''' Onionr - P2P Anonymous Storage Network Contains abstractions for interacting with users of Onionr ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import onionrblockapi, logger, onionrexceptions, json, sqlite3 import nacl.exceptions def deleteExpiredKeys(coreInst): # Fetch the keys we generated for the peer, that are still around conn = sqlite3.connect(coreInst.forwardKeysFile, timeout=10) c = conn.cursor() curTime = coreInst._utils.getEpoch() c.execute("DELETE from myForwardKeys where expire <= ?", (curTime,)) conn.commit() conn.execute("VACUUM") conn.close() return class OnionrUser: def __init__(self, coreInst, publicKey, saveUser=False): ''' OnionrUser is an abstraction for "users" of the network. Takes an instance of onionr core, a base32 encoded ed25519 public key, and a bool saveUser saveUser determines if we should add a user to our peer database or not. ''' if ' ' in coreInst._utils.bytesToStr(publicKey).strip(): publicKey = coreInst._utils.convertHumanReadableID(publicKey) self.trust = 0 self._core = coreInst self.publicKey = publicKey if saveUser: try: self._core.addPeer(publicKey) except AssertionError: pass self.trust = self._core.getPeerInfo(self.publicKey, 'trust') return def setTrust(self, newTrust): '''Set the peers trust. 0 = not trusted, 1 = friend, 2 = ultimate''' self._core.setPeerInfo(self.publicKey, 'trust', newTrust) def isFriend(self): if self._core.getPeerInfo(self.publicKey, 'trust') == 1: return True return False def getName(self): retData = 'anonymous' name = self._core.getPeerInfo(self.publicKey, 'name') try: if len(name) > 0: retData = name except ValueError: pass return retData def encrypt(self, data): encrypted = coreInst._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(data, self.publicKey, encodedData=True) return encrypted def decrypt(self, data, anonymous=True): decrypted = coreInst._crypto.pubKeyDecrypt(data, self.publicKey, encodedData=True) return decrypted def forwardEncrypt(self, data): retData = '' forwardKey = self._getLatestForwardKey() if self._core._utils.validatePubKey(forwardKey): retData = self._core._crypto.pubKeyEncrypt(data, forwardKey, encodedData=True, anonymous=True) else: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey("No valid forward secrecy key available for this user") #self.generateForwardKey() return (retData, forwardKey) def forwardDecrypt(self, encrypted): retData = "" for key in self.getGeneratedForwardKeys(False): try: retData = self._core._crypto.pubKeyDecrypt(encrypted, privkey=key[1], anonymous=True, encodedData=True) except nacl.exceptions.CryptoError: retData = False else: break else: raise onionrexceptions.DecryptionError("Could not decrypt forward secrecy content") return retData def _getLatestForwardKey(self): # Get the latest forward secrecy key for a peer key = "" conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.peerDB, timeout=10) c = conn.cursor() for row in c.execute("SELECT forwardKey FROM forwardKeys WHERE peerKey = ? ORDER BY date DESC", (self.publicKey,)): key = row[0] break conn.commit() conn.close() return key def _getForwardKeys(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.peerDB, timeout=10) c = conn.cursor() keyList = [] for row in c.execute("SELECT forwardKey FROM forwardKeys WHERE peerKey = ? ORDER BY date DESC", (self.publicKey,)): key = row[0] keyList.append(key) conn.commit() conn.close() return list(keyList) def generateForwardKey(self, expire=604800): # Generate a forward secrecy key for the peer conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.forwardKeysFile, timeout=10) c = conn.cursor() # Prepare the insert time = self._core._utils.getEpoch() newKeys = self._core._crypto.generatePubKey() newPub = self._core._utils.bytesToStr(newKeys[0]) newPriv = self._core._utils.bytesToStr(newKeys[1]) time = self._core._utils.getEpoch() command = (self.publicKey, newPub, newPriv, time, expire + time) c.execute("INSERT INTO myForwardKeys VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", command) conn.commit() conn.close() return newPub def getGeneratedForwardKeys(self, genNew=True): # Fetch the keys we generated for the peer, that are still around conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.forwardKeysFile, timeout=10) c = conn.cursor() pubkey = self.publicKey pubkey = self._core._utils.bytesToStr(pubkey) command = (pubkey,) keyList = [] # list of tuples containing pub, private for peer for result in c.execute("SELECT * FROM myForwardKeys WHERE peer = ?", command): keyList.append((result[1], result[2])) if len(keyList) == 0: if genNew: self.generateForwardKey() keyList = self.getGeneratedForwardKeys() return list(keyList) def addForwardKey(self, newKey, expire=604800): if not self._core._utils.validatePubKey(newKey): raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey(newKey) if newKey in self._getForwardKeys(): return False # Add a forward secrecy key for the peer conn = sqlite3.connect(self._core.peerDB, timeout=10) c = conn.cursor() # Prepare the insert time = self._core._utils.getEpoch() command = (self.publicKey, newKey, time, time + expire) c.execute("INSERT INTO forwardKeys VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);", command) conn.commit() conn.close() return def findAndSetID(self): '''Find any info about the user from existing blocks and cache it to their DB entry''' infoBlocks = [] for bHash in self._core.getBlocksByType('userInfo'): block = onionrblockapi.Block(bHash, core=self._core) if block.signer == self.publicKey: if block.verifySig(): newName = block.getMetadata('name') if newName.isalnum(): logger.info('%s is now using the name %s.' % (self.publicKey, self._core._utils.escapeAnsi(newName))) self._core.setPeerInfo(self.publicKey, 'name', newName) else: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey