_url('/friends/setinfo/' + pubkey + '/name', {'data': friendName, 'token': webpass}) } }) } function openReply(bHash, quote, subject){ var inbox = document.getElementsByClassName('threadEntry') var entry = '' var friendName = '' var key = '' for(var i = 0; i < inbox.length; i++) { if (inbox[i].getAttribute('data-hash') === bHash){ entry = inbox[i] } } if (entry.getAttribute('data-nameset') == 'true'){ document.getElementById('friendSelect').value = document.getElementById('fromUser').value } key = entry.getAttribute('data-pubkey') document.getElementById('draftID').value = key document.getElementById('draftSubject').value = 'RE: ' + subject // Add quoted reply var splitQuotes = quote.split('\n') for (var x = 0; x < splitQuotes.length; x++){ splitQuotes[x] = '> ' + splitQuotes[x] } if (typeof humanReadableCache[key] != 'undefined'){ document.getElementById('draftID').value = humanReadableCache[key] quote = '\n' + humanReadableCache[key].split('-').slice(0,3).join('-') + ' wrote:\n' + splitQuotes.join('\n') } else{ quote = '\n' + key.substring(0, 12) + ' wrote:' + '\n' + splitQuotes.join('\n') } document.getElementById('draftText').value = quote setActiveTab('compose') } function openThread(bHash, sender, date, sigBool, pubkey, subjectLine){ addUnknownContact.style.display = 'none' var messageDisplay = document.getElementById('threadDisplay') fetch('/getblockbody/' + bHash, { "method": "get", headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.text()) .then(function(resp) { document.getElementById('fromUser').value = sender || 'Anonymous' document.getElementById('fromUser').value = pubkey || '' document.getElementById('subjectView').innerText = subjectLine resp = stripEndZeroes(resp) /* resp = resp.split("") let zeroCount = 0 for (x = resp.length - 1; x != 0; x--){ if (resp[x] == "0"){ zeroCount += 1 } else{ break } } resp.splice(resp.length - zeroCount, zeroCount) resp = resp.join("") */ messageDisplay.innerText = resp var sigEl = document.getElementById('sigValid') var sigMsg = 'signature' // show add unknown contact button if peer is unknown if (sender !== myPub && sigBool){ addUnknownContact.style.display = 'inline' } if (sigBool){ sigMsg = 'Good ' + sigMsg sigEl.classList.remove('danger') } else{ sigMsg = 'Bad/no ' + sigMsg + ' (message could be impersonating someone)' sigEl.classList.add('danger') replyBtn.style.display = 'none' } sigEl.innerText = sigMsg overlay('messageDisplay') replyBtn.onclick = function(){ openReply(bHash, messageDisplay.innerText, subjectLine) } addUnknownContact.onclick = function(){ var friendName = prompt("Enter an alias for this contact:") if (friendName === null || friendName.length == 0){ return } addContact(pubkey, friendName) } }) } function setActiveTab(tabName){ threadPart.innerHTML = "" noInbox.style.display = 'none' window.inboxActive = false switch(tabName){ case 'inbox': window.inboxActive = true refreshPms() getInbox() break case 'sent': getSentbox() break case 'compose': overlay('sendMessage') document.getElementById('inboxTab').click() break case 'settings': document.getElementById('settingsModal').classList.add('is-active') break } } function deleteMessage(bHash){ fetch('/mail/deletemsg/' + bHash, { "method": "post", headers: { "token": webpass }}) } function mailPing(){ fetch('/mail/ping', { "method": "get", headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then(function(resp) { var pings = document.getElementsByClassName('mailPing') if (resp.ok){ for (var i=0; i < pings.length; i++){ pings[i].style.display = 'none'; } } else{ for (var i=0; i < pings.length; i++){ pings[i].style.display = 'block'; } } }) } function loadInboxEntries(bHash){ fetch('/getblockheader/' + bHash, { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the data into json .then(function(resp) { //console.log(resp) var entry = document.createElement('div') var bHashDisplay = document.createElement('span') //var senderInput = document.createElement('input') var senderInput = document.createElement('span') var subjectLine = document.createElement('span') var dateStr = document.createElement('span') var validSig = document.createElement('span') var deleteBtn = document.createElement('button') var humanDate = new Date(0) var metadata = resp['metadata'] humanDate.setUTCSeconds(resp['meta']['time']) humanDate = humanDate.toString() validSig.style.display = 'none' if (typeof resp['meta']['signer'] != 'undefined' && resp['meta']['signer'] != ''){ fetch('/friends/getinfo/' + resp['meta']['signer'] + '/name', { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then(function(resp2){ if (!resp2.ok){ setHumanReadableValue(senderInput, resp['meta']['signer']) entry.setAttribute('data-nameSet', false) } else{ resp2.text().then(function(resp2){ loadHumanReadableToCache(resp['meta']['signer']) senderInput.innerText = resp2 entry.setAttribute('data-nameSet', true) }) } }) } else{ senderInput.innerText = 'Anonymous' entry.setAttribute('data-nameSet', false) } if (! resp['meta']['validSig']){ validSig.style.display = 'inline' validSig.innerText = 'Signature Validity: Bad' validSig.style.color = 'red' } //bHashDisplay.innerText = bHash.substring(0, 