''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication Netcontroller library, used to control/work with Tor/I2P and send requests through them ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import os, sys, base64, subprocess, signal, time import multiprocessing import platform # For windows sigkill workaround import config, logger from . import getopenport from . import watchdog from . import customtorrc from utils import identifyhome config.reload() TOR_KILL_WAIT = 3 def add_bridges(torrc: str)->str: """Configure tor to use a bridge using Onionr config keys""" if config.get('tor.use_bridge', False) == True: bridge = config.get('tor.bridge_ip', None) if not bridge is None: fingerprint = config.get('tor.bridge_fingerprint', '') # allow blank fingerprint purposefully torrc += '\nUseBridges 1\nBridge %s %s\n' % (bridge, fingerprint) else: logger.warn('bridge was enabled but not specified in config') return torrc class NetController: ''' This class handles hidden service setup on Tor and I2P ''' def __init__(self, hsPort, apiServerIP=''): # set data dir self.dataDir = identifyhome.identify_home() self.torConfigLocation = self.dataDir + 'torrc' self.readyState = False self.socksPort = getopenport.get_open_port() self.hsPort = hsPort self._torInstnace = '' self.myID = '' self.apiServerIP = apiServerIP if os.path.exists('./tor'): self.torBinary = './tor' elif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/tor'): self.torBinary = '/usr/bin/tor' else: self.torBinary = 'tor' def generateTorrc(self): ''' Generate a torrc file for our tor instance ''' hsVer = '# v2 onions' if config.get('tor.v3onions'): hsVer = 'HiddenServiceVersion 3' if os.path.exists(self.torConfigLocation): os.remove(self.torConfigLocation) # Set the Tor control password. Meant to make it harder to manipulate our Tor instance plaintext = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(50)).decode() config.set('tor.controlpassword', plaintext, savefile=True) config.set('tor.socksport', self.socksPort, savefile=True) controlPort = getopenport.get_open_port() config.set('tor.controlPort', controlPort, savefile=True) hashedPassword = subprocess.Popen([self.torBinary, '--hash-password', plaintext], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(hashedPassword.stdout.readline, b''): password = line.decode() if 'warn' not in password: break torrcData = '''SocksPort ''' + str(self.socksPort) + ''' OnionTrafficOnly DataDirectory ''' + self.dataDir + '''tordata/ CookieAuthentication 1 KeepalivePeriod 40 CircuitsAvailableTimeout 86400 ControlPort ''' + str(controlPort) + ''' HashedControlPassword ''' + str(password) + ''' ''' if config.get('general.security_level', 1) == 0: torrcData += '''\nHiddenServiceDir ''' + self.dataDir + '''hs/ \n''' + hsVer + '''\n HiddenServiceNumIntroductionPoints 6 HiddenServiceMaxStreams 100 HiddenServiceMaxStreamsCloseCircuit 1 HiddenServicePort 80 ''' + self.apiServerIP + ''':''' + str(self.hsPort) torrcData = add_bridges(torrcData) torrcData += customtorrc.get_custom_torrc() torrc = open(self.torConfigLocation, 'w') torrc.write(torrcData) torrc.close() return def startTor(self, gen_torrc=True): ''' Start Tor with onion service on port 80 & socks proxy on random port ''' if gen_torrc: self.generateTorrc() if os.path.exists('./tor'): self.torBinary = './tor' elif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/tor'): self.torBinary = '/usr/bin/tor' else: self.torBinary = 'tor' try: tor = subprocess.Popen([self.torBinary, '-f', self.torConfigLocation], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except FileNotFoundError: logger.fatal("Tor was not found in your path or the Onionr directory. Please install Tor and try again.", terminal=True) return False else: # Test Tor Version torVersion = subprocess.Popen([self.torBinary, '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(torVersion.stdout.readline, b''): if 'Tor 0.2.' in line.decode(): logger.fatal('Tor 0.3+ required', terminal=True) return False torVersion.kill() # wait for tor to get to 100% bootstrap try: for line in iter(tor.stdout.readline, b''): if 'bootstrapped 100' in line.decode().lower(): logger.info(line.decode()) break elif 'opening socks listener' in line.decode().lower(): logger.debug(line.decode().replace('\n', '')) else: if 'err' in line.decode(): logger.error(line.decode().replace('\n', '')) elif 'warn' in line.decode(): logger.warn(line.decode().replace('\n', '')) else: logger.debug(line.decode().replace('\n', '')) else: logger.fatal('Failed to start Tor. Maybe a stray instance of Tor used by Onionr is still running? This can also be a result of file permissions being too open', terminal=True) return False except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.fatal('Got keyboard interrupt. Onionr will exit soon.', timestamp = False, terminal=True) return False logger.info('Finished starting Tor.', terminal=True) self.readyState = True try: myID = open(self.dataDir + 'hs/hostname', 'r') self.myID = myID.read().replace('\n', '') myID.close() except FileNotFoundError: self.myID = "" torPidFile = open(self.dataDir + 'torPid.txt', 'w') torPidFile.write(str(tor.pid)) torPidFile.close() multiprocessing.Process(target=watchdog.watchdog, args=[os.getpid(), tor.pid]).start() return True def killTor(self): ''' Properly kill tor based on pid saved to file ''' try: pid = open(self.dataDir + 'torPid.txt', 'r') pidN = pid.read() pid.close() except FileNotFoundError: return try: int(pidN) except: return try: try: os.kill(int(pidN), signal.SIGTERM) except PermissionError: # seems to happen on win 10 pass os.remove(self.dataDir + 'torPid.txt') except ProcessLookupError: pass except FileNotFoundError: pass try: time.sleep(TOR_KILL_WAIT) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if 'windows' == platform.system().lower(): os.system('taskkill /PID %s /F' % (pidN,)) time.sleep(0.5) return try: os.kill(int(pidN), signal.SIGKILL) except (ProcessLookupError, PermissionError) as e: pass try: os.remove(self.dataDir + 'tordata/lock') except FileNotFoundError: pass