from typing import NamedTuple, List from hashlib import sha3_256 from secrets import randbelow from random import SystemRandom WeightedEdge = NamedTuple("WeightedEdge", "node", "weight") message_pool: Set["Message"] = set() # This is just to save memory for the simulation def get_message(hash_id): for m in message_pool: if hash_id == m.hash_id: return m raise ValueError class Node: def __init__(self, hidden_node: bool, edges: List[WeightedEdge], graph_ids=["main"]): self.hidden_node = hidden_node self.edges = edges self._messages: List[str] = list() # hashes point to message_pool self._hidden_messages = List[str] = list() def sharing_messages(self): share = list(self._messages) for m in self._hidden_messages: share.remove(m) return share def add_message(self, hash_id): if hash_id not in self._messages: self._messages.append(message.hash_id) def pick_edge(self): selected = self.edges[0] alt = [] for weighted_edge in self.edges[1:]: if weighted_edge.weight > selected.weight: selected = weighted_edge elif weighted_edge.weight == selected.weight: alt.append(selected) alt.append(selected) SystemRandom().shuffle(alt) return alt[0] def share_to_edges(self, message_id): edge = self.pick_edge() edge.node.add_message(message_id) edge.weight += 1 def lookup_messages(self): edge = self.pick_edge() for message in edge.node.sharing_messages: if message.hash_id not in self._messages: self._messages.append(message.hash_id) edge.weight += 1 def make_new_connections(self): edge = self.pick_edge() for new_edge in edge.edges: if new_edge not in self.edges: self.edges.append(WeightedEdge(new_edge.node, 0)) edge.weight += 1 class Message: def __init__(self, data): def _do_hash(data): h = sha3_256() h.update(data) return h.digest() self.hash_id = _do_hash(data) = data bootstrap_node = Node(False, []) graph = [bootstrap_node] for i in range(10): graph.append(Node(False, [bootstrap_node])) m = Message("hello world") message_pool.add(m) bootstrap_node.add_message(m) while True: for node in graph: node.make_new_connections() node.lookup_messages() bootstrap_node.add_message(m)