10) entry.setAttribute('data-hash', bHash) entry.setAttribute('data-pubkey', resp['meta']['signer']) senderInput.readOnly = true dateStr.innerText = humanDate.substring(0, humanDate.indexOf('(')) deleteBtn.classList.add('delete', 'deleteBtn') if (metadata['subject'] === undefined || metadata['subject'] === null) { subjectLine.innerText = '()' } else{ subjectLine.innerText = '(' + metadata['subject'] + ')' } //entry.innerHTML = 'sender ' + resp['meta']['signer'] + ' - ' + resp['meta']['time'] threadPart.appendChild(entry) entry.appendChild(deleteBtn) entry.appendChild(bHashDisplay) entry.appendChild(senderInput) entry.appendChild(subjectLine) entry.appendChild(dateStr) entry.appendChild(validSig) entry.classList.add('threadEntry') entry.onclick = function(event){ if (event.target.classList.contains('deleteBtn')){ return } openThread(entry.getAttribute('data-hash'), senderInput.innerText, dateStr.innerText, resp['meta']['validSig'], entry.getAttribute('data-pubkey'), subjectLine.innerText) } deleteBtn.onclick = function(){ entry.parentNode.removeChild(entry); deleteMessage(entry.getAttribute('data-hash')) } }.bind(bHash)) } function getInbox(){ if (! window.inboxActive){ return } var els = document.getElementsByClassName('threadEntry') var showed = false for(var i = 0; i < pms.length; i++) { var add = true if (pms[i].trim().length == 0){ noInbox.style.display = 'block' continue } else{ threadPlaceholder.style.display = 'none' showed = true } for (var x = 0; x < els.length; x++){ if (pms[i] === els[x].getAttribute('data-hash')){ add = false } } if (add && window.inboxActive) { loadInboxEntries(pms[i]) } } if (! showed){ threadPlaceholder.style.display = 'block' } } function getSentbox(){ fetch('/mail/getsentbox', { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the data into json .then(function(resp) { var keys = []; var entry = document.createElement('div') for(var k in resp) keys.push(k); if (keys.length == 0){ threadPart.innerHTML = "nothing to show here yet." } for (var i = keys.length - 1; i > -1; i--) (function(i, resp){ var entry = document.createElement('div') var toLabel = document.createElement('span') toLabel.innerText = 'To: ' var toEl = document.createElement('span') toEl.classList.add('toElement') var sentDate = document.createElement('span') var humanDate = new Date(0) humanDate.setUTCSeconds(resp[i]['date']) humanDate = humanDate.toString() var preview = document.createElement('span') var deleteBtn = document.createElement('button') var message = resp[i]['message'] deleteBtn.classList.add('deleteBtn', 'delete') sentDate.innerText = humanDate.substring(0, humanDate.indexOf('(')) if (resp[i]['name'] == null || resp[i]['name'].toLowerCase() == 'anonymous'){ toEl.innerText = resp[i]['peer'] setHumanReadableValue(toEl, resp[i]['peer']) } else{ toEl.innerText = resp[i]['name'] } preview.innerText = '(' + resp[i]['subject'] + ')' entry.classList.add('sentboxList') entry.setAttribute('data-hash', resp[i]['hash']) entry.appendChild(deleteBtn) entry.appendChild(toLabel) entry.appendChild(toEl) entry.appendChild(preview) entry.appendChild(sentDate) threadPart.appendChild(entry) entry.onclick = function(e){ if (e.target.classList.contains('deleteBtn')){ deleteMessage(e.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-hash')) e.target.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(e.target.parentNode) return } showSentboxWindow(toEl.innerText, message) } })(i, resp) threadPart.appendChild(entry) }.bind(threadPart)) } function showSentboxWindow(to, content){ content = stripEndZeroes(content) document.getElementById('toID').value = to document.getElementById('sentboxDisplayText').innerText = content overlay('sentboxDisplay') } function refreshPms(callNext){ if (! window.inboxActive){ return } fetch('/mail/getinbox', { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.text()) .then(function(data) { pms = data.split(',') if (pms.length > 0){ noInbox.style.display = 'none' } if (callNext){ getInbox() } }) } tabBtns.onclick = function(event){ var children = tabBtns.children[0].children for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var btn = children[i] btn.classList.remove('is-active') } event.target.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add('is-active') setActiveTab(event.target.innerText.toLowerCase()) } for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByClassName('refresh').length; i++){ document.getElementsByClassName('refresh')[i].style.float = 'right' } fetch('/friends/list', { headers: { "token": webpass }}) .then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the data into json .then(function(resp) { var friendSelectParent = document.getElementById('friendSelect') var keys = []; var friend for(var k in resp) keys.push(k); friendSelectParent.appendChild(document.createElement('option')) for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option") var name = resp[keys[i]]['name'] || "" option.value = keys[i] if (name.length == 0){ option.text = keys[i] } else{ option.text = name } friendSelectParent.appendChild(option) } }) setActiveTab('inbox') setInterval(function(){mailPing()}, 10000) mailPing() window.inboxInterval = setInterval(function(){refreshPms(true)}, 3000) refreshPms(true)