#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Onionr - P2P Anonymous Storage Network This file contains both the OnionrCommunicate class for communcating with peers and code to operate as a daemon, getting commands from the command queue database (see core.Core.daemonQueue) ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sys, os, core, config, json, requests, time, logger, threading, base64, onionr, uuid import onionrexceptions, onionrpeers, onionrevents as events, onionrplugins as plugins, onionrblockapi as block import onionrdaemontools, onionrsockets, onionr, onionrproofs import binascii from dependencies import secrets from defusedxml import minidom from utils import networkmerger config.reload() class OnionrCommunicatorDaemon: def __init__(self, onionrInst, proxyPort, developmentMode=config.get('general.dev_mode', False)): onionrInst.communicatorInst = self # configure logger and stuff onionr.Onionr.setupConfig('data/', self = self) self.proxyPort = proxyPort self.isOnline = True # Assume we're connected to the internet # list of timer instances self.timers = [] # initialize core with Tor socks port being 3rd argument self.proxyPort = proxyPort self._core = onionrInst.onionrCore # initialize NIST beacon salt and time self.nistSaltTimestamp = 0 self.powSalt = 0 self.blocksToUpload = [] # loop time.sleep delay in seconds self.delay = 1 # lists of connected peers and peers we know we can't reach currently self.onlinePeers = [] self.offlinePeers = [] self.cooldownPeer = {} self.connectTimes = {} self.peerProfiles = [] # list of peer's profiles (onionrpeers.PeerProfile instances) self.newPeers = [] # Peers merged to us. Don't add to db until we know they're reachable # amount of threads running by name, used to prevent too many self.threadCounts = {} # set true when shutdown command received self.shutdown = False # list of new blocks to download, added to when new block lists are fetched from peers self.blockQueue = {} # list of blocks currently downloading, avoid s self.currentDownloading = [] # timestamp when the last online node was seen self.lastNodeSeen = None # Dict of time stamps for peer's block list lookup times, to avoid downloading full lists all the time self.dbTimestamps = {} # Clear the daemon queue for any dead messages if os.path.exists(self._core.queueDB): self._core.clearDaemonQueue() # Loads in and starts the enabled plugins plugins.reload() # daemon tools are misc daemon functions, e.g. announce to online peers # intended only for use by OnionrCommunicatorDaemon self.daemonTools = onionrdaemontools.DaemonTools(self) # time app started running for info/statistics purposes self.startTime = self._core._utils.getEpoch() if developmentMode: OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.heartbeat, 30) # Set timers, function reference, seconds # requiresPeer True means the timer function won't fire if we have no connected peers peerPoolTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.getOnlinePeers, 60, maxThreads=1) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.runCheck, 2, maxThreads=1) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.lookupBlocks, self._core.config.get('timers.lookupBlocks'), requiresPeer=True, maxThreads=1) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.getBlocks, self._core.config.get('timers.getBlocks'), requiresPeer=True, maxThreads=2) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.clearOfflinePeer, 58) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonTools.cleanOldBlocks, 65) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.lookupAdders, 60, requiresPeer=True) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonTools.cooldownPeer, 30, requiresPeer=True) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.uploadBlock, 10, requiresPeer=True, maxThreads=1) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonCommands, 6, maxThreads=1) OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.detectAPICrash, 30, maxThreads=1) deniableBlockTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonTools.insertDeniableBlock, 180, requiresPeer=True, maxThreads=1) netCheckTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonTools.netCheck, 600) if config.get('general.security_level') == 0: announceTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonTools.announceNode, 3600, requiresPeer=True, maxThreads=1) announceTimer.count = (announceTimer.frequency - 120) else: logger.debug('Will not announce node.') cleanupTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.peerCleanup, 300, requiresPeer=True) forwardSecrecyTimer = OnionrCommunicatorTimers(self, self.daemonTools.cleanKeys, 15) # set loop to execute instantly to load