''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication Proof of work module ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import multiprocessing, time, math, threading, binascii, sys, json import nacl.encoding, nacl.hash, nacl.utils import config, logger from onionrblocks import onionrblockapi, storagecounter from onionrutils import bytesconverter from onionrcrypto import hashers from .blocknoncestart import BLOCK_NONCE_START_INT config.reload() def getDifficultyModifier(): '''returns the difficulty modifier for block storage based on a variety of factors, currently only disk use. ''' percentUse = storagecounter.StorageCounter().get_percent() difficultyIncrease = math.floor(4 * percentUse) # difficulty increase is a step function return difficultyIncrease def getDifficultyForNewBlock(data): ''' Get difficulty for block. Accepts size in integer, Block instance, or str/bytes full block contents ''' if isinstance(data, onionrblockapi.Block): dataSizeInBytes = len(bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(data.getRaw())) else: dataSizeInBytes = len(bytesconverter.str_to_bytes(data)) minDifficulty = config.get('general.minimum_send_pow', 4) totalDifficulty = max(minDifficulty, math.floor(dataSizeInBytes / 1000000.0)) + getDifficultyModifier() return totalDifficulty return retData def getHashDifficulty(h: str): ''' Return the amount of leading zeroes in a hex hash string (hexHash) ''' return len(h) - len(h.lstrip('0')) def hashMeetsDifficulty(hexHash): ''' Return bool for a hash string to see if it meets pow difficulty defined in config ''' hashDifficulty = getHashDifficulty(hexHash) try: expected = int(config.get('general.minimum_block_pow')) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Missing general.minimum_block_pow config') return hashDifficulty >= expected class POW: def __init__(self, metadata, data, threadCount = 1, minDifficulty=0): self.foundHash = False self.difficulty = 0 self.data = data self.metadata = metadata self.threadCount = threadCount self.hashing = False json_metadata = json.dumps(metadata).encode() try: self.data = self.data.encode() except AttributeError: pass if minDifficulty > 0: self.difficulty = minDifficulty else: # Calculate difficulty. Dumb for now, may use good algorithm in the future. self.difficulty = getDifficultyForNewBlock(bytes(json_metadata + b'\n' + self.data)) logger.info('Computing POW (difficulty: %s)...' % (self.difficulty,)) self.mainHash = '0' * 64 self.puzzle = self.mainHash[0:min(self.difficulty, len(self.mainHash))] for i in range(max(1, threadCount)): t = threading.Thread(name = 'thread%s' % i, target = self.pow, args = (True,)) t.start() def pow(self, reporting = False): startTime = math.floor(time.time()) self.hashing = True self.reporting = reporting iFound = False # if current thread is the one that found the answer nonce = BLOCK_NONCE_START_INT while self.hashing: self.metadata['pow'] = nonce payload = json.dumps(self.metadata).encode() + b'\n' + self.data token = hashers.sha3_hash(payload) try: # on some versions, token is bytes token = token.decode() except AttributeError: pass if self.puzzle == token[0:self.difficulty]: self.hashing = False iFound = True self.result = payload break nonce += 1 if iFound: endTime = math.floor(time.time()) if self.reporting: logger.debug('Found token after %s seconds: %s' % (endTime - startTime, token), timestamp=True) def shutdown(self): self.hashing = False self.puzzle = '' def changeDifficulty(self, newDiff): self.difficulty = newDiff def getResult(self): ''' Returns the result then sets to false, useful to automatically clear the result ''' try: retVal = self.result except AttributeError: retVal = False self.result = False return retVal def waitForResult(self): ''' Returns the result only when it has been found, False if not running and not found ''' result = False try: while True: result = self.getResult() if not self.hashing: break else: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown() logger.warn('Got keyboard interrupt while waiting for POW result, stopping') return result