"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. This module defines user ID-related CLI commands """ import sys import getpass import unpaddedbase32 import niceware import vanityonionr import logger import onionrexceptions from onionrutils import stringvalidators, bytesconverter import config import keymanager import onionrcrypto from etc import onionrvalues """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ DETERMINISTIC_REQUIREMENT = onionrvalues.PASSWORD_LENGTH def add_ID(): """Command to create a new user ID key pair.""" key_manager = keymanager.KeyManager() try: sys.argv[2] # pylint: disable=W0104 if not sys.argv[2].lower() == 'true': raise ValueError except (IndexError, ValueError): newID = key_manager.addKey()[0] else: logger.warn( 'Deterministic keys require random and long passphrases.', terminal=True) logger.warn( 'If a good passphrase is not used, your key can be easily stolen.', terminal=True) logger.warn( 'You should use a series of hard to guess words, ' + 'see this for reference: https://www.xkcd.com/936/', terminal=True) try: pass1 = getpass.getpass( prompt='Enter at least %s characters: ' % (DETERMINISTIC_REQUIREMENT,)) pass2 = getpass.getpass(prompt='Confirm entry: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(42) if onionrcrypto.cryptoutils.safe_compare(pass1, pass2): try: logger.info( 'Generating deterministic key. This can take a while.', terminal=True) newID, privKey = onionrcrypto.generate_deterministic(pass1) except onionrexceptions.PasswordStrengthError: logger.error('Passphrase must use at least %s characters.' % ( DETERMINISTIC_REQUIREMENT,), terminal=True) sys.exit(1) else: logger.error('Passwords do not match.', terminal=True) sys.exit(1) try: key_manager.addKey(pubKey=newID, privKey=privKey) except ValueError: logger.error( 'That ID is already available, you can change to it ' + 'with the change-id command.', terminal=True) return logger.info('Added ID: %s' % (bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(newID),), terminal=True) add_ID.onionr_help = "If the first argument is true, " # type: ignore add_ID.onionr_help += "Onionr will show a deterministic " # type: ignore add_ID.onionr_help += "generation prompt. Otherwise it will " # type: ignore add_ID.onionr_help += "generate & save a new random key pair." # type: ignore def change_ID(): """Command to change active ID from argv or stdin.""" key_manager = keymanager.KeyManager() try: key = sys.argv[2] key = unpaddedbase32.repad(key.encode()).decode() except IndexError: logger.warn('Specify pubkey to use', terminal=True) else: if stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(key): key_list = key_manager.getPubkeyList() if key in key_list or key.replace('=', '') in key_list: config.set('general.public_key', key) config.save() logger.info('Set active key to: %s' % (key,), terminal=True) logger.info('Restart Onionr if it is running.', terminal=True) else: logger.warn('That key does not exist', terminal=True) else: logger.warn('Invalid key %s' % (key,), terminal=True) change_ID.onionr_help = ": Switches Onionr to " # type: ignore change_ID.onionr_help += "use a different user ID key. " # type: ignore change_ID.onionr_help += "You should immediately restart " # type: ignore change_ID.onionr_help += "Onionr if it is running." # type: ignore def add_vanity(): """Command to generate menmonic vanity key pair.""" key_manager = keymanager.KeyManager() def tell(tell): return logger.info(tell, terminal=True) words = '' length = len(sys.argv) - 2 if length == 0: return for i in range(2, len(sys.argv)): words += ' ' words += sys.argv[i] try: if length == 1: tell('Finding vanity, this should only take a few moments.') else: tell('Finding vanity, this will probably take a really long time.') try: vanity = vanityonionr.find_multiprocess(words) except ValueError: logger.warn('Vanity words must be valid niceware', terminal=True) else: b32_pub = unpaddedbase32.b32encode(vanity[0]) tell('Found vanity address:\n' + '-'.join(niceware.bytes_to_passphrase(vanity[0]))) tell('Base32 Public key: %s' % (b32_pub.decode(),)) key_manager.addKey(b32_pub, unpaddedbase32.b32encode(vanity[1])) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass add_vanity.onionr_help = " - " # type: ignore add_vanity.onionr_help += "Generates and stores an " # type: ignore add_vanity.onionr_help += "Onionr vanity address " # type: ignore add_vanity.onionr_help += "(see is.gd/YklHGe)" # type: ignore