up peer pool (replaced old pool init wait) peerPoolTimer.count = (peerPoolTimer.frequency - 1) cleanupTimer.count = (cleanupTimer.frequency - 60) deniableBlockTimer.count = (deniableBlockTimer.frequency - 175) #forwardSecrecyTimer.count = (forwardSecrecyTimer.frequency - 990) if config.get('general.socket_servers'): self.socketServer = threading.Thread(target=onionrsockets.OnionrSocketServer, args=(self._core,)) self.socketServer.start() self.socketClient = onionrsockets.OnionrSocketClient(self._core) # Main daemon loop, mainly for calling timers, don't do any complex operations here to avoid locking try: while not self.shutdown: for i in self.timers: if self.shutdown: break i.processTimer() time.sleep(self.delay) # Debug to print out used FDs (regular and net) #proc = psutil.Process() #print(proc.open_files(), len(psutil.net_connections())) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown = True pass logger.info('Goodbye.') self._core.killSockets = True self._core._utils.localCommand('shutdown') # shutdown the api time.sleep(0.5) def lookupAdders(self): '''Lookup new peer addresses''' logger.info('Looking up new addresses...') tryAmount = 1 newPeers = [] for i in range(tryAmount): # Download new peer address list from random online peers if len(newPeers) > 10000: # Dont get new peers if we have too many queued up break peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() newAdders = self.peerAction(peer, action='pex') try: newPeers = newAdders.split(',') except AttributeError: pass else: # Validate new peers are good format and not already in queue invalid = [] for x in newPeers: if not self._core._utils.validateID(x) or x in self.newPeers: invalid.append(x) for x in invalid: newPeers.remove(x) self.newPeers.extend(newPeers) self.decrementThreadCount('lookupAdders') def lookupBlocks(self): '''Lookup new blocks & add them to download queue''' logger.info('Looking up new blocks...') tryAmount = 2 newBlocks = '' existingBlocks = self._core.getBlockList() triedPeers = [] # list of peers we've tried this time around maxBacklog = 1560 # Max amount of *new* block hashes to have already in queue, to avoid memory exhaustion lastLookupTime = 0 # Last time we looked up a particular peer's list for i in range(tryAmount): listLookupCommand = 'getblocklist' # This is defined here to reset it each time if len(self.blockQueue) >= maxBacklog: break if not self.isOnline: break # check if disk allocation is used if self._core._utils.storageCounter.isFull(): logger.debug('Not looking up new blocks due to maximum amount of allowed disk space used') break peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() # select random online peer # if we've already tried all the online peers this time around, stop if peer in triedPeers: if len(self.onlinePeers) == len(triedPeers): break else: continue triedPeers.append(peer) # Get the last time we looked up a peer's stamp to only fetch blocks since then. # Saved in memory only for privacy reasons try: lastLookupTime = self.dbTimestamps[peer] except KeyError: lastLookupTime = 0 else: listLookupCommand += '?date=%s' % (lastLookupTime,) try: newBlocks = self.peerAction(peer, listLookupCommand) # get list of new block hashes except Exception as error: logger.warn('Could not get new blocks from %s.' % peer, error = error) newBlocks = False else: self.dbTimestamps[peer] = self._core._utils.getRoundedEpoch(roundS=60) if newBlocks != False: # if request was a success for i in newBlocks.split('\n'): if self._core._utils.validateHash(i): # if newline seperated string is valid hash if not i in existingBlocks: # if block does not exist on disk and is not already in block queue if i not in self.blockQueue: if onionrproofs.hashMeetsDifficulty(i) and not self._core._blacklist.inBlacklist(i): if len(self.blockQueue) <= 1000000: self.blockQueue[i] = [peer] # add blocks to download queue else: if peer not in self.blockQueue[i]: if len(self.blockQueue[i]) < 10: self.blockQueue[i].append(peer) self.decrementThreadCount('lookupBlocks') return def getBlocks(self): '''download new blocks in queue''' for blockHash in list(self.blockQueue): triedQueuePeers = [] # List of peers we've tried for a block try: blockPeers = list(self.blockQueue[blockHash]) except KeyError: blockPeers = [] removeFromQueue = True if self.shutdown or not self.isOnline: # Exit loop if shutting down or offline break # Do not download blocks being downloaded or that are already saved (edge cases) if blockHash in self.currentDownloading: #logger.debug('Already downloading block %s...' % blockHash) continue if blockHash in self._core.getBlockList(): #logger.debug('Block %s is already saved.' % (blockHash,)) try: del self.blockQueue[blockHash] except