''' Onionr - P2P Anonymous Storage Network This file handles all incoming http requests to the client, using Flask ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer, WSGIHandler from gevent import Timeout import flask, cgi, uuid from flask import request, Response, abort, send_from_directory import sys, random, threading, hmac, base64, time, os, json, socket import core from onionrblockapi import Block import onionrutils, onionrexceptions, onionrcrypto, blockimporter, onionrevents as events, logger, config from httpapi import friendsapi import onionr class FDSafeHandler(WSGIHandler): '''Our WSGI handler. Doesn't do much non-default except timeouts''' def handle(self): timeout = Timeout(60, exception=Exception) timeout.start() try: WSGIHandler.handle(self) except Timeout as ex: raise def setBindIP(filePath): '''Set a random localhost IP to a specified file (intended for private or public API localhost IPs)''' if config.get('general.random_bind_ip', True): hostOctets = [str(127), str(random.randint(0x02, 0xFF)), str(random.randint(0x02, 0xFF)), str(random.randint(0x02, 0xFF))] data = '.'.join(hostOctets) # Try to bind IP. Some platforms like Mac block non normal 127.x.x.x s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind((data, 0)) except OSError: # if mac/non-bindable, show warning and default to logger.warn('Your platform appears to not support random local host addresses 127.x.x.x. Falling back to') data = '' s.close() else: data = '' with open(filePath, 'w') as bindFile: bindFile.write(data) return data class PublicAPI: ''' The new client api server, isolated from the public api ''' def __init__(self, clientAPI): assert isinstance(clientAPI, API) app = flask.Flask('PublicAPI') self.i2pEnabled = config.get('i2p.host', False) self.hideBlocks = [] # Blocks to be denied sharing self.host = setBindIP(clientAPI._core.publicApiHostFile) self.torAdder = clientAPI._core.hsAddress self.i2pAdder = clientAPI._core.i2pAddress self.bindPort = config.get('client.public.port') self.lastRequest = 0 logger.info('Running public api on %s:%s' % (self.host, self.bindPort)) @app.before_request def validateRequest(): '''Validate request has the correct hostname''' # If high security level, deny requests to public (HS should be disabled anyway for Tor, but might not be for I2P) if config.get('general.security_level', default=0) > 0: abort(403) if type(self.torAdder) is None and type(self.i2pAdder) is None: # abort if our hs addresses are not known abort(403) if request.host not in (self.i2pAdder, self.torAdder): # Disallow connection if wrong HTTP hostname, in order to prevent DNS rebinding attacks abort(403) @app.after_request def sendHeaders(resp): '''Send api, access control headers''' resp.headers['Date'] = 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT' # Clock info is probably useful to attackers. Set to unix epoch, since we can't fully remove the header. # CSP to prevent XSS. Mainly for client side attacks (if hostname protection could somehow be bypassed) resp.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] = "default-src 'none'; script-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; style-src data: 'unsafe-inline'; img-src data:; media-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; font-src 'none'; connect-src 'none'" # Prevent click jacking resp.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'deny' # No sniff is possibly not needed resp.headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = "nosniff" # Network API version resp.headers['X-API'] = onionr.API_VERSION # Close connections to limit FD use resp.headers['Connection'] = "close" self.lastRequest = clientAPI._core._utils.getRoundedEpoch(roundS=5) return resp @app.route('/') def banner(): # Display a bit of information to people who visit a node address in their browser try: with open('static-data/index.html', 'r') as html: resp = Response(html.read(), mimetype='text/html') except FileNotFoundError: resp = Response("") return resp @app.route('/getblocklist') def getBlockList(): # Provide a list of our blocks, with a date offset dateAdjust = request.args.get('date') bList = clientAPI._core.getBlockList(dateRec=dateAdjust) for b in self.hideBlocks: if b in bList: # Don't share blocks we created if they haven't been *uploaded* yet, makes it harder to find who created a block bList.remove(b) return Response('\n'.join(bList)) @app.route('/getdata/') def getBlockData(name): # Share