"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. This default plugin handles "flow" messages (global chatroom style communication) """ import sys import os import locale from time import sleep import traceback from typing import Set, TYPE_CHECKING import base64 from threading import Thread import stem from stem.control import Controller import logger from utils import readstatic import config from filepaths import gossip_server_socket_file from gossip.peer import Peer locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # import after path insert import starttor from torpeer import TorPeer from torfilepaths import control_socket from bootstrap import on_bootstrap from announce import on_announce_rec """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ plugin_name = 'tor' PLUGIN_VERSION = '0.0.0' class OnionrTor: def __init__(self): return def on_init(api, data=None): logger.info( f"Tor Transport Plugin v{PLUGIN_VERSION} enabled", terminal=True) def on_get_our_transport(api, data=None): callback_func = data['callback'] for_peer = data['peer'] if data['peer'].__class__ == TorPeer: callback_func(for_peer, config.get('tor.transport_address')) def on_gossip_start(api, data: Set[Peer] = None): # We don't do gossip logic starttor.start_tor() with Controller.from_socket_file(control_socket) as controller: controller.authenticate() logger.info( "Tor socks is listening on " + f"{controller.get_listeners('SOCKS')}", terminal=True) key = config.get('tor.key') new_address = '' if not key: add_onion_resp = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service( {'80': f'unix:{gossip_server_socket_file}'}, key_content='BEST', key_type='NEW', detached=True) config.set('tor.key', add_onion_resp.private_key, savefile=True) new_address = 'Generated ' config.set('tor.transport_address', add_onion_resp.service_id, savefile=True) else: try: add_onion_resp = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service( {'80': f'unix:{gossip_server_socket_file}'}, key_content=key, key_type='ED25519-V3', detached=True) except stem.ProtocolError: logger.error( "Could not start Tor transport. Try restarting Onionr", terminal=True) config.set('tor.key', '', savefile=True) return logger.info( f'{new_address}Tor transport address {add_onion_resp.service_id}' + '.onion', terminal=True)