KeyError: pass continue if self._core._blacklist.inBlacklist(blockHash): continue if self._core._utils.storageCounter.isFull(): break self.currentDownloading.append(blockHash) # So we can avoid concurrent downloading in other threads of same block if len(blockPeers) == 0: peerUsed = self.pickOnlinePeer() else: blockPeers = self._core._crypto.randomShuffle(blockPeers) peerUsed = blockPeers.pop(0) if not self.shutdown and peerUsed.strip() != '': logger.info("Attempting to download %s from %s..." % (blockHash[:12], peerUsed)) content = self.peerAction(peerUsed, 'getdata/' + blockHash) # block content from random peer (includes metadata) if content != False and len(content) > 0: try: content = content.encode() except AttributeError: pass realHash = self._core._crypto.sha3Hash(content) try: realHash = realHash.decode() # bytes on some versions for some reason except AttributeError: pass if realHash == blockHash: content = content.decode() # decode here because sha3Hash needs bytes above metas = self._core._utils.getBlockMetadataFromData(content) # returns tuple(metadata, meta), meta is also in metadata metadata = metas[0] if self._core._utils.validateMetadata(metadata, metas[2]): # check if metadata is valid, and verify nonce if self._core._crypto.verifyPow(content): # check if POW is enough/correct logger.info('Attempting to save block %s...' % blockHash[:12]) try: self._core.setData(content) except onionrexceptions.DiskAllocationReached: logger.error('Reached disk allocation allowance, cannot save block %s.' % blockHash) removeFromQueue = False else: self._core.addToBlockDB(blockHash, dataSaved=True) self._core._utils.processBlockMetadata(blockHash) # caches block metadata values to block database else: logger.warn('POW failed for block %s.' % blockHash) else: if self._core._blacklist.inBlacklist(realHash): logger.warn('Block %s is blacklisted.' % (realHash,)) else: logger.warn('Metadata for block %s is invalid.' % blockHash) self._core._blacklist.addToDB(blockHash) else: # if block didn't meet expected hash tempHash = self._core._crypto.sha3Hash(content) # lazy hack, TODO use var try: tempHash = tempHash.decode() except AttributeError: pass # Punish peer for sharing invalid block (not always malicious, but is bad regardless) onionrpeers.PeerProfiles(peerUsed, self._core).addScore(-50) if tempHash != 'ed55e34cb828232d6c14da0479709bfa10a0923dca2b380496e6b2ed4f7a0253': # Dumb hack for 404 response from peer. Don't log it if 404 since its likely not malicious or a critical error. logger.warn('Block hash validation failed for ' + blockHash + ' got ' + tempHash) else: removeFromQueue = False # Don't remove from queue if 404 if removeFromQueue: try: del self.blockQueue[blockHash] # remove from block queue both if success or false except KeyError: pass self.currentDownloading.remove(blockHash) self.decrementThreadCount('getBlocks') return def pickOnlinePeer(self): '''randomly picks peer from pool without bias (using secrets module)''' retData = '' while True: peerLength = len(self.onlinePeers) if peerLength <= 0: break try: # get a random online peer, securely. May get stuck in loop if network is lost or if all peers in pool magically disconnect at once retData = self.onlinePeers[self._core._crypto.secrets.randbelow(peerLength)] except IndexError: pass else: break return retData def decrementThreadCount(self, threadName): '''Decrement amount of a thread name if more than zero, called when a function meant to be run in a thread ends''' try: if self.threadCounts[threadName] > 0: self.threadCounts[threadName] -= 1 except KeyError: pass def clearOfflinePeer(self): '''Removes the longest offline peer to retry later''' try: removed = self.offlinePeers.pop(0) except IndexError: pass else: logger.debug('Removed ' + removed + ' from offline list, will try them again.') self.decrementThreadCount('clearOfflinePeer') def getOnlinePeers(self): ''' Manages the self.onlinePeers attribute list, connects to more peers if we have none connected ''' logger.debug('Refreshing peer pool...') maxPeers = int(config.get('peers.max_connect', 10)) needed = maxPeers - len(self.onlinePeers) for i in range(needed): if len(self.onlinePeers) == 0: self.connectNewPeer(useBootstrap=True) else: self.connectNewPeer() if self.shutdown: break else: if len(self.onlinePeers) == 0: logger.debug('Couldn\'t connect to any peers.' + (' Last node seen %s ago.' % self.daemonTools.humanReadableTime(time.time() - self.lastNodeSeen) if not self.lastNodeSeen is None else '')) else: self.lastNodeSeen = time.time() self.decrementThreadCount('getOnlinePeers') def addBootstrapListToPeerList(self, peerList): ''' Add the bootstrap list to the peer list (no duplicates) ''' for i in self._core.bootstrapList: if i not in peerList and i not in self.offlinePeers and i != self._core.hsAddress and len(str(i).strip()) > 0: peerList.append(i) self._core.addAddress(i) def connectNewPeer(self, peer='', useBootstrap=False): '''Adds a new random online peer to self.onlinePeers''' retData = False tried = self.offlinePeers if peer != '': if self._core._utils.validateID(peer): peerList = [peer] else: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidAddress('Will not attempt connection test to invalid address') else: peerList = self._core.listAdders() mainPeerList = self._core.listAdders() peerList = onionrpeers.getScoreSortedPeerList(self._core) if len(peerList) < 8 or secrets.randbelow(4) == 3: tryingNew = [] for x in self.newPeers: if x not in peerList: peerList.append(x) tryingNew.append(x) for i in tryingNew: self.newPeers.remove(i) if len(peerList) == 0 or useBootstrap: # Avoid duplicating bootstrap addresses in peerList self.addBootstrapListToPeerList(peerList) for address in peerList: if not config.get('tor.v3onions') and len(address) == 62: continue if len(address) == 0 or address in tried or address in self.onlinePeers or address in self.cooldownPeer: continue if self.shutdown: return if self.peerAction(address, 'ping') == 'pong!': logger.info('Connected to ' + address) time.sleep(0.1) if address not in mainPeerList: networkmerger.mergeAdders(address, self._core) if address not in self.onlinePeers: self.onlinePeers.append(address) self.connectTimes[address] = self._core._utils.getEpoch() retData = address # add peer to profile list if they're not in it for profile in self.peerProfiles: if profile.address == address: break else: self.peerProfiles.append(onionrpeers.PeerProfiles(address, self._core)) break else: tried.append(address) logger.debug('Failed to connect to ' + address) return retData def removeOnlinePeer(self, peer): '''Remove an online peer''' try: del self.connectTimes[peer] except KeyError: pass try: del self.dbTimestamps[peer] except KeyError: pass try: self.onlinePeers.remove(peer) except ValueError: pass def peerCleanup(self): '''This just calls onionrpeers.cleanupPeers, which removes dead or bad peers (offline too long, too slow)''' onionrpeers.peerCleanup(self._core) self.decrementThreadCount('peerCleanup') def printOnlinePeers(self): '''logs online peer list''' if len(self.onlinePeers) == 0: logger.warn('No online peers') else: logger.info('Online peers:') for i in self.onlinePeers: score = str(self.getPeerProfileInstance(i).score) logger.info(i + ', score: ' + score) def peerAction(self, peer, action, data=''): '''Perform a get request to a peer''' if len(peer) == 0: return False #logger.debug('Performing ' + action + ' with ' + peer + ' on port ' + str(self.proxyPort)) url = 'http://%s/%s' % (peer, action) if len(data) > 0: url += '&data=' + data self._core.setAddressInfo(peer, 'lastConnectAttempt', self._core._utils.getEpoch()) # mark the time we're trying to request this peer retData = self._core._utils.doGetRequest(url, port=self.proxyPort) # if request failed, (error), mark peer offline if retData == False: try: self.getPeerProfileInstance(peer).addScore(-10) self.removeOnlinePeer(peer) if action != 'ping': self.getOnlinePeers() # Will only add a new peer to pool if needed except ValueError: pass else: self._core.setAddressInfo(peer, 'lastConnect', self._core._utils.getEpoch()) self.getPeerProfileInstance(peer).addScore(1) return retData def getPeerProfileInstance(self, peer): '''Gets a peer profile instance from the list of profiles, by address name''' for i in self.peerProfiles: # if the peer's profile is already loaded, return that if i.address == peer: retData = i break else: # if the peer's profile is not loaded, return a new one. connectNewPeer adds it the list on connect retData = onionrpeers.PeerProfiles(peer, self._core) return retData def getUptime(self): return self._core._utils.getEpoch() - self.startTime def heartbeat(self): '''Show a heartbeat debug message''' logger.debug('Heartbeat. Node running for %s.' % self.daemonTools.humanReadableTime(self.getUptime())) self.decrementThreadCount('heartbeat') def daemonCommands(self): ''' Process daemon commands from daemonQueue ''' cmd = self._core.daemonQueue() response = '' if cmd is not False: events.event('daemon_command', onionr = None, data = {'cmd' : cmd}) if cmd[0] == 'shutdown': self.shutdown = True elif cmd[0] == 'announceNode': if len(self.onlinePeers) > 0: self.announce(cmd[1]) else: logger.debug("No nodes connected. Will not introduce node.") elif cmd[0] == 'runCheck': # deprecated logger.debug('Status check; looks good.') open(self._core.dataDir + '.runcheck', 'w+').close() elif cmd[0] == 'connectedPeers': response = '\n'.join(list(self.onlinePeers)).strip() if response == '': response = 'none' elif cmd[0] == 'localCommand': response = self._core._utils.localCommand(cmd[1]) elif cmd[0] == 'pex': for i in self.timers: if i.timerFunction.