#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, os import time import dbm sys.path.append(".") sys.path.append("src/") import uuid TEST_DIR = 'testdata/%s-%s' % (uuid.uuid4(), os.path.basename(__file__)) + '/' print("Test directory:", TEST_DIR) os.environ["ONIONR_HOME"] = TEST_DIR import unittest from utils import createdirs createdirs.create_dirs() import onionrblocks import blockdb def _delete_db(): try: os.remove(blockdb.block_db_path) except FileNotFoundError: pass class TestBlockDB(unittest.TestCase): def test_store_vdf_block(self): _delete_db() bl: Block = onionrblocks.create_anonvdf_block(os.urandom(10), b'bin', 2500) blockdb.store_vdf_block(bl) with dbm.open(blockdb.block_db_path, 'r') as b_db: b_db[bl.id] def test_get_blocks_by_type(self): _delete_db() with dbm.open(blockdb.block_db_path, 'c') as b_db: bl: Block = onionrblocks.create_anonvdf_block('test', b'txt', 2500) b_db[bl.id] = bl.raw bl2: Block = onionrblocks.create_anonvdf_block('test2', b'bin', 2500) b_db[bl2.id] = bl2.raw looped = False for c, block in enumerate(blockdb.get_blocks_by_type('txt')): looped = True self.assertEqual(bl.id, block.id) self.assertTrue(c <= 1) self.assertTrue(looped) def test_get_blocks_after_timestamp(self): _delete_db() t = round(time.time()) with dbm.open(blockdb.block_db_path, 'c') as b_db: bl: Block = onionrblocks.create_anonvdf_block('test', b'txt', 2500) b_db[bl.id] = bl.raw time.sleep(1) t2 = round(time.time()) bl2: Block = onionrblocks.create_anonvdf_block('test2', b'bin', 2500) b_db[bl2.id] = bl2.raw bls = list(blockdb.get_blocks_after_timestamp(t + 10)) self.assertTrue(len(bls) == 0) unittest.main()