''' Onionr - P2P Microblogging Platform & Social network OnionrUtils offers various useful functions to Onionr. Relatively misc. ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' # Misc functions that do not fit in the main api, but are useful import getpass, sys, requests, os, socket, hashlib, logger, sqlite3, config, binascii, time, base64, json, glob, shutil, math, json import nacl.signing, nacl.encoding from onionrblockapi import Block import onionrexceptions from defusedxml import minidom if sys.version_info < (3, 6): try: import sha3 except ModuleNotFoundError: logger.fatal('On Python 3 versions prior to 3.6.x, you need the sha3 module') sys.exit(1) class OnionrUtils: ''' Various useful function ''' def __init__(self, coreInstance): self.fingerprintFile = 'data/own-fingerprint.txt' self._core = coreInstance self.timingToken = '' return def getTimeBypassToken(self): try: if os.path.exists('data/time-bypass.txt'): with open('data/time-bypass.txt', 'r') as bypass: self.timingToken = bypass.read() except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to fetch time bypass token.', error=error) def sendPM(self, pubkey, message): ''' High level function to encrypt a message to a peer and insert it as a block ''' try: # We sign PMs here rather than in core.insertBlock in order to mask the sender's pubkey payload = {'sig': '', 'msg': '', 'id': self._core._crypto.pubKey} sign = self._core._crypto.edSign(message, self._core._crypto.privKey, encodeResult=True) #encrypted = self._core._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(message, pubkey, anonymous=True, encodedData=True).decode() payload['sig'] = sign payload['msg'] = message payload = json.dumps(payload) message = payload encrypted = self._core._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(message, pubkey, anonymous=True, encodedData=True).decode() block = self._core.insertBlock(encrypted, header='pm', sign=False) if block == '': logger.error('Could not send PM') else: logger.info('Sent PM, hash: %s' % block) except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to send PM.', error=error) return def getCurrentHourEpoch(self): ''' Returns the current epoch, rounded down to the hour ''' epoch = self.getEpoch() return epoch - (epoch % 3600) def incrementAddressSuccess(self, address): ''' Increase the recorded sucesses for an address ''' increment = self._core.getAddressInfo(address, 'success') + 1 self._core.setAddressInfo(address, 'success', increment) return def decrementAddressSuccess(self, address): ''' Decrease the recorded sucesses for an address ''' increment = self._core.getAddressInfo(address, 'success') - 1 self._core.setAddressInfo(address, 'success', increment) return def mergeKeys(self, newKeyList): ''' Merge ed25519 key list to our database, comma seperated string ''' try: retVal = False if newKeyList != False: for key in newKeyList.split(','): key = key.split('-') try: if len(key[0]) > 60 or len(key[1]) > 1000: logger.warn('%s or its pow value is too large.' % key[0]) continue except IndexError: logger.warn('No pow token') continue #powHash = self._core._crypto.blake2bHash(base64.b64decode(key[1]) + self._core._crypto.blake2bHash(key[0].encode())) value = base64.b64decode(key[1]) hashedKey = self._core._crypto.blake2bHash(key[0]) powHash = self._core._crypto.blake2bHash(value + hashedKey) try: powHash = powHash.encode() except AttributeError: pass if powHash.startswith(b'0000'): if not key[0] in self._core.listPeers(randomOrder=False) and type(key) != None and key[0] != self._core._crypto.pubKey: if self._core.addPeer(key[0], key[1]): retVal = True else: logger.warn("Failed to add key") else: logger.warn('%s pow failed' % key[0]) return retVal except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to merge keys.', error=error) return False def mergeAdders(self, newAdderList): ''' Merge peer adders list to our database ''' try: retVal = False if newAdderList != False: for adder in newAdderList.split(','): if not adder in self._core.listAdders(randomOrder = False) and adder.strip() != self.getMyAddress(): if self._core.addAddress(adder): logger.info('Added %s to db.' % adder, timestamp = True) retVal = True else: logger.debug('%s is either our address or already in our DB' % adder) return retVal except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to merge adders.', error = error) return False def getMyAddress(self): try: with open('./data/hs/hostname', 'r') as hostname: return hostname.read().strip() except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to read my address.', error = error) return None def localCommand(self, command, silent = True): ''' Send a command to the local http API server, securely. Intended for local clients, DO NOT USE for remote peers. ''' config.reload() self.getTimeBypassToken() # TODO: URL encode parameters, just as an extra measure. May not be needed, but should be added regardless. with open('data/host.txt', 'r') as host: hostname = host.read() payload = 'http://%s:%s/client/?action=%s&token=%s&timingToken=%s' % (hostname, config.get('client.port'), command, config.get('client.hmac'), self.timingToken) try: retData = requests.get(payload).text except Exception as error: if not silent: logger.error('Failed to make local request (command: %s).' % command, error=error) retData = False return retData def getPassword(self, message='Enter password: ', confirm = True): ''' Get a password without showing the users typing and confirm the input ''' # Get a password safely with confirmation and return it while True: print(message) pass1 = getpass.getpass() if confirm: print('Confirm password: ') pass2 = getpass.getpass() if pass1 != pass2: logger.error("Passwords do not match.") logger.readline() else: break else: break return pass1 def getBlockMetadataFromData(self, blockData): ''' accepts block contents as string and returns a tuple of metadata, meta (meta being internal metadata) ''' try: blockData = blockData.encode() except AttributeError: pass metadata = json.loads(blockData[:blockData.find(b'\n')].decode()) data = blockData[blockData.find(b'\n'):].decode() try: meta = json.loads(metadata['meta']) except KeyError: meta = {} return (metadata, meta, data) def checkPort(self, port, host=''): ''' Checks if a port is available, returns bool ''' # inspired by https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/comments/2i4qrj/how_to_write_a_python_script_that_checks_to_see/ckzarux/ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) retVal = False try: sock.bind((host, port)) except OSError as e: if e.errno is 98: retVal = True finally: sock.close() return retVal def checkIsIP(self, ip): ''' Check if a string is a valid IPv4 address ''' try: socket.inet_aton(ip) except: return False else: return True def getBlockDBHash(self): ''' Return a sha3_256 hash of the blocks DB ''' try: with open(self._core.blockDB, 'rb') as data: data = data.read() hasher = hashlib.sha3_256() hasher.update(data) dataHash = hasher.hexdigest() return dataHash except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to get block DB hash.', error=error) def hasBlock(self, hash): ''' Check for new block in the list ''' conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.blockDB) c = conn.cursor() if not self.validateHash(hash): raise Exception("Invalid hash") for result in c.execute("SELECT COUNT() FROM hashes where hash='" + hash + "'"): if result[0] >= 1: conn.commit() conn.close() return True else: conn.commit() conn.close() return False def hasKey(self, key): ''' Check for key in list of public keys ''' return key in self._core.listPeers() def validateHash(self, data, length=64): ''' Validate if a string is a valid hex formatted hash ''' retVal = True if data == False or data == True: return False data = data.strip() if len(data) != length: retVal = False else: try: int(data, 16) except ValueError: retVal = False return retVal def validateMetadata(metadata): '''Validate metadata meets onionr spec (does not validate proof value computation), take in either dictionary or json string''' # TODO, make this check sane sizes retData = False # convert to dict if it is json string if type(metadata) is str: try: metadata = json.loads(metadata) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass # Validate metadata dict for invalid keys to sizes that are too large if type(metadata) is dict: for i in metadata: try: self._core.requirements.blockMetadataLengths[i] except KeyError: logger.warn('Block has invalid metadata key ' + i) break else: if self._core.requirements.blockMetadataLengths[i] < len(metadata[i]): logger.warn('Block metadata key ' + i + ' exceeded maximum size') break else: # if metadata loop gets no errors, it does not break, therefore metadata is valid retData = True else: logger.warn('In call to utils.validateMetadata, metadata must be JSON string or a dictionary object') return retData def validatePubKey(self, key): ''' Validate if a string is a valid base32 encoded Ed25519 key ''' retVal = False try: nacl.signing.SigningKey(seed=key, encoder=nacl.encoding.Base32Encoder) except nacl.exceptions.ValueError: pass except base64.binascii.Error as err: pass else: retVal = True return retVal def validateID(self, id): ''' Validate if an address is a valid tor or i2p hidden service ''' try: idLength = len(id) retVal = True idNoDomain = '' peerType = '' # i2p b32 addresses are 60 characters long (including .b32.i2p) if idLength == 60: peerType = 'i2p' if not id.endswith('.b32.i2p'): retVal = False else: idNoDomain = id.split('.b32.i2p')[0] # Onion v2's are 22 (including .onion), v3's are 62 with .onion elif idLength == 22 or idLength == 62: peerType = 'onion' if not id.endswith('.onion'): retVal = False else: idNoDomain = id.split('.onion')[0] else: retVal = False if retVal: if peerType == 'i2p': try: id.split('.b32.i2p')[2] except: pass else: retVal = False elif peerType == 'onion': try: id.split('.onion')[2] except: pass else: retVal = False if not idNoDomain.isalnum(): retVal = False return retVal except: return False def loadPMs(self): ''' Find, decrypt, and return array of PMs (array of dictionary, {from, text}) ''' blocks = Block.getBlocks(type = 'pm', core = self._core) message = '' sender = '' for i in blocks: try: blockContent = i.getContent() try: message = self._core._crypto.pubKeyDecrypt(blockContent, encodedData=True, anonymous=True) except nacl.exceptions.CryptoError as e: pass else: try: message = message.decode() except AttributeError: pass try: message = json.loads(message) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: pass else: logger.debug('Decrypted %s:' % i.getHash()) logger.info(message["msg"]) signer = message["id"] sig = message["sig"] if self.validatePubKey(signer): if self._core._crypto.edVerify(message["msg"], signer, sig, encodedData=True): logger.info("Good signature by %s" % signer) else: logger.warn("Bad signature by %s" % signer) else: logger.warn('Bad sender id: %s' % signer) except FileNotFoundError: pass except Exception as error: logger.error('Failed to open block %s.' % i, error=error) return def getPeerByHashId(self, hash): ''' Return the pubkey of the user if known from the hash ''' if self._core._crypto.pubKeyHashID() == hash: retData = self._core._crypto.pubKey return retData conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.peerDB) c = conn.cursor() command = (hash,) retData = '' for row in c.execute('SELECT ID FROM peers where hashID=?', command): if row[0] != '': retData = row[0] return retData def isCommunicatorRunning(self, timeout = 5, interval = 0.1): try: runcheck_file = 'data/.runcheck' if os.path.isfile(runcheck_file): os.remove(runcheck_file) logger.debug('%s file appears to have existed before the run check.' % runcheck_file, timestamp = False) self._core.daemonQueueAdd('runCheck') starttime = time.time() while True: time.sleep(interval) if os.path.isfile(runcheck_file): os.remove(runcheck_file) return True elif time.time() - starttime >= timeout: return False except: return False def token(self, size = 32): ''' Generates a secure random hex encoded token ''' return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(size)) def importNewBlocks(self, scanDir=''): ''' This function is intended to scan for new blocks ON THE DISK and import them ''' blockList = self._core.getBlockList() if scanDir == '': scanDir = self._core.blockDataLocation if not scanDir.endswith('/'): scanDir += '/' for block in glob.glob(scanDir + "*.dat"): if block.replace(scanDir, '').replace('.dat', '') not in blockList: logger.info('Found new block on dist %s' % block) with open(block, 'rb') as newBlock: block = block.replace(scanDir, '').replace('.dat', '') if self._core._crypto.sha3Hash(newBlock.read()) == block.replace('.dat', ''): self._core.addToBlockDB(block.replace('.dat', ''), dataSaved=True) logger.info('Imported block %s.' % block) else: logger.warn('Failed to verify hash for %s' % block) def progressBar(self, value = 0, endvalue = 100, width = None): ''' Outputs a progress bar with a percentage. Write \n after use. ''' if width is None or height is None: width, height = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 24)) bar_length = width - 6 percent = float(value) / endvalue arrow = '─' * int(round(percent * bar_length)-1) + '>' spaces = ' ' * (bar_length - len(arrow)) sys.stdout.write("\r┣{0}┫ {1}%".format(arrow + spaces, int(round(percent * 100)))) sys.stdout.flush() def getEpoch(self): '''returns epoch''' return math.floor(time.time()) def doGetRequest(self, url, port=0, proxyType='tor'): ''' Do a get request through a local tor or i2p instance ''' if proxyType == 'tor': if port == 0: raise onionrexceptions.MissingPort('Socks port required for Tor HTTP get request') proxies = {'http': 'socks5://' + str(port), 'https': 'socks5://' + str(port)} elif proxyType == 'i2p': proxies = {'http': ''} else: return headers = {'user-agent': 'PyOnionr'} try: proxies = {'http': 'socks5h://' + str(port), 'https': 'socks5h://' + str(port)} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, allow_redirects=False, timeout=(15, 30)) retData = r.text except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.debug('Error: %s' % str(e)) retData = False return retData def getNistBeaconSalt(self, torPort=0): ''' Get the token for the current hour from the NIST randomness beacon ''' if torPort == 0: try: sys.argv[2] except IndexError: raise onionrexceptions.MissingPort('Missing Tor socks port') retData = '' curTime = self._core._utils.getCurrentHourEpoch self.nistSaltTimestamp = curTime data = self.doGetRequest('https://beacon.nist.gov/rest/record/' + str(curTime), port=torPort) dataXML = minidom.parseString(data, forbid_dtd=True, forbid_entities=True, forbid_external=True) try: retData = dataXML.getElementsByTagName('outputValue')[0].childNodes[0].data except ValueError: logger.warn('Could not get NIST beacon value') else: self.powSalt = retData return retData def size(path='.'): ''' Returns the size of a folder's contents in bytes ''' total = 0 if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isfile(path): total = os.path.getsize(path) else: for entry in os.scandir(path): if entry.is_file(): total += entry.stat().st_size elif entry.is_dir(): total += size(entry.path) return total def humanSize(num, suffix='B'): ''' Converts from bytes to a human readable format. ''' for unit in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)