__name__ == 'lookupAdders': i.count = (i.frequency - 1) elif cmd[0] == 'uploadBlock': self.blocksToUpload.append(cmd[1]) elif cmd[0] == 'startSocket': # Create our own socket server socketInfo = json.loads(cmd[1]) socketInfo['id'] = uuid.uuid4() self._core.startSocket = socketInfo elif cmd[0] == 'addSocket': # Socket server was created for us socketInfo = json.loads(cmd[1]) peer = socketInfo['peer'] reason = socketInfo['reason'] threading.Thread(target=self.socketClient.startSocket, args=(peer, reason)).start() else: logger.info('Recieved daemonQueue command:' + cmd[0]) if cmd[0] not in ('', None): if response != '': self._core._utils.localCommand('queueResponseAdd/' + cmd[4], post=True, postData={'data': response}) response = '' self.decrementThreadCount('daemonCommands') def uploadBlock(self): '''Upload our block to a few peers''' # when inserting a block, we try to upload it to a few peers to add some deniability triedPeers = [] finishedUploads = [] self.blocksToUpload = self._core._crypto.randomShuffle(self.blocksToUpload) if len(self.blocksToUpload) != 0: for bl in self.blocksToUpload: if not self._core._utils.validateHash(bl): logger.warn('Requested to upload invalid block') self.decrementThreadCount('uploadBlock') return for i in range(min(len(self.onlinePeers), 6)): peer = self.pickOnlinePeer() if peer in triedPeers: continue triedPeers.append(peer) url = 'http://' + peer + '/upload' data = {'block': block.Block(bl).getRaw()} proxyType = '' if peer.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' elif peer.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' logger.info("Uploading block to " + peer) if not self._core._utils.doPostRequest(url, data=data, proxyType=proxyType) == False: self._core._utils.localCommand('waitforshare/' + bl, post=True) finishedUploads.append(bl) for x in finishedUploads: try: self.blocksToUpload.remove(x) except ValueError: pass self.decrementThreadCount('uploadBlock') def announce(self, peer): '''Announce to peers our address''' if self.daemonTools.announceNode() == False: logger.warn('Could not introduce node.') def detectAPICrash(self): '''exit if the api server crashes/stops''' if self._core._utils.localCommand('ping', silent=False) not in ('pong', 'pong!'): for i in range(8): if self._core._utils.localCommand('ping') in ('pong', 'pong!') or self.shutdown: break # break for loop time.sleep(1) else: # This executes if the api is NOT detected to be running events.event('daemon_crash', onionr = None, data = {}) logger.error('Daemon detected API crash (or otherwise unable to reach API after long time), stopping...') self.shutdown = True self.decrementThreadCount('detectAPICrash') def runCheck(self): if self.daemonTools.runCheck(): logger.debug('Status check; looks good.') self.decrementThreadCount('runCheck') class OnionrCommunicatorTimers: def __init__(self, daemonInstance, timerFunction, frequency, makeThread=True, threadAmount=1, maxThreads=5, requiresPeer=False): self.timerFunction = timerFunction self.frequency = frequency self.threadAmount = threadAmount self.makeThread = makeThread self.requiresPeer = requiresPeer self.daemonInstance = daemonInstance self.maxThreads = maxThreads self._core = self.daemonInstance._core self.daemonInstance.timers.append(self) self.count = 0 def processTimer(self): # mark how many instances of a thread we have (decremented at thread end) try: self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] except KeyError: self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] = 0 # execute thread if it is time, and we are not missing *required* online peer if self.count == self.frequency: try: if self.requiresPeer and len(self.daemonInstance.onlinePeers) == 0: raise onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded except onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded: pass else: if self.makeThread: for i in range(self.threadAmount): if self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] >= self.maxThreads: logger.debug('%s is currently using the maximum number of threads, not starting another.' % self.timerFunction.__name__) else: self.daemonInstance.threadCounts[self.timerFunction.__name__] += 1 newThread = threading.Thread(target=self.timerFunction) newThread.start() else: self.timerFunction() self.count = -1 # negative 1 because its incremented at bottom self.count += 1 def startCommunicator(onionrInst, proxyPort): OnionrCommunicatorDaemon(onionrInst, proxyPort)