data for a block if we have it resp = '' data = name if clientAPI._utils.validateHash(data): if data not in self.hideBlocks: if data in clientAPI._core.getBlockList(): block = clientAPI.getBlockData(data, raw=True) try: block = block.encode() except AttributeError: abort(404) block = clientAPI._core._utils.strToBytes(block) resp = block #resp = base64.b64encode(block).decode() if len(resp) == 0: abort(404) resp = "" return Response(resp, mimetype='application/octet-stream') @app.route('/www/') def wwwPublic(path): # A way to share files directly over your .onion if not config.get("www.public.run", True): abort(403) return send_from_directory(config.get('www.public.path', 'static-data/www/public/'), path) @app.route('/ping') def ping(): # Endpoint to test if nodes are up return Response("pong!") @app.route('/pex') def peerExchange(): response = ','.join(clientAPI._core.listAdders(recent=3600)) if len(response) == 0: response = '' return Response(response) @app.route('/announce', methods=['post']) def acceptAnnounce(): resp = 'failure' powHash = '' randomData = '' newNode = '' ourAdder = clientAPI._core.hsAddress.encode() try: newNode = request.form['node'].encode() except KeyError: logger.warn('No block specified for upload') pass else: try: randomData = request.form['random'] randomData = base64.b64decode(randomData) except KeyError: logger.warn('No random data specified for upload') else: nodes = newNode + clientAPI._core.hsAddress.encode() nodes = clientAPI._core._crypto.blake2bHash(nodes) powHash = clientAPI._core._crypto.blake2bHash(randomData + nodes) try: powHash = powHash.decode() except AttributeError: pass if powHash.startswith('0000'): newNode = clientAPI._core._utils.bytesToStr(newNode) if clientAPI._core._utils.validateID(newNode) and not newNode in clientAPI._core.onionrInst.communicatorInst.newPeers: clientAPI._core.onionrInst.communicatorInst.newPeers.append(newNode) resp = 'Success' else: logger.warn(newNode.decode() + ' failed to meet POW: ' + powHash) resp = Response(resp) return resp @app.route('/upload', methods=['post']) def upload(): '''Accept file uploads. In the future this will be done more often than on creation to speed up block sync ''' resp = 'failure' try: data = request.form['block'] except KeyError: logger.warn('No block specified for upload') pass else: if sys.getsizeof(data) < 100000000: try: if blockimporter.importBlockFromData(data, clientAPI._core): resp = 'success' else: logger.warn('Error encountered importing uploaded block') except onionrexceptions.BlacklistedBlock: logger.debug('uploaded block is blacklisted') pass if resp == 'failure': abort(400) resp = Response(resp) return resp # Set instances, then startup our public api server clientAPI.setPublicAPIInstance(self) while self.torAdder == '': clientAPI._core.refreshFirstStartVars() self.torAdder = clientAPI._core.hsAddress time.sleep(0.1) self.httpServer = WSGIServer((self.host, self.bindPort), app, log=None, handler_class=FDSafeHandler) self.httpServer.serve_forever() class API: ''' Client HTTP api ''' callbacks = {'public' : {}, 'private' : {}} def __init__(self, onionrInst, debug, API_VERSION): ''' Initialize the api server, preping variables for later use This initilization defines all of the API entry points and handlers for the endpoints and errors This also saves the used host (random localhost IP address) to the data folder in host.txt ''' # assert isinstance(onionrInst, onionr.Onionr) # configure logger and stuff #onionr.Onionr.setupConfig('data/', self = self) self.debug = debug self._core = onionrInst.onionrCore self.startTime = self._core._utils.getEpoch() self._crypto = onionrcrypto.OnionrCrypto(self._core) self._utils = onionrutils.OnionrUtils(self._core) app = flask.Flask(__name__) bindPort = int(config.get('client.client.port', 59496)) self.bindPort = bindPort # Be extremely mindful of this. These are endpoints available without a password self.whitelistEndpoints = ('site', 'www', 'onionrhome', 'board', 'boardContent', 'sharedContent', 'mail', 'mailindex', 'friends', 'friendsindex') self.clientToken = config.get('client.webpassword') self.timeBypassToken = base64.b16encode(os.urandom(32)).decode() self.publicAPI = None # gets set when the thread calls our setter... bad hack but kinda necessary with flask #threading.Thread(target=PublicAPI, args=(self,)).start() self.host = setBindIP(self._core.privateApiHostFile) logger.info('Running api on %s:%s' % (self.host, self.bindPort)) self.httpServer = '' self.pluginResponses = {} # Responses for plugin endpoints self.queueResponse = {} onionrInst.setClientAPIInst(self) app.register_blueprint(friendsapi.friends) @app.before_request def validateRequest(): '''Validate request has set password and is the correct hostname''' # For the purpose of preventing DNS rebinding attacks if request.host != '%s:%s' % (self.host, self.bindPort): abort(403) if request.endpoint in self.whitelistEndpoints: return try: if not hmac.compare_digest(request.headers['token'], self.clientToken): if not hmac.compare_digest(request.form['token'], self.clientToken): abort(403) except KeyError: if not hmac.compare_digest(request.form['token'], self.clientToken): abort(403) @app.after_request def afterReq(resp): # Security headers if request.endpoint == 'site': resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'none'; style-src data: 'unsafe-inline'; img-src data:" else: resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; media-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; font-src 'none'; connect-src 'self'" resp.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'deny' resp.headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = "nosniff" resp.headers['Server'] = '' resp.headers['Date'] = 'Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT' # Clock info is probably useful to attackers. Set to unix epoch. resp.headers['Connection'] = "close" return resp @app.route('/board/', endpoint='board') def loadBoard(): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/board/', "index.html") @app.route('/mail/', endpoint='mail') def loadMail(path): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/mail/', path) @app.route('/mail/', endpoint='mailindex') def loadMailIndex(): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/mail/', 'index.html') @app.route('/friends/', endpoint='friends') def loadContacts(path): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/friends/', path) @app.route('/friends/', endpoint='friendsindex') def loadContacts(): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/friends/', 'index.html') @app.route('/board/', endpoint='boardContent') def boardContent(path): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/board/', path) @app.route('/shared/', endpoint='sharedContent') def sharedContent(path): return send_from_directory('static-data/www/shared/', path) @app.route('/www/', endpoint='www') def wwwPublic(path): if not config.get("www.private.run", True): abort(403) return send_from_directory(config.get('www.private.path', 'static-data/www/private/'), path) @app.route('/queueResponseAdd/', methods=['post']) def queueResponseAdd(name): # Responses from the daemon. TODO: change to direct var access instead of http endpoint self.queueResponse[name] = request.form['data'] return Response('success') @app.route('/queueResponse/') def queueResponse(name): # Fetch a daemon queue response resp = 'failure' try: resp = self.queueResponse[name] except KeyError: pass else: del self.queueResponse[name] return Response(resp) @app.route('/ping') def ping(): # Used to check if client api is working return Response("pong!") @app.route('/', endpoint='onionrhome') def hello(): # ui home return send_from_directory('static-data/www/private/', 'index.html') @app.route('/getblocksbytype/') def getBlocksByType(name): blocks = self._core.getBlocksByType(name) return Response(','.join(blocks)) @app.route('/getblockbody/') def getBlockBodyData(name): resp = '' if self._core._utils.validateHash(name): try: resp = Block(name, decrypt=True).bcontent #resp = cgi.escape(Block(name, decrypt=True).bcontent, quote=True) except TypeError: pass else: abort(404) return Response(resp) @app.route('/getblockdata/') def getData(name): resp = "" if self._core._utils.validateHash(name): if name in self._core.getBlockList(): try: resp = self.getBlockData(name, decrypt=True) except ValueError: pass else: abort(404) else: abort(404) return Response(resp) @app.route('/getblockheader/') def getBlockHeader(name): resp = self.getBlockData(name, decrypt=True, headerOnly=True) return Response(resp) @app.route('/lastconnect') def lastConnect(): return Response(str(self.publicAPI.lastRequest)) @app.route('/site/', endpoint='site') def site(name): bHash = name resp = 'Not Found' if self._core._utils.validateHash(bHash): try: resp = Block(bHash).bcontent except onionrexceptions.NoDataAvailable: abort(404) except TypeError: pass try: resp = base64.b64decode(resp) except: pass if resp == 'Not Found' or not resp: abort(404) return Response(resp) @app.route('/waitforshare/', methods=['post']) def waitforshare(name): '''Used to prevent the **public** api from sharing blocks we just created''' assert name.isalnum() if name in self.publicAPI.hideBlocks: self.publicAPI.hideBlocks.remove(name) return Response("removed") else: self.publicAPI.hideBlocks.append(name) return Response("added") @app.route('/shutdown') def shutdown(): try: self.publicAPI.httpServer.stop() self.httpServer.stop() except AttributeError: pass return Response("bye") @app.route('/shutdownclean') def shutdownClean(): # good for calling from other clients self._core.daemonQueueAdd('shutdown') return Response("bye") @app.route('/getstats') def getStats(): # returns node stats #return Response("disabled") while True: try: return Response(self._core.serializer.getStats()) except AttributeError: pass @app.route('/getuptime') def showUptime(): return Response(str(self.getUptime())) @app.route('/getActivePubkey') def getActivePubkey(): return Response(self._core._crypto.pubKey) @app.route('/getHumanReadable/') def getHumanReadable(name): return Response(self._core._utils.getHumanReadableID(name)) @app.route('/insertblock', methods=['POST']) def insertBlock(): encrypt = False bData = request.get_json(force=True) message = bData['message'] subject = 'temp' encryptType = '' sign = True meta = {} to = '' try: if bData['encrypt']: to = bData['to'] encrypt = True encryptType = 'asym' except KeyError: pass try: if not bData['sign']: sign = False except KeyError: pass try: bType = bData['type'] except KeyError: bType = 'bin' try: meta = json.loads(bData['meta']) except KeyError: pass threading.Thread(target=self._core.insertBlock, args=(message,), kwargs={'header': bType, 'encryptType': encryptType, 'sign':sign, 'asymPeer': to, 'meta': meta}).start() return Response('success') @app.route('/apipoints/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def pluginEndpoints(subpath=''): '''Send data to plugins''' # TODO have a variable for the plugin to set data to that we can use for the response pluginResponseCode = str(uuid.uuid4()) resp = 'success' responseTimeout = 20 startTime = self._core._utils.getEpoch() postData = {} if request.method == 'POST': postData = request.form['postData'] if len(subpath) > 1: data = subpath.split('/') if len(data) > 1: plName = data[0] events.event('pluginRequest', {'name': plName, 'path': subpath, 'pluginResponse': pluginResponseCode, 'postData': postData}, onionr=onionrInst) while True: try: resp = self.pluginResponses[pluginResponseCode] except KeyError: time.sleep(0.2) if self._core._utils.getEpoch() - startTime > responseTimeout: abort(504) break else: break else: abort(404) return Response(resp) self.httpServer = WSGIServer((self.host, bindPort), app, log=None, handler_class=FDSafeHandler) self.httpServer.serve_forever() def setPublicAPIInstance(self, inst): assert isinstance(inst, PublicAPI) self.publicAPI = inst def validateToken(self, token): ''' Validate that the client token matches the given token. Used to prevent CSRF and data exfiltration ''' if len(self.clientToken) == 0: logger.error("client password needs to be set") return False try: if not hmac.compare_digest(self.clientToken, token): return False else: return True except TypeError: return False def getUptime(self): while True: try: return self._utils.getEpoch - startTime except AttributeError: # Don't error on race condition with startup pass def getBlockData(self, bHash, decrypt=False, raw=False, headerOnly=False): assert self._core._utils.validateHash(bHash) bl = Block(bHash, core=self._core) if decrypt: bl.decrypt() if bl.isEncrypted and not bl.decrypted: raise ValueError if not raw: if not headerOnly: retData = {'meta':bl.bheader, 'metadata': bl.bmetadata, 'content': bl.bcontent} for x in list(retData.keys()): try: retData[x] = retData[x].decode() except AttributeError: pass else: validSig = False signer = self._core._utils.bytesToStr(bl.signer) #print(signer, bl.isSigned(), self._core._utils.validatePubKey(signer), bl.isSigner(signer)) if bl.isSigned() and self._core._utils.validatePubKey(signer) and bl.isSigner(signer): validSig = True bl.bheader['validSig'] = validSig bl.bheader['meta'] = '' retData = {'meta': bl.bheader, 'metadata': bl.bmetadata} return json.dumps(retData) else: return